Subequatorial belt: features and differences, flora and fauna

Subequatorial belt: features and differences, flora and fauna
Subequatorial belt: features and differences, flora and fauna

There are various climatic zones on Earth, each of which is accompanied not only by a certain temperature regime, but also by completely different representatives of flora and fauna, original relief and many other features. Their study allows us to better imagine the diverse nature of the planet. For example, the subequatorial belt. What characterizes him?

subequatorial belt
subequatorial belt

Main Features

There are two subequatorial belts on the planet, one in each hemisphere. They cover an area between 20 and 30 degrees. In the World Ocean, the subequatorial belt coincides with the boundary of the trade winds. Its climate is characterized by monsoons and the change of air masses according to the season. In summer, the territory is blown by a humid wind, in winter - dry and tropical. The average temperature of the cold season ranges from 15 to 32 degrees, accompanied by frosts and snowfall only in the highlands. The ocean water in this belt is always characterized by a temperature of plus 25. In combination with increased salinity, this leads to a rather low biodiversity in the basin.

subequatorialclimate zone
subequatorialclimate zone

Territorial differences

The characteristic of the subequatorial belt marks its main features, but there are also differences due to each specific place. For example, in areas located near the equator, the maximum amount of rain falls for nine months and creates up to two thousand millimeters of precipitation. On the mountain ranges, this figure increases six times. At the same time, periods of drought are possible in some regions. For example, in Africa, the fluctuation of the water level is so strong that lakes and rivers, which are full in summer, simply disappear in winter.

Plant world

The subequatorial climatic zone is characterized by red or yellow soils, in which organic matter quickly decomposes. This leads to the appearance of special plants. They are well adapted to local humidity and rainfall - they grow in many tiers and are distinguished by dense thick leaves and a powerful root system. The biodiversity is impressive: here you can find many tree species with edible fruits or valuable bark, coffee trees, palm trees. The subequatorial belt also includes savannah zones. They are distinguished by separately growing trees with extensive thickets of shrubs and tall grass. The savannah has more fertile red-brown soil. Vegetation is represented by such species as acacias, palm trees, baobabs, mimosas. In the driest areas, they are replaced by aloe. The abundance of forbs is also characteristic of the savannah areas.

Characteristics of the subequatorial belt
Characteristics of the subequatorial belt

Animal world

Diversity of fauna directlydepends on the vegetation that distinguishes the subequatorial belt. In areas of tropical forests, all kinds of invertebrates and microorganisms live in loose soil. In the lower tier, you can meet forest pigs, okapi, small ungulates and even elephants. In areas with water bodies, pygmy hippos and gorillas live. The trees are inhabited by a variety of primates, rodents, birds and insects, of which ants and termites are the most common. The largest predator is the leopard. In the conditions of the savannah, various species of ungulates live, these are buffaloes, and antelopes, and zebras, and rhinos. There you can also meet elephants, hippos, giraffes. Predators are also diverse: cheetahs, lions, hyenas, jackals live in the savannah. The world of birds is represented by ostriches, secretary birds, marabou storks. Of the birds, ostriches can also be noted, which are sometimes found even in the Sahara. In the most desert regions, there are many lizards and small snakes, and small antelopes live there.
