Potassium permanganate: basic chemical properties and reactions

Potassium permanganate: basic chemical properties and reactions
Potassium permanganate: basic chemical properties and reactions

Potassium permanganate in Latin is called Kalii permanganas. In the world it's just potassium permanganate - potassium s alt in the reaction of permanganic acid. Letter designation KMnO. In contact with organics, it forms a protein - albuminate, in the sensations of the body, this reaction is transmitted by a feeling of burning, knitting, local irritation, while having a healing effect and the property of a deodorant and antidote.

potassium permanganate
potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is obtained by electrochemical oxidation of manganese compounds or by changing their proportions. Here are some reactions to potassium permanganate, widely used in industry and pharmacology:

2MnO2 +3 Cl2 + 8KOH → 2KMnO4 + 6KCl + 4H2O

2K2MnO4 + 2H2O → 2KMnO4 +H2↑ + 2KOH.

Here, as we can see, manganese, oxidized, interacts with chlorine s alts and potassium molecules. The second reaction is widely used in industry, as it produces potassium permanganate endothermally during the electrolysis of the concentrate.

Physical properties of potassium permanganate

In science, this compound is otherwise called potassium permanganate, which is a granular crystals of a rhombic shape and a dark purple color. In the form of crystals, potassium permanganate decomposes at a heating temperature of 240 ° C and above, forming oxygen evolution. This is demonstrated by the following reaction:


Density of substance 2, 703 g/cm. cube, the molar mass of potassium permanganate is 158.03 g / mol. The solubility of the compound in water depends on the degree of concentration, as well as on the temperature of the water (data are presented in table 1).

Table 1. Solubility of potassium permanganate at different temperatures

t reactions 0 10 20 30 40 50
gram crystals/100g water 2, 8 4, 1 6, 4 8, 3 11, 2 14, 4

Depending on the number of crystals added to water of different temperatures, each solution will have its own shade - from a faint, pale crimson at a low concentration to purple-violet - at a high one. Other solvents for potassium permanganate crystals are acetone, ammonia and methyl alcohol.

potassium permanganate chemical properties
potassium permanganate chemical properties

Chemical properties of potassium permanganate

The substance "potassium permanganate" is a fairly strong oxidizing agent. Depending on the pH environment, it affects different types of substances, recovering in the equation to manganese compounds of various oxidation states. For example, in an acidic environment - II, in an alkaline environment - up to VI, in a neutral environment, respectively - up to IV.

Potassium permanganate reaction
Potassium permanganate reaction

When in contact with sulfuric acid concentrate, potassium permanganate, whose chemical properties indicate oxidation, causes an explosive reaction, and when heated, releases oxygen - this method of extracting O2 is widely used in industry.

Use of potassium permanganate

In modern laboratory production, potassium permanganate is common in organic synthesis as an oxidizing agent. In an alkaline solution, it is an effective detergent and degreaser. A popular and universal use of a 0.1% solution in medicine is in the treatment of burns, rinsing, disinfection, and the removal of toxins. Some pharmacies do not dispense this substance, as it is classified as explosive by order of the Ministry. But you can get potassium permanganate in gardening stores, where it is sold in the form of fertilizer.
