Many of our compatriots would like to live in the south. The southern cities have many advantages - the sea is nearby, and it is warm, and fruits are in abundance. Any city on the coast has these advantages in full. Including Krasnodar, which, in addition to the above, is also famous for its medical university. What is it like, KubGMU in Krasnodar?

A few words about the city
You can't get acquainted with the institute without getting to know at least briefly the city in which it is located. So, Krasnodar.
The area in which this glorious and venerable city is located is called the Kuban. And this is not without reason - after all, a river with that name flows there; and just the same, Krasnodar is located on it. By the way, this is not the first name of the city - before, until 1920, it was called Yekaterinodar - in honor of Catherine II, of course, whose monument majestically rises in the city. And then there was a revolution, the Bolsheviks - and Yekaterinodar ceased to be such, but still remained the unofficial capital of the Kuban region. Some call it also the southern capitalRussia, although it is not even a millionaire - at the beginning of this year, the number of inhabitants in Krasnodar was slightly less than nine hundred thousand people.

Once upon a time, even before our era, there was a settlement on the site of Krasnodar. And already at the end of the eighteenth century, the local Black Sea Cossacks received permission from Empress Catherine the Great to build a city on this site. They became the founders of Yekaterinodar, initially set up as a military camp, later becoming a fortress and, finally, growing into a city. At the end of the eighteenth century, only six hundred people lived in the newly formed city, but already in the middle of the next century, Krasnodar became the capital of the newly appeared Kuban region.
In the twentieth century, Krasnodar survived both the Civil War with the entry of Red Army troops into the city, and the Great Patriotic War with the German occupation. And not just the occupation fell on the share of this southern city, but also significant destruction - the city center was practically destroyed and rebuilt after the war. After the collapse of the Union, many streets of the city were returned to their pre-revolutionary names (not only the cities themselves, but also parts of them were renamed during the revolution), and now the historical districts of the city are being reconstructed.
Kuban Medical: start
Leaving Krasnodar during the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis tried to leave behind as much ruin as possible and blew up everything they could. So they did with a beautiful three-story building not far from the city park,which stood out against the background of other neighboring houses with its unusual architecture and decorations of the facade: cast-iron columns above the entrance, stucco molding, instead of glass - a multi-colored stained-glass window. At that time, the building was not so many years old - a little over forty. It was erected at the very end of the nineteenth century according to the project of one of the most famous architects of that time. Now this building is known as the Kuban Medical University - one of the oldest in the city, by the way, and then, during the years of construction, it was intended for the Diocesan Women's School.

And it became - in those years there was an acute need in educational institutions for women. The first students came to the new school in 1901, the last left its walls immediately after the 1917 revolution. During the years of the Civil War, everything was housed in the building: an evacuation center, a military hospital, and a labor palace … There was a small separate building at the school, where the students of that time were taught medicine. And during the war, it was there that they began to bring the wounded.
In 1920, the Institute of Public Education appeared in the city. Thanks to him, the building of the former women's school was given to doctors - the first and fifth year of the corresponding faculty. And just a year later, Krasnodar residents found their own separate medical institute - KubGMU with departments of various directions, which successfully functions to this day, and which will be discussed further.
Chairs and faculties
In total, there are seven faculties in the Kuban Medical School, which have a totalsixty-six departments. Each faculty has its own special ones. Two articles are not enough to tell about all of them, but it is quite possible to highlight some of them. However, first - briefly about the faculties of the university.
As already mentioned, there are seven of them, but two of them - pre-university training and advanced training, will not be discussed here. The remaining five are dental, pediatric, preventive, pharmaceutical and medical. Let's start with the last one.
Medicine Faculty
First of all, you need to explain what makes this faculty special. Who will be the doctor who graduated from it? Surgeon? Ophthalmologist? Physiotherapist? The fact is that the medical faculty is a faculty, so to speak, of a wide profile. At first, the future luminaries of medicine receive general knowledge from their chosen field, and already in the senior years narrow-profile classes begin - the one who chose surgery learns its wisdom, the one who wants to be an "ear-throat" gnaws at the granite of this science. So, the medical faculty of KubGMU was the very first one opened from the moment the university began its work. And for a long time he remained the only one - neither more nor less, but almost forty years. Only in the middle of the twentieth century, even in the second half of it, departments and faculties of other directions began to appear at KubGMU.

To this day, the Medical Faculty remains the leading division of the Medical University of Krasnodar. Now more than two thousand students study at it, and among teachers,putting knowledge into their heads, more than fifty professors. There are eighteen departments of the medical faculty - almost a third of the total! Among them are operative surgery, and orthopedics with traumatology, and normal physiology, and much more.
Faculty of Pediatrics
Slightly less medical - the pediatric faculty, within the walls of which about a thousand people study. It was founded in 1969 and has since produced a lot of real, competent specialists. It was the creation of this faculty that contributed to the fact that the Kuban Medical University began to be considered one of the largest in the North Caucasus. It has eight departments, of which two are purely pediatric (pediatrics number one and number two).
Dental Faculty
It was he who appeared in KubGMU second - it happened in 1963. Graduates of the medical faculty were sent to work in various speci alties, but they did not have the qualifications of a dentist. The opening of the dental branch solved this problem.

It is relatively "compact": only a little over six hundred people study there. A feature of the faculty is that since its inception, not only teaching and educational, but also scientific activities have been carried out there both among students and among employees. Incidentally, the latter include six Doctors of Sciences. Just like in pediatrics, this faculty has eight departments.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Pharmacy training placeappeared in KubGMU at the very end of the last century - in 1998. Along with the medical and preventive faculty, the pharmaceutical faculty was among the last ones opened at KubGMU. There are seven departments on it, of which the main graduating department is the department of pharmacy, there are 400 students (and among them there are also foreign ones). It is interesting that among the departments working at the faculty there is one that, it would seem, does not belong here at all - philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. Graduates of the faculty receive a diploma in their hands with the speci alty "pharmacist" prescribed in it. The Faculty of Preventive Medicine, as mentioned above, this faculty was formed simultaneously with the Faculty of Pharmacy, and more - at least for the time being - no new directions were opened at KubGMU. Students who choose this faculty learn there the basics of general hygiene, bacteriology, virology and the like. There are few students at the faculty - only about two hundred people, but six of them conduct such scientific activities that they were even marked by encouragement from the president of the country. The Faculty of Preventive Medicine is the smallest not only in terms of the number of students, but also in terms of the number of departments - there are only five of them. And just about some departments of KubGMU, it's time to say a little more.
In general, in KubGMU, and more specifically, at the Faculty of Medicine, there are two departments of anatomical character. One - pathological anatomy, the other - normal. Let's say a few words about both.

The first one was founded when the university was first openedrector. Over the years, the department and its staff improved - so, closer to the thirties, a textbook on pathological anatomy appeared at the department, published by the then head, and in addition, lecture material began to be read using transparencies. There was also a museum of macropreparations at the department - during the war it was lost, but then restored. At the beginning of this century, the department was combined with forensic medicine - but then everything returned to normal. The department is engaged in the study of lung tumors, rejection of a heart transplant, and so on.

The Department of Normal Anatomy at KubGMU appeared simultaneously with the above. It functioned actively before the war, when almost all employees went to the front, and the department itself, together with the remaining teachers, left for evacuation - to Yerevan. Thanks to this, many valuable and necessary things that belonged to the department were saved. Currently, nine employees of the department are candidates of science. The department has a museum of anatomy with a large number of constantly replenished exhibits.
General chemistry
Department of General Chemistry of Kuban State Medical University belongs to the Faculty of Pharmacy. Now she is alone, but before, when the medical school had just "fledged", there were three of them. The head is both a candidate of medical sciences and a doctor of pedagogy. In addition to her, there is another doctor and seven candidates working there. For fourteen years now, the department has a postgraduate course in the theory and methodology of teaching and education.
Department of Propaedeutics
The Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of KubGMU is also one of the oldest: the year of its foundation is 1922. It did not always bear such a name - at first it was called the Department of Diagnostics and Private Pathology, but in the thirty-first year it was liquidated and revived only three years later, already with a new "face". Here, future doctors are taught to properly examine patients, think clinically, and observe medical ethics.

In the Kuban medical on Sedina street there are still many different departments. It is impossible to tell about all, but each is unique with something of its own, special. It is worth enrolling in KubGMU to be able to get to know them better!