Most parents are anxious about choosing an educational institution for future first graders. Some need a lyceum, others need a gymnasium, and others need one of the ordinary city schools, for example, school 112 in Chelyabinsk. Ahead of the guys are waiting for difficult years of study. Will teachers be able to interest students? What training programs will be used, what methods? It is great if at the same time there will be an opportunity to study individual subjects in depth, to combine studies with additional education. The administration of school No. 112 will answer all your questions. School address: st. Heroes of Tankograd, 104.

About teachers and the organization of the educational process
A lot depends on teachers, they say at school 112 in Chelyabinsk. They must be professional innovators of new approaches in working with children, creative people, striving for newknowledge. The teaching staff of the school mainly employs specialists of the highest and first categories. Most of them have over 20-30 years of experience. Young specialists have also proven themselves well. Almost 1,480 students receive general education at school: primary, basic, secondary.
Younger students study under the "Program of Primary General Education". The school provides additional education for children. This educational institution is accredited. Its founder is the Committee for Education of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Equipment of school 112
The structure of the educational institution has 37 classrooms, 2 rooms for computer science lessons, 2 gyms, a gym and exercise therapy rooms, a library, a canteen, an assembly hall, a sports ground and half a hectare of land for experimental work of students. The library is equipped with multimedia encyclopedias, an electronic catalogue, and has its own Internet access. The school media lecture hall is also connected to it and to the local network of the institution - an audience equipped with modern multimedia facilities and an interactive whiteboard. In total, 7 dozen computers are used to equip the educational process, 40 of which are connected to the Internet.

Some unusual classes function at school 112 in Chelyabinsk. Education in them is carried out according to special programs. The directions of additional education are as follows:
- Artistic and aesthetic.
- Physical and sports. School 112 is one of the five most sporting educational institutions in the city. In sports classes, schoolchildren are successfully involved in speed skating, handball, swimming and basketball. Many students attend sports sections at the school. The result of a thoughtful organization of physical education for schoolchildren is numerous victories in competitions in volleyball, checkers, cross-country skiing, basketball, athletics and general physical training.
- Tourism and local history. There are divisions: "Young Tour Guide", "Studying the Native Land", "Young Tourists".
- Eco-biological: "Young Naturalist".
- Military-patriotic. Includes programs for cadet classes "Young Rescuer", "Cadet from A to Z" and others.
- Profile education in high school: defense-sports, natural sciences, physics and mathematics, humanitarian.

Reviews about the school 112 of Chelyabinsk characterize it as the best in the nearest district. Detailed information about the educational institution is on the official website of the school. It's just a pity that not everyone who wants to manage to enter it. This is due to the place where first-graders live.

But in any case, you need to take the choice of school very seriously. Important whenThis is to explain to children that the main thing is not just to go to school, but to study in it!