Basic principles and axioms of the BJD

Basic principles and axioms of the BJD
Basic principles and axioms of the BJD

During its life cycle, interacting with the environment, a person faces a number of dangers. Security, as a state of protection of vital interests, is one of the primary human needs. The purpose of studying the discipline "Life Safety" is to obtain information on how to provide protection and comfortable living conditions for a person. The axioms of the BJD set out the main provisions of this science.


Life safety is a branch of science that studies the types of negative impacts and ways to protect against them.

The central concept of the BJD theory is potential danger. It is represented by all those phenomena, events and objects that can harm a person. Danger is an inherent property of the environment. The science of life safety deals with the study of human interaction with the outside world. Security is another key concept in the discipline. It means a state of security that excludes the occurrence of a negative impact.

basic principles of the bjd axiom
basic principles of the bjd axiom

The principles, axioms and laws of the BJD are based on the study of the interaction between man and the environment. Four interrelated elements are being studied: the homosphere (characterized by the presence of a person), the noxosphere (determined by the presence of danger), the biosphere (the total activity of living organisms on the planet) and the technosphere (an artificial part of the biosphere created by man). The 9 axioms of BJD are irrefutable statements derived from the analysis of human activity.

Hazards and their taxonomy

Danger is an integral component of the environment that accompanies a person throughout the entire life cycle. It is characterized by damage to the he alth or functioning of ecosystems, as well as a threat to life. The danger can be formed by the environment, directly by the person himself and his activities, or as a result of the interaction of these two systems. It arises at the intersection of the noxo- and homosphere.

The hazard is classified depending on the origin, duration of exposure, type and size of the distribution area.

According to its origin, it is of three types:

basic axiom bjd
basic axiom bjd
  1. Natural and climatic factors form a natural hazard. These are natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc.
  2. Man-made hazards may arise in the technosphere. Most often they are of a production nature. These are various physical and chemical deviations of the biosphere: sudden changes in air temperature, excessive dust orgas pollution, increased noise level, radiation.
  3. Anthropogenic danger is a consequence of non-normative human actions.

Duration of exposure divides the risk of harm into a constant, acting continuously for a certain period of time, a variable that occurs in cyclic processes, and an impulse (one-time) process. Impact zones are divided into residential, urban and industrial. The size of the action of the danger is global, local, regional and interregional.


The security theory is represented by a number of axioms of the safety, the basic principles and methods are practical skills aimed at ensuring it. Studying the environment helps to identify potential hazards and organize measures to prevent their implementation. The principles of the BZD are aimed at the development and implementation of measures to ensure the protection of a person. They have four varieties.

Orienting Principle

According to it, there is an accumulation of general information, using which the search for the best methods to ensure the safety of life is carried out. This is the systematization, selection and regulation of the characteristics that a potential hazard has. Its use is aimed at reducing and eliminating damage. The guideline is the principle of risk reduction. If it cannot be completely eliminated, the risks are reduced.

Destruction, as a principle, deals with the identification of factors, the elimination of which can exclude the occurrence of an accident.

axiomsbjd security
axiomsbjd security

Governance Principle

It detects connections in the security process at various stages. This is, first of all, the control and planning of human activity. Management principles also include compensation and incentives, which consist in the provision of benefits and incentives. It is understood that the managerial element should regulate the responsibility of persons providing security, and have feedback from the rank and file in order to improve working conditions.

Organizing Principle

There are several subtypes of this section. Time protection - determination of the optimal period of time, which may be under the influence of negative factors without tangible harm, and optimization of the storage time of various substances. Identification of incompatibility helps to determine the territorial and temporal framework for the interaction of certain substances with each other. Ergonomics takes into account the requirements for the workplace and resting place to ensure the safety of the BJD. Recruitment ensures the proper qualification of employees. Redundancy, that is, the simultaneous use of several methods and means of protection, increases the degree of security.

axioms of bjd with examples
axioms of bjd with examples

Technical Principle

It is based on the use of technical means with certain physical and chemical properties. These are compression, evacuation, shielding, phlegmatization and blocking of substances in order to protect a person from their harmful effects.

Also,there is such a principle as protection by distance. That is, such a distance is established between the source of danger and the object of protection, which allows you to keep the object outside the zone of negative impact.

The weak link principle involves the deliberate use of an element that fails when the system fails, stopping the entire process and preventing the spread of negative influence. The principle of strength, on the contrary, is to increase the performance of the most important links.

9 axioms of bjd
9 axioms of bjd

BJD Methods

Security is achieved by studying the influence of the homosphere and noxosphere on each other. There are three methods:

  • separation of noxo- and homosphere;
  • normalization of the noxosphere;
  • human adaptation.

The first method refers to production automation and remote control. Elements of robotization, isolation of potentially dangerous equipment are used. The second method is to optimize the workflow in such a way as to exclude the influence of harmful factors. If the noxosphere cannot be separated from a person or normalized, then it is necessary to use those techniques and means that will help the body adapt to potentially dangerous work. Preparation consists of physiological and psychological training, as well as the use of protective equipment.

Basic axiom of BJD

This statement is the first and main postulate in the discipline. The main axiom of the BJD can be formulated as follows: any action andinaction is potentially dangerous. That is, in the system of interaction between man and the environment, it is impossible to achieve a state of absolute security. The axiom of the potential danger of the BJD also interprets that if the action itself does not cause harm, then it can create or entail the risk of harm.

axiom about the potential danger of bjd
axiom about the potential danger of bjd

Any activity, the use of any means and technologies carries both positive and negative properties. It is important to note that harmful factors are often hidden. Examples of the BJD axiom in practice can look like dust and gas contamination of the atmosphere. These factors arise as a result of the work of manufacturing enterprises, the use of cars and other means that carry a positive impact at the same time.

Axioms of BJD

The second postulate states that the effectiveness of any activity can be increased by creating maximum comfort conditions. That is, any activity can be optimized. With regard to the technosphere, this axiom of the BJD can be considered from the point of view of the occurrence of equipment malfunctions and defects, without the elimination of which there is a risk of injury. And non-compliance with the rules of operation can lead to pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere.

According to the third axiom of the BJD, there is a possibility that the source of danger may spontaneously lose stability or negatively affect the object for a long time. These properties of activity are called residual risk.

Residual risks aresource of negative influence. This is the fourth axiom of the BJD. Safety, according to the fifth postulate, is achievable if the negative impact of the summarized sources of danger is within acceptable limits. The sixth axiom echoes the fifth, stating that sustainability is also achievable with a limited negative impact.

Axiom 7 says that the admissible value of technogenic impact is ensured by observing the conditions of safety and environmental friendliness. According to the eighth postulate, eco- and bioprotection means have a priority of use and are subject to control by responsible persons. The ninth axiom states that environmental friendliness and safety in production activities is achieved when an employee has the appropriate qualifications and skills.

axiom principles and laws of bjd
axiom principles and laws of bjd

Axioms of Impact

The source of danger is capable of generating negative flows. These are substances, energy, information. Three postulates have been formulated about the impact of potential hazards on humans:

  1. The environment can affect a person both positively and negatively.
  2. Flows emanating from a source of potential danger are not selective, equally affecting the biosphere and all its elements.
  3. All threads act in conjunction. It does not depend on the number of sources of danger.

It is important to understand that the operation of streams is regulated and controlled by law. Knowledge of the maximum permissible values of the negativeimpact reduces its impact on humans and the environment.