Consider the concept: “Models. Classification of models” from a scientific point of view.
Currently, there is a division of them into separate groups. Depending on the intended purpose, the following classification of economic and mathematical models is implied:
- theoretical-analytical types related to the study of general characteristics and patterns;
- applied models aimed at solving certain economic problems. These include models of forecasting, economic analysis, management.
Classification of economic and mathematical models is also related to the scope of their practical application.

Model content
Depending on the content issues, such models are divided into groups:
- production models in general;
- separate options for regions, subsystems, industries;
- complexes of patterns of consumption, production, distribution and formation of labor resources, income, financial ties.
Classification of models of these groups implies the allocation of structural, functional, structural-functional subsystems.
When doing researchat the economic level, structural models are explained by the interconnection of individual subsystems. Models of interbranch systems can be distinguished as common options.
Functional options are used for the economic regulation of commodity-money relations. One and the same object can be presented in the form of functional, structural forms at the same time.
The use of structural models in research at the economic level is justified by the interconnection of subsystems. Models of intersectoral relations are typical in this case.
Functional models are widely used in the field of economic regulation. Typical in this case are models of consumer behavior in terms of commodity-money relations.

Differences between models
Let's analyze different models. The classification of models currently used in the economy involves the allocation of normative and descriptive options. Using descriptive models, one can explain the analyzed facts, predict the possibility of the existence of certain facts.

The goal of the descriptive campaign
It involves the empirical identification of various dependencies in the modern economy. For example, the statistical regularities of the economic behavior of various social groups are established, the probable ways of developing certain processes under constant conditions or without external influences are studied. Based on the results obtained duringsociological survey, you can build a model of consumer demand.

Regulatory Models
With their help, one can assume purposeful activity. An example is the optimal scheduling model.
The economic-mathematical model can be both normative and descriptive. If the intersectoral balance model is used in the analysis of the proportions of the past period, it is descriptive. When calculating with its help the optimal ways of economic development, it is normative.

Features of patterns
Classification of models involves taking into account individual functions that help clarify controversial issues. The descriptive approach found its maximum distribution in simulation modeling.
Depending on the nature of the discovery of cause-and-effect relationships, there is a classification of models into options, including individual elements of uncertainty and randomness, as well as rigidly deterministic models. It is important to distinguish between uncertainty, which is based on the theory of probability, and uncertainty, which goes beyond the scope of the law.

Division of models by ways of reflecting the time factor
It is supposed to classify models according to this factor into dynamic and static types. Static models involve consideration of all regularities in a certain period of time. Dynamicoptions are characterized by changes over time. Depending on the duration of use, the classification of models into the following options is allowed:
- short-term, the duration of which does not exceed a year;
- medium-term, for a period of one to five years;
- long-term, over five years.
Depending on the specifics of the project, changes are allowed during the use of the model.
According to the form of mathematical dependencies
The basis for the classification of models is the form of mathematical dependencies chosen for work. They mainly use the class of linear models for carrying out calculations and analysis. Consider the economic types of models. The classification of models of this type helps to study the change in consumption and demand of the population in the event of an increase in their material income. In addition, with the help of an economic model, changes in the needs of the population are analyzed in the event of an increase in production, and the effectiveness of the use of resources in a particular situation is assessed.
Depending on the ratio of endogenous and exogenous variables that are included in the model, the classification of models of these species into closed and open systems is applied.
Any model must include at least one endogenous variable, and therefore it is very problematic to find completely open systems. Models that do not include exogenous variables (closed variants) are also practically uncommon. In order to create such an option, you will have to completely abstract from the environment,allow serious coarsening of the real economic system with external relations.
As the achievements of mathematical and economic research increase, the classification of models, systems, becomes much more complicated. Currently, mixed types are used, as well as complex model designs. A unified classification of information models has not yet been established. At the same time, about ten parameters can be noted, according to which the types of models are aligned.

Model Types
Monographic or verbal model involves a description of a process or phenomenon. Often we are talking about rules, a law, a theorem, or a combination of several parameters.
The graphic model is drawn up in the form of a drawing, a geographical map, a picture. For example, the relationship between consumer demand and product costs can be represented using coordinate axes. The graph clearly demonstrates the relationship between the two quantities.
Real or physical models are created for objects that do not yet exist in reality.
Degree of object aggregation
There is a classification of information models on this basis into:
- local, with the help of which the analysis and forecast of certain indicators of the development of the industry are carried out;
- on microeconomic, designed for a serious analysis of the structure of production;
- macroeconomic, based on the study of the economy.
There is also a separate classification of modelsmanagement for macroeconomic species. They are divided into one-, two-, multi-sector options.
Depending on the purpose of creation and use, the following options are distinguished:
- deterministic, having uniquely understandable results;
- stochastic, which assume probabilistic outcomes.
In the modern economy, balance models are distinguished, which reflect the requirement of matching the resource base and their application. They are written in the form of square chess matrices.
There are also econometric types, for the evaluation of which methods of mathematical statistics are used. Such models express the development of the main indicators of the created economic system through a long trend (trend). They are in demand in the analysis and forecasting of certain economic situations related to real statistical information.
Optimization models make it possible to choose the optimal variant of production, consumption or distribution of resources from a variety of alternative (possible) options. The use of limited resources in such a situation will be the most effective means to achieve the set goal.
Simulation models involve participation in the project not only of an expert, but also of specialized software, a computer. The resulting expert database is intended to solve one or more tasks by simulating human activity.
Network models are a set of operations and events interconnected in time. Oftensuch a model is intended to carry out work in such a sequence as to achieve the minimum time for project completion.
Depending on the selected type of mathematical apparatus, models are distinguished:
- matrix;
- correlation-regressive;
- network;
- inventory management;
- Queue.
Stages of economic and mathematical modeling
This process is purposeful, it is subject to a certain logical program of actions. Among the main stages of creating such a model are:
- statement of the economic problem and its qualitative analysis;
- development of a mathematical model;
- preparation of initial information;
- numerical solution;
- analysis of the results obtained, their use.
When posing an economic problem, it is necessary to clearly formulate the essence of the problem, note the important features and parameters of the object being modeled, analyze the relationship of individual elements in order to explain the development and behavior of the object in question.
When developing a mathematical model, the relationship between equations, inequalities, functions is revealed. First of all, the type of model is determined, the possibility of its application in a specific problem is analyzed, and a specific list of parameters and variables is formed. When considering complex objects, multidimensional models are built so that each characterizes separate aspects of the object.
Next, the necessary mathematicalcalculations, the results are analyzed.
Currently there is no separate model concept. The classification of models is conditional, but this does not reduce their relevance.