Pension is not a diagnosis with which a person is “discharged” for a well-deserved rest. The pensioner is the same member of society as he was yesterday, only he has much more time to realize his dream, for which, perhaps, there was not enough time when he worked. The main thing for a person is to be in demand in the family and society and not to set oneself on loneliness.
It's safe to say that the current generation of pensioners will not sit on the bench. They are still full of vitality and energy to continue to live, and not to exist. You can find such circles for pensioners that would meet the desire to be a member of them. So, for example, someone likes fishing, and someone cannot live without chess. If you set a goal, then in your city you can find circles, sections of pensioners who are passionate about the same.
Pensioner and Internet
TV in the 21st century is no longer relevant. The internet has taken over retirees. Where, if not on the Web, you can find like-minded people in any field of knowledgeand skills? You don’t even need to leave your home to apply to a group or circle that interests you. For retirees, the Web provides an incredible number of options.

Do you want to learn a computer? Computer courses will help to gain knowledge about the computer itself, and about what you can do on the Internet. After all, the virtual network is a huge library of knowledge. For many, the Internet will become a new interesting hobby that does not allow the soul to grow old. And for household members, especially the younger generation, you will significantly increase your rating by owning a computer as a confident user.
You can use your computer to spend your leisure time to your advantage. You will open up new opportunities for maintaining your accounting not on paper, but in spreadsheets. You will use Photoshop to create family photo albums and process photos. Finally, you can make money online by opening your store, or you can shop from the comfort of your home. Thanks to the World Wide Web, you can start selling your crafts, if any.
Sport is he alth

For older people, it is important to have live communication with interesting people who have already found something to do in retirement. You can even meet them on a morning run somewhere in a nearby park or square. After talking with them, get useful information about the he althy lifestyle they lead, about where it is better to sign up for a pool, yoga or fitness. Participation in varioussports competitions that are feasible for he alth are an excellent leisure activity for pensioners. There are circles, sections, interest courses in the palace of culture or a club in any city.
You can start painting. Perhaps this talent was so deeply buried that in his youth he did not show himself in any way. For example, Muslim Magomayev painted his first paintings when he finished his creative activity.

Or maybe you dreamed of singing or dancing, but somehow there was not enough time for this activity when you were working? There are also such circles for pensioners in the palaces of culture and clubs. If you sing, you should sign up for a choir club. Yes, and you can start dancing at 60.
Fans of planting flowers do not have to find a circle of flower growers. You are the guru in this matter. After retirement, you will have enough time to engage not only in breeding, but also in the sale of your unique varieties, turning your hobby into an additional income for retirement.

Lovers of needlework or canning can also find their niche in the labor market. As they say, there would be a product. Embroidery and knitting do not go out of fashion. And if you are a needlewoman in this area, you can find buyers who will become your customers. There will be enough time in retirement to do this job quickly and on time.
Without leaving home
Mugs for pensioners can be organized at home. Mostly women participate in such home circles,engaged in fashionable embroidery with ribbons, knitting, creating children's toys, weaving from newspaper tubes. A fashionable direction in the creation of toys, such as a tilde, an attic toy or an unusual toy made of nylon socks and synthetic winterizer, is of interest to many needlewomen. How to make such toys can be found on the Internet, but live communication with those who know how to do it will give beginners much more. After all, in any business there are little secrets and subtleties of execution. They can be shared by participating in the work of the circle. With finished works, craftswomen can participate in various city and regional exhibitions.
Retired men feel not forgotten when they have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience. They can take up hands-on work in modeling or wood carving. A knowledgeable teacher is a godsend for such circles.

What the capital offers to pensioners
Capital pensioners, of course, have more opportunities for self-realization in retirement than in the provinces. There are circles for pensioners in Moscow in all districts. They are often called interest clubs, in which pensioners can learn how to work on a computer, do yoga, dance, sing, paint. This is a small list where pensioners who have registered with the CSO can get. After completing the documents, they get the opportunity not only to attend circles and sections, but also to receive discounts on the purchase of tickets to the cultural centers of the capital.
And yet worth ittravel
Well, one cannot but say about the desire of people of retirement age to travel. Probably, many people would like to see the world not in the “Travel Club” on TV, but in reality, with their own eyes. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to do this. There are not enough savings and the pension is not so great… Sometimes, even with some savings, pensioners do not allow themselves to fulfill their hidden dream, to see the world. But you can always find a way out. It is not necessary to go abroad, because so many interesting trips are organized by travel agencies in the country where you live.
Surprising conclusions were made by gerontologists by analyzing when a person feels happy. And as it turned out, for a person, earthly happiness is doing one's favorite things.