Information about the Kuban Medical University

Information about the Kuban Medical University
Information about the Kuban Medical University

Kuban Medical University is one of the leading universities in the region. Within the walls of a higher educational institution, highly qualified employees of the medical industry are trained: dentists, pediatricians, therapists, pharmacists and other specialists.

Students of KubGMU
Students of KubGMU

General information about the school

Kuban State Medical University first opened its doors in 1920. Today, the educational institution is one of the best medical universities in the region and Russia as a whole. Among the structural divisions of the university are seven faculties, over 60 departments, as well as a dental clinic. Specialists are being retrained.


At the moment, 5554 full-time people are studying at the Kuban State Medical University under higher education programs. At the university, students can study under the programs of a specialist, residency. Pre-university preparation of applicants for admission is also carried out.

Faculties of Medical University

The number of structural units includes 7 faculties. Among the faculties of the Kuban Medical University:

  • healing;
  • pediatric;
  • dental;
  • pre-university training;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • medical and preventive;
  • training and teaching staff.
Students of KubGMU
Students of KubGMU

Out of 341 teachers of the medical faculty, 52 are honored professors. Teaching activities are carried out by 83 associate professors, 16 senior teachers, 158 assistants, 21 teachers. The post of dean of the medical faculty is occupied by Sukhinin A. A., who is a candidate of medical sciences. Teaching at the pediatric faculty is carried out by 38 professors, as well as more than 40 doctors of medical sciences. Sciences, 90 associate professors, 78 assistants to Ph. D. honey. sci.

Students educated at the Faculty of Pediatrics, after graduating from a higher educational institution, can carry out activities in most speci alties in medical structures for children and provide medical care. assistance to the population.

Chairs of the Medical University

On the basis of the university there are 66 departments that carry out educational and scientific activities. Among them are the departments:

  • histology with embryology;
  • obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology;
  • radiology;
  • general surgery;
  • operative surgery and topographic anatomy;
  • profile hygienic disciplines and epidemiology.

A complete list of departments operating on the basis of the university can be found on the official website of the higher educational institution.

List of areas of study

Kuban Medical University trains specialists in the following areas:

  • pharmacy;
  • medical business;
  • dentistry;
  • pediatrics;
  • med.-prophylactic business.
KubGMU logo
KubGMU logo

The duration of study in the specialist's programs is 5 years. For admission in the direction of "General Medicine", applicants must provide certificates with the results of exams in the Russian language, chemistry and biology. For admission in the direction of "Pediatrics", they must provide certificates of the Unified State Examination with the results of exams in the Russian language, chemistry and biology. It is important to note that the top priority is the result of the exam in biology, then - in chemistry and the third in importance - the result of the exam in the Russian language.

Admission Check Digits

In 2018, 265 state-funded places were available in the direction of "General Medicine", including 26 places under the quota for persons with special rights. Also, 285 places were provided for training under the contract.

In 2018, 110 state-funded places were available in the direction of "Pediatrics", including 11 places under the quota for persons with special rights. Also, 130 places were provided for training under the contract.

Students of KubGMU
Students of KubGMU

In 2018, 40 state-funded places were available in the direction of "Dentistry", including 4 places inquota for persons who have a special right. Also, 155 places were provided for training under the contract.

In the direction of "Medical and preventive work", 15 state-funded places were provided, including 2 places under the quota, as well as 30 places with tuition fees.

In the direction of "Pharmacy", 10 state-funded places were provided, including 1 place under the quota, as well as 50 places with tuition fees.

Tuition fees

The cost of studying at the Kuban Medical University in the direction of "General Medicine" is 129 thousand rubles a year. Education in the direction of "Pediatrics" will cost students 118 thousand rubles a year. The cost of studying at a medical university in the direction of "Dentistry" is 170 thousand rubles a year. The cost of education in the direction of "Medical and preventive business" at the Kuban Medical University is 110 thousand rubles. "Pharmacy" - 114 thousand rubles.

Passing points

Passing scores in the Kuban State Medical University in the direction of "Medical and preventive care" in 2018 were recorded at a level above 210 points. It was enough for applicants to score more than 177 points to enter the paid basis.

For admission in the direction of "General Medicine" of the Kuban Medical University, it was necessary to score over 233 points. For enrollment on a paid basis, it was enough for future students to score more than 205 points. It is important to remember that the passing scores of different years, as a rule, are very different.

Complete list of passing scores for all existingeducational institution directions are published on the website of the university, where you can also find statistics from earlier periods.

Kuban Medical University is positively evaluated by students and graduates. Most graduates were able to find employment in their speci alty.
