People are addicted to different things, sometimes completely different. Scandals are played out when tastes do not match, as if the brothers are forgetting the old truth. We have gathered here not to argue about tastes, but to analyze in detail the noun "hobby". This is what interests us today.

There are useful addictions. For example, a person cannot fall asleep without reading the works of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Orwell or Updike. Theoretically, in the place of Russian and English-speaking authors, there can be any cultural artifacts and symbols.
There are other "hobbies" - these are various stimulants from which dependencies grow. Does the reader want to call them "bad habits"? And rightfully so, but let's see what the dictionary thinks:
- Animation, inspiration.
- Great interest in something or someone.
- Heart attraction to someone, falling in love.
As you can see, the dictionary does not share the gloominess of our moods and, when interpreting the meaning of the word "hobby",quite good meanings. But a wise book may not know the contents that words are filled with when they become the property of oral speech and colloquial vocabulary.
False domination
But we know that when people see that a person abuses alcohol or cigarettes, they say instructively: “Look, don’t get carried away!” In other words, don't let it turn into a mania, an all-consuming passion. Passion is an illusion of control: first, a person subjugates passions and interests, and when they overflow their banks, they are already his masters.
If the reader thinks that all this thinking is off topic, then he is mistaken. Just a priori, people believe that you can only show interest in something positive, with a plus sign, but social and personal history knows examples when a person did not want what would be useful to him. Let's just say that the above applies to the second meaning of the word.
Vocation. Falling in love and love

A person works with enthusiasm when he likes a job, when he thoroughly understands it or really wants to learn all the subtleties. Another option is also possible: the employee is delighted with his colleagues. It is only natural that a person works better where they are understood and their values are shared.
We have only one meaning left, which directly relates to the sphere of romantic relationships. Passion is love in other words. And it has always been unfairly infringed upon. People valued only a more mature feeling, love, while a younger, mischievous andthe volatile sensation of soaring - falling in love, remained in the paddock. But is it fair? For love, you also need to mature morally, because love implies responsibility, while falling in love is good in adolescence, it is fleeting, but this is its charm.

How dangerous it is to be fascinated by romantic themes, they always strive to lead away from our main theme - the meaning and significance of passion, of course, primarily linguistic. However, it remains for us to highlight only the part that talks about its synonyms. Let's get to them:
- love;
- interest;
- passion;
- weakness;
- addiction;
- inspiration;
- obsession;
- self-forgetfulness.
The dictionary of synonyms approached the object of our today's conversation less chastely than its colleague, the explanatory dictionary. For in the list there are such nouns as "addiction" and "weakness." Why so, and not otherwise, we have already explained.