Words that have more than one lexical meaning are usually called polysemantic. The noun "decision" is an example of such a concept. In the explanatory dictionary, several articles are assigned to him, giving an exhaustive definition of each meaning. Let's take a closer look at them.
Use in jurisprudence
According to Efremova, synonyms for this word are the concepts: definition, sentence, decision.
Judgment is, in fact, the court's response to the plaintiff's claim against a person called the defendant. A dispute has arisen between the parties that needs to be resolved. The court is obliged to understand the legitimacy of the claims put forward by the plaintiff and adopt an act in which to recognize them either illegal or subject to full or partial satisfaction. This document is called the decision. It is designed to turn the civil relations of the two disputing parties into indisputable ones. Similar terminology is used by the Arbitration Procedure Code.

The court also issues orders and makes rulings against legal entities and individuals. The decision in a criminal case issentence. There is one more nuance: all intermediate actions of the court in the course of a civil case are also called a decision. For example, the decision to attach a particular document to the case file.
Use in office work
Brockhaus and Efron specify that the term is used both in civil proceedings and in other legal relations, being a kind of normative act in jurisprudence.
TSB interprets that earlier the councils of workers' deputies and their executive committees made official decisions that are binding. Such legal acts have the right to be adopted today by local authorities, various conferences, party meetings, etc. Often they are born in the course of a vote, open or secret.
The decision is also a legal act of the founders of an LLC, CJSC and other organizations of any form of ownership, which have legal significance and are drawn up by a protocol.
Use in mathematics
Any ambiguous words are interpreted depending on the context. In mathematics, a noun is more often used in the following combination: "problem solving." It implies a certain sequence of actions, the purpose of which is to clarify the result, search for an unknown element of an algebraic expression.

Problem solving is a cognitive process that depends on the level of development of thinking, the availability of content and the completeness of the initial data. It is carried out in various ways, of which the following should be highlighted:
- Trial and error. It is used when there is no understanding of the goals and there are hypotheses that need to be tested.
- Using an algorithm developed by others.
- Conscious change in task conditions.
- Creative application of the algorithm.
- Heuristic method.
Problem Solving
The word "task" is also multi-valued and can be considered as a "problem". In this context, a decision is a search for a way out, a kind of volitional act of choice in the presence of a certain number of alternatives. In this case, a person goes through three mandatory stages:
- Awareness of the problem.
- Statement of the problem to be solved.
- Finding a solution.
Let's consider the decision as the choice of an alternative on the example of the film "Guys!" (1981). Pavel Zubov, who did not return to his native village after the army, learns about the existence of a teenage daughter named Polina from his beloved woman, after whose death not only she, but also two more sons remained. They are not his relatives, but all three grew up together and are used to supporting each other. How to decide the fate of children?

The main character does not immediately realize the problem - the guys cannot be separated, while it is necessary to determine their fate. Three options are being considered: an orphanage, custody of children by the parents of the protagonist or Zubov himself. Having chosen the last option, Pavel is forced to find a solution to its implementation by taking the guys to the city of Apatity.
Decision is someone's choiceor opinion or course when there are alternative possibilities. Based on this, it will be most true when a person considers the maximum number of options. After realizing the problem, it is important to ask yourself a question with an interrogative adverb "how". Example: how to improve your financial situation?
After that, you need to select at least 20 possible answers to the question:
- Introduce economy mode by refusing telephones.
- By installing meters, cut costs.
- Change jobs.
- Start your own business.
- Find a part time job.
- Transfer children from gymnasium to regular school, etc.

Psychologically the most acceptable options are born in the head when all the banal ways have already been considered. And they come to mind at the very beginning.
Returning to the concept under consideration, it should be noted that a decision is understood not only as a result of a choice, but also as a process, a way of action: "I am solving your issue".