Comparison of Canada and Russia: geographical location, climate, relief, population, economy

Comparison of Canada and Russia: geographical location, climate, relief, population, economy
Comparison of Canada and Russia: geographical location, climate, relief, population, economy

Between Russia and Canada, in fact, a lot in common. Especially when it comes to geography. After all, both of these countries are located in northern latitudes and, moreover, are approximately comparable in area. But we will try to compare Canada and Russia not only in terms of physical and geographical, but also in terms of socio-economic parameters. In this article you will find many numbers, maps and interesting facts.

Comparison of Canada and Russia: total numbers

The Russian Federation and Canada are the two largest countries in the Northern Hemisphere. They are located on different continents and have no common borders. In what ways are they similar and how do they differ from each other? Let's try to answer these questions. We will start our geographic comparison of Canada and Russia with general numbers and facts.

Russia Canada
Territory area

17, 12 million sq. km.

(1st place inworld)

9, 98 million sq. km.

(2nd in the world)

Length from north to south About 4000 km. 4600 km.
Length from east to west About 10,000 km. 7700 km.

143, 3 million people

(9th in the world)

34, 2 million people

(36th in the world)

Capital Moscow Ottawa
Official languages Russian English and French
Currency Ruble Canadian dollar
Time Zones UTC +2 – UTC +11 UTC –3, 5 – UTC –8
Number of neighboring countries 16 1
Form of government Presidential-parliamentary republic Parliamentary Monarchy
Place in the ranking of men's hockey teams (IIHF, 2018) 3rd place 1st place

Next, we will conduct a thorough comparison of Russia and Canada according to five main criteria. This geographical location, climate, relief,population and economy.

Geographic location

Canada and Russia are located at approximately the same latitudes. But on different continents. Canada occupies the northern expanses of North America (between 41 and 71 degrees north latitude). Russia - northern and central regions of Eurasia (between 41 and 77 degrees north latitude).

Russia and Canada country comparison
Russia and Canada country comparison

Both Canada and Russia have vast coastlines. Both states are washed by the waters of three oceans - the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic.

Climate and relief

Both Russia and Canada are predominantly flat countries. 70% of the territory of the Russian Federation is occupied by plains and lowlands (see map). Only the southern and eastern parts of the country are distinguished by mountainousness. The system of the Ural Mountains conditionally divides Russia into two parts - European and Asian. The highest point of the country is located within the Greater Caucasus - this is Mount Elbrus (5642 m).

geographical location of Russia and Canada
geographical location of Russia and Canada

Approximately 60% of Canada is also occupied by lowlands and plains (see map). They are based on the ledge of the ancient Precambrian foundation - the Canadian Shield. The Cordillera Mountains occupy the western part of Canada, in the southeast, the Appalachians partially enter into its limits. The highest point in the country is Mount Logan (5956 m).

Ottawa Toronto Montreal
Ottawa Toronto Montreal

Due to the considerable length of Canada and Russia from north to south, the climate in both states is very diverse. Summer temperaturesair in Russia varies from 0˚С (in the north) to +25˚С (in the south), winter - from +5˚С (in the south) to –40˚С (in the north).

Mean values of temperature amplitudes in Canada are about the same. The minimum temperature ever observed in Canada is -63˚С (recorded in the Yukon), in Russia -71˚С (recorded in the village of Oymyakon). Significant territories, both in Russia and Canada, are occupied by permafrost.


Russia has four times as many people as Canada. But the picture of population distribution in both countries is approximately the same (see maps below). The reason for this is, again, the climate. In Russia, the bulk of the population is concentrated in the European part of the country and the Far East, in Canada - in a narrow strip along the border with the United States.

population of Russia and Canada
population of Russia and Canada

The largest cities in Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm.

economy of Russia and Canada
economy of Russia and Canada

Major cities in Canada: Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Edmonton.

Economic indicators

If we compare these two states in terms of socio-economic indicators, then here, of course, the advantage will be on the side of Canada.

Thus, the per capita GDP in this country is 2.5 times higher than in Russia ($43,000 and $18,000 respectively). At the same time, Canadians on average work less than Russians (1706 and 1980 hours a year).

The average life expectancy in Russia is 70 years, in Canada - 82 years. In the ranking of countries according to the quality of life indexCanada ranks ninth and Russia 71st. One thing pleases: the unemployment rate in the Russian Federation is slightly lower than in Canada (5.8% and 6.9% respectively).
