Measure is The meaning of the word "measure"

Measure is The meaning of the word "measure"
Measure is The meaning of the word "measure"

Measure - what is it? It will definitely not work to answer this question, so you need to be patient and understand all the shades of the meaning of such a seemingly simple word. Detailed information that this is a measure will be given in our article.

What do the dictionaries say?

In a generalized sense, "measure" is a quantity. As for details, they look like this:

  1. One of the units of measure; a certain amount taken as a standard. (In the old days, instead of today's kilometer, such a measure of length as a verst was used to measure distances.)
  2. Acceptable quantity, as it should be. (A person should know the measure in everything - both in work and in entertainment.)
  3. A unit of volume used in the old days to measure bulk solids, as well as to name the corresponding vessel. In Russia, it was equal to the quadruple, which was 26.24 liters. (In past times, grain was poured out through vessels called measures.)
  4. A means or technique that serves to achieve some goal. (When you go on vacation for a long time, so that the apartment is not robbed, it is better to take measuresprecautions and arm it.)
  5. Measuring tool, which is designed to reproduce and store a physical quantity. (Technical measuring instruments are a measure that has normalized metrological characteristics.)


Fire safety
Fire safety

The term we are considering comes from the Proto-Slavic měra, from which, in particular, words with a similar meaning were formed in such languages as Old Russian, Old Church Slavonic (mѣra), Russian, as well as Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian, Czech, Slovak, Polish.

Scientists suggest that this word originally existed in such ancient languages as:

  • Old Indian: mímāti – “measures”, mātram – “measure”;
  • Old Bohemian: měn– “measure”;
  • Latin: mētior – “measure”;
  • Greek: Μῆτις – “advice, reason”, Μητιάω – “I conclude”;
  • Gothic: mēla – “bag, measure (grains)”, mitan – “measure”.


The linguistic object we are studying has the following synonyms:

  • Balance.
  • Border.
  • Action.
  • Dose.
  • Unit.
  • Golden mean.
  • Calib.
  • Quantity.
  • Edge.
  • Criterion.
  • Scale.
  • Measure.
  • Measure.
  • Event.
  • Norm.
Anti-terrorism measures
Anti-terrorism measures
  • Volume.
  • Settings.
  • Limit.
  • Size.
  • Frames.
  • Frontier.
  • Proportionality.
  • Remedy.
  • Measuring tool.
  • Standard.
  • Degree.
  • Moderation.
  • Level.
  • Establishment.
  • Format.
  • Reference.

Stable combinations and phraseological units:

  • As far as possible.
  • Know the measure.
  • At least (at least)
  • Everything in moderation.
  • No measure.
  • Not at all.
  • To the full.
  • As.

Versts and kilometers

Measures of length
Measures of length

Next, consider what measures of length are used in our country.

  • The largest of them is 1 kilometer, which is denoted as km and equals 1000 meters, denoted as m.
  • A meter consists of decimeters (dm) and centimeters (cm), it contains 10 dm and 100 cm.
  • 1 decimeter equals 10 centimeters.
  • 1 centimeter equals 10 millimeters (mm).

How were distances measured in the old days? Earlier in Russia there were such measures of length as:

  • Mile. 1 verst is 500 fathoms or 1066.8 meters.
  • Fat. 1 sazhen is equal to 3 arshins - approximately 2 meters.
  • Arshin. 1 arshin is 16 inches, or 28 inches, or about 71 centimeters.
  • Vershok. 1 inch equals 1.75 inches - approximately 4.5 centimeters.
  • Inch. 1 inch is 10 lines or about 2.5 centimeters.

A bit of geometry

tower of babel
tower of babel

Consider such a geometricconcept as a "measure of an angle". It is understood as the amount by which the ray rotates around the point from which it comes, as around the center of rotation. The measure of an angle is measured in degrees and shows how many degrees fit in a particular angle, that is, between its sides.

Besides, degrees are divided into minutes and seconds. One complete revolution made by a segment around the central point is equal to 360°. A right angle is 90° and a straight angle is 180°. The division of the circle into 360° was invented in Babylon.

Fighting Crime

Measures to combat crime
Measures to combat crime

It is a system within which the activities of both state and public bodies take place, aimed at ensuring:

  • Following the norms prescribed by the criminal law.
  • Avoiding harm to protected interests and benefits.

This system is characterized by active opposition to crime and is expressed in the application of measures to combat it. Among them are such as:

  1. Prevention, which consists in influencing the factors that cause the commission of crimes.
  2. Stop illegal activities.
  3. Application of measures of responsibility in the form of punishment to violators.

One of the effective measures of struggle is punishment, which is a kind of social consequence of the crime committed. It represents the main form of implementation of criminal liability.

According to jurists, the rightthe state machine for the application of punishments follows from the task facing it - to ensure the safety of public life, to preserve the inviolability of the legal order. The application of punishment, as a rule, occurs in accordance with the decision of the court and only in strict procedural order established by law.

Other countries

Unlike Russia, in the criminal legislation of other countries, among the measures of criminal legal influence, there is also such a tool as security measures. They are practiced, for example, in the UK, Germany, USA.

As opposed to punishment, they do not aim to intimidate or retribution, they are only intended to eliminate the so-called dangerous state of a person who has committed or may commit a socially dangerous act.

Among such measures, the main one is preventive detention, the purpose of which is prevention, that is, the prevention of a crime. As a rule, it is not limited to a strictly defined period, which makes it possible to vary it in accordance with the change in the "dangerous state" of the individual.

Anti-terrorism measures

School safety
School safety

In modern reality, security measures used to protect against terrorism are of particular relevance. An example is those that are used in schools and other educational institutions. They involve an integrated approach that includes:

  1. Carrying out activities aimed at countering terrorism.
  2. Measuresto inculcate a common culture of safety.
  3. Teaching methods of safe behavior in various dangerous situations.

The main types of security measures used in schools include:

  • Security anti-terrorism.
  • Fire fighting.
  • Environmental.
  • Maintaining public order.
  • Safety of training and work.
  • Protection against crimes against person and property.

In civil law

Completing the consideration of the question that this is a measure, let's consider one more aspect of the use of this word. It is directly related to such an area of law as civil. It provides for such an important institution as protection measures. They are aimed at restoring violated rights and ensuring the fulfillment of duties. These include, for example:

  • Recognition of the invalidity of the transaction.
  • Transfer to advance payment.
  • Forced treatment.
  • Collection of taxes and fees.
  • Fulfillment of obligations under the contract.
