Comparative analysis: concept, types and examples

Comparative analysis: concept, types and examples
Comparative analysis: concept, types and examples

Comparative analysis is a method of comparing two or more research objects (phenomena, objects, ideas, results, etc.). As a result of such an analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of the compared objects are revealed for the purpose of classification. Comparative analysis is applied in various disciplines. The meaning, types of analysis and examples are discussed in the article.

comparative analysis of mass indicators
comparative analysis of mass indicators

Benchmarking plan

Comparison is one of the simplest ways by which a person learns the world around him. The whole point of the comparative method is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the compared objects. The objects of study must be homogeneous, that is, they must belong to the same genus, category. After the objects of comparison are selected (there may be two or more), the type of comparison is selected. For example, dynamic, spatial, etc. The next stage is to decide on how many indicators objects will be evaluated and compared. And the final stage of the method of comparative analysis is the choice of the scalecomparisons.

Disciplines that are based on the comparative method

A number of disciplines are based on comparative analysis, which relate to various areas of human life. For example, comparative anatomy, which is one of the biological disciplines, studies the patterns of structure and development of both the organs themselves and their systems. And there are quite a lot of such disciplines, in addition to comparative anatomy, using the comparative method of analysis as the basis of knowledge: comparative theology, comparative historical linguistics, comparative literary criticism, comparative mythology, comparative political science, comparative law, comparative psychology, comparative religion, comparative criminal law, comparative philosophy.

height comparison
height comparison

Advantages and disadvantages of the comparison method

Comparative analysis is universal, refers to general scientific methods of research, it is a logical technique in the knowledge of the world around. It allows you to highlight the common features, characteristics of the analyzed objects, to identify differences, to identify the distinctive features of specific objects from among those common to all analyzed objects (phenomena, ideas, results, etc.). The main disadvantage of the discussed method is that all the results obtained can be questioned due to their subjectivity: what seems to be a difference to one person is either imperceptible to another, or is not a distinctive feature at all. In other words, the inability of the analyzer to objectively assess the properties of theobject, compare them with the properties of other objects and take into account all aspects of the process of identifying common and different characteristics is the main disadvantage.

circle, square, triangle
circle, square, triangle


Comparative analysis can be divided into:

  1. Quantitative - quantitative characteristics are analyzed.
  2. Qualitative - analysis of the characteristics that determine the quality of the investigated object, phenomenon, result.
  3. Retrospective - analyzes past changes that affect the current situation.
  4. Applied - the result of the object's activity is investigated.
  5. Research - this type of analysis is used in the analytical sciences.
  6. Descriptive - initially explores the structure of the object (phenomenon), gradually moving to the analysis of functions and goals.
  7. General - based on general systems theory.
  8. Structural - this type of analysis studies the structure of the analyzed objects.
  9. Microsystem - used to study a specific system.
  10. Macrosystem - analyzes the role of specific systems in the variety of similar systems interconnected by common features.
  11. Vital - studies the development and its main stages of the analyzed system.
  12. Genetic - researches heredity, its mechanism, genetic systems.
  13. Other species.
colorful flasks
colorful flasks

Comparison in economics

Comparative analysis is most often used as a processing methodeconomic information. This analysis is used to obtain reliable knowledge about a certain period of time, to choose the path of further development, to identify the most acceptable option and to solve many other economic problems and issues. The method of comparative analysis is effective and indicative at all levels. It plays an invaluable role in assessing the potential of enterprises.

Varieties of comparison method related to economic activity

For research in the economic field, there are the following types of comparative analysis:

  1. Horizontal and vertical. Horizontal comparative analysis specializes in determining the absolute and relative deviations between indicators that are compared with each other. The vertical analysis of the calculation of the specific weight of parts allows us to study economic phenomena, namely their structure.
  2. Dynamic and static. The dynamic method is also called temporary, it allows you to study the changes in the analyzed processes (phenomena, objects) over time. Static, or spatial, studies the level of the same indicator for a certain time for different objects of study.
  3. One-dimensional and multidimensional. The essence of one-dimensional analysis lies in the fact that either several objects are analyzed according to one indicator, or one object is analyzed according to different indicators. The multidimensional method allows you to explore several objects by several indicators.
  4. Based on comparison. This point needs to be a little more detailed. Casein that this view includes several sub-items.
  • The first of them is the comparison of the expected data with the data of the period considered as a reference. In other words, a forecast is made of the results that should be obtained, then the result is compared with the reporting data of a certain period.
  • Comparison of planned indicators with actually received indicators.
  • Comparison of the data obtained after the fact with the standard values of the indicators established by the norms.
  • When the industry average values of the analyzed indicators are known, the actually obtained data are compared with the industry average.
  • Comparison of actual data with data obtained in the previous period (last year/month/half year).
  • Comparison of obtained data with data obtained from leading enterprises that are leading in the industry.
  • If any factor has been changed or the production situation has changed, then the data obtained before and after the change is compared.
  • And finally, a comparative analysis of different options for management decisions is made.
man and monkey
man and monkey


Comparison results are the data that is obtained during the comparison process. That is, all the distinguishing features, as well as similar ones, are summarized, as a rule, in tables. Based on the values entered in these tables, conclusions are drawn about the disadvantages and advantages of one oranother analyzed object/effect/phenomenon, etc. In other words, the conclusions drawn on the basis of the identified distinctive features are the result of a comparative analysis.

Comparison of corporate governance models

Comparative analysis of corporate governance models used in different countries of the world consists of comparing these models with each other according to various criteria. One of the most important criteria is the hiring of employees. There are two options: quick hire for a short/long period of time and long-term hire for a short/long term. In the second case, hiring employees, as a rule, consists of several stages: a candidate for a position passes an interview (perhaps more than one), then proceeds to training, then undergoes an internship to consolidate the acquired skills and gain experience in using knowledge in practice, then an exam is taken, according to the results of which the candidate gets or does not get the desired position. Such a criterion as decision-making can also be of a different nature - either decisions are made individually or collectively. Responsibility, as well as decision-making, can be collective and individual.

color circle
color circle

Indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise

Comparative analysis of indicators of financial and economic activity of the enterprise begins with the definition of these same indicators. There are four main large groups of indicators, which, in turn, are divided into several smaller ones. To indicators characterizing the economic potentialenterprises, include the assets of the enterprise (i.e., property owned by the enterprise and cash), fixed capital (in other words, part of the capital that more than once takes part in the production activities of the enterprise) and other indicators. The overall results of the enterprise's activities are evaluated by the total costs, which include the costs of maintaining the equipment and its operation, shop expenses. Performance can be assessed by profit, return on sales, assets, equity. The financial position is characterized by such parameters as solvency (general and current), market and financial and economic stability.

Examples outside the economic field

As mentioned above, comparative analysis is used in many areas of human activity. Not only economic efficiency can be assessed by this method. An example of a comparative analysis is the consideration of programs of political, economic, social reforms. It is much easier to make the right decision by comparing the accepted projects with foreign experience, the experience of previous years. The study of management methods, legislation, structures of state systems, as well as their comparison with the experience of other states, allows you to adopt positive experience and effectively implement it in your country both to improve the lives of citizens and to improve the state itself.

before and after
before and after


So, the concept of "comparative analysis" refers to many sciences. This methodis one of the main logical ways of knowing the world around. Since time immemorial, comparison has been used by mankind as the most effective way to study phenomena, results, objects. Due to its versatility, comparative analysis is widely used in various fields of human activity.