The education system must constantly change in order to meet the conditions in which it is implemented. The needs of society can only be met by a developing school. The educational system must be designed in accordance with specific conditions, and then the transition to the desired learning scheme should be planned and implemented. This requires certain strengths and a level of pedagogical culture.

Continuity in the system of continuous education
Determining the ways of establishing a new school, it is necessary to be guided by methodological documents. In particular, we are talking about the decisions of the commission of the Ministry of Education and the Concept, which elaborated the content of lifelong education. These documents formulate the main provisions in accordance with which it is necessary to carry out the restructuring of the pedagogical structure today. Continuity in education is the establishment of a connection and balance between parts of the curriculum at different stages of study. It covers not only specific subjects,but also the interaction between them. The implementation of continuity in education is carried out taking into account the logic and content of a certain science and the established patterns of its assimilation. One of the key tasks is to reduce and overcome the gap between the levels of education. As for the continuity of education, the analysis of studies devoted to it indicates that we are talking primarily about adults. Today, more than ever, it is clear that the one-time training received by a person in his youth is extremely insufficient. Thus, continuity in education, continuous education act as key factors in the process of formation and development of a modern pedagogical structure.

Features of the study
Issues of continuity in education have been studied in the works of many authors. In particular, reflections on the topic can be found in the works of Ganelin, Dorofeev, Lebedeva and others. According to a number of authors, the success of the process lies in the sequence of learning and assimilation of knowledge, the formation of students' abilities and skills, taking into account the principle of continuity in education. Particular attention is paid to the content of the process, a separate subject. A rather interesting approach to the study of continuity between schools and universities was proposed by Godnik. In his reasoning, he points to the duality of her character. This is proved by the example of interaction between secondary and higher schools. Meanwhile, his conclusions are also relevant for the implementation of continuity between the preschool educational institution andelementary school, middle school, and high school.
Studying continuity in education, there is always a need to explore the features of relationships that are built between the subjects of the process. Interaction takes place both within the educational institution and between schools and other institutions of childhood. Relations between school and family, scientists and practitioners, managers at all levels, etc. are of great importance.

Key destinations
When determining the main trends in the development of pedagogical systems in international practice, education is seen as the formation of the ability to effectively and adequately respond to social demands, while maintaining the positive experience gained earlier. The main thing in this process is the personality-oriented direction. This, in turn, requires the formation of an integral system of continuous learning. It is considered as a process and result of the development of the individual in the existing structures of public and state institutions that provide various levels of training.
Preschool and primary education
The program of succession in education is considered mainly in matters of the content of the pedagogical process. At the same time, approaches at the methodological, psychological and didactic levels seem to be clearly underdeveloped. When forming a single pedagogical space, it is necessary to take into account the techniques and methods that allow optimizing the entire learning process, eliminatingoverload, prevent stress in schoolchildren. Continuity in education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard between preschool and primary education is considered today as one of the factors in the child's continuous learning. Meanwhile, this does not mean that the main goal of the preschool educational institution is to prepare for the first grade.
Major misconceptions
Currently, some authors consider the question of the appropriate formation of the content of the preschool educational process as an earlier study of the primary school curriculum. As a result, the goals of the pedagogical process are reduced to the transfer of narrow-subject skills, abilities and knowledge. In such a situation, continuity in the education system will be determined not by the level of development of the qualities necessary for the future student to carry out new activities, the formation of the prerequisites for acquiring knowledge, but solely by his readiness to master specific school subjects.

Theoretical aspect
Considering continuity in education, the key task is to form a chain of interconnected links. At this stage, the main tasks are:
- Definition of specific and general goals of the pedagogical process at each specific stage. On their basis, a progressive relationship of successive goals is formed, which are preserved and developed from stage to stage.
- Building a consistent and unified structure with justification of the links of the elements used at various age stages.
- Formation of a common content line in subject areas. It should be consistent with the justification of the methodological structure and exclude unreasonable overloads at the preschool level, the focus on the formed acquisition of knowledge and skills that duplicate school subjects.
Practical solution
The implementation of succession can be done in different ways. One of the options is the creation of integrated pedagogical plans for preschool and school education by one team or several interacting groups. Another way is the general theoretical solution of problems based on the "readiness for learning" element. This component is characterized as the formation at a certain necessary level of such personal qualities of the child that help him learn, that is, eat, make him a schoolboy.

Features of the Concept of the Ministry of Education
This document notes the qualitative difference between continuity and continuity of education. The first category relates primarily to the field of organization of pedagogical activity, its methodological support and didactic content. That is, in this case we are talking about the development of the educational institution itself. Continuity in education refers more to the personality of the child. This difference, according to experts, is quite promising and has 3 important consequences. In particular, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- Continuing education acts as coherence, connection andfocus on the future of all elements of the process (means, methods, tasks, forms of organization, content, etc.). It manifests itself at every stage of learning.
- Continuity is interpreted as the formation of qualities necessary for the implementation of educational activities. In particular, we are talking about curiosity, independence, initiative, creative expression, arbitrariness. A key element in early school age is the child's ability to self-change.
- The solution to the issue of continuity and effectiveness of continuity of education is associated with social and individual development, the success of children's adaptation in society. In terms of content, this requires the formation of the communicative and social competence of the child, the development of the skills of psychological and organizational culture.

Main issues
The current situation in pedagogical practice is characterized by the presence of significant differences in the requirements that the school imposes on children. Upon admission to the first grade, in the learning process, the level of formation of the child's narrow-subject abilities and skills (the ability to count, read, etc.) is revealed. Interviews actually turn into a kind of exam, which, in turn, contradicts the provisions of the Federal Law "On Education". Many experts are concerned about this situation. With this understanding of continuity, the tasks of preschool development can be reduced to specific training. At the same time, parents will be forced to forceexploit the child's body. Competitive selection, testing, interviews are quite common at present. This practice is contrary to the interests of the child and violates his constitutional right. Carrying out diagnostics is permissible only as a stage in the organization of the forthcoming individualization of the pedagogical process. As practice shows, about 80% of children attending early childhood development schools are pupils of preschool educational institutions. Parents strive to bring their child up to the proper level, they want to make him the most intelligent, well-read, capable. At the same time, they deprive him of his he alth and often provoke a loss of interest in learning.

Certainly, succession is a two-way process. First of all, the preschool stage is important. It is designed to preserve the value of childhood, to form the fundamental individual qualities of the child, which will serve as the basis for the success of his education in the future. On the other hand, the school is responsible for the further development of children. An educational institution should "pick up" the achievements of the child, give him the opportunity to improve and realize his potential in various areas. An analysis of pedagogical practice indicates that at present it is necessary to more actively implement the developed theoretical provisions. The principle of continuity must be implemented now.