1589 was a truly unique year filled with a number of historical events for Russia. First of all, it was during this period that the patriarchate was established on the territory of the present state. Also, Eastern Patriarch Jeremiah visited Moscow during the reign of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich. The first patriarch was Job, who at that time had reached several positions in the church diocese. For the ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church, such an event became one of the main stages in the formation of independent Orthodoxy.
1589: event in Russia
In February 1589, during the reign of the son of Ivan the Terrible, the patriarchate was created. At that time, the Council of Russian Bishops, along with the decision of the Patriarch of Constantinople Jeremiah II, unanimously elected Metropolitan Job.
It should be noted that until this moment the Orthodox Church of Russia was not separate and independent, and also did not have the right to make any decisions. She had to completely and unquestioningly submit to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Based on this, we can note the first formation of Russian Orthodoxy as an independent branch.

In February 1589, the canonicalDecree of the first Orthodox Russian Patriarch. In the Legislative Charter, which legalized the act of creating the patriarchate, the creation of the Church of the Third Rome was noted. It was one of the most influential institutions in both grandeur and world domination.
Short biography of Job (John)
Job (popularly John) was born in the 30s of the 16th century in a small family in the town of Staritsa. Most of his youthful years were spent in the Staritsky Assumption Monastery, where he received his education at the request of his father. The boy showed good knowledge in the field of history and literature. He also enjoyed respect among his peers because of his kind heart and ability to listen. It was in this monastery that he took the monastic vows and acquired the new name Job. After some time, Job received the rank of archimandrite for perseverance and achievement.

In 1571 - 1572 he was rector of the Simonov Assumption Monastery in Moscow. And already in 1575 - 1580 - Novospassky Monastery. In 1587 he became Metropolitan of Moscow. With the establishment of the patriarchate, Job received the post of the first Moscow Patriarchate in Russia. During all the years when he was named patriarch, Job fought for the Russian people, for their independence and the right to self-determination.
In the middle of June 1607, the famous Patriarch John died and was buried in the Assumption Monastery in his native city. And already in 1652, his holy relics were transported to Moscow to the Assumption Cathedral.
The election of the patriarch at the present time
1589 in Russia marked a new era in Russian Orthodoxy. According toaccording to the charter dated 2000, the rank of patriarch is given until the end of life, all rights are transferred to the Council of Bishops. The person who proposes his candidacy for patriarch must be a bishop of the ROC and over 40 years of age. The experience of diocesan administration and the obligatory availability of theological education are also taken into account.
History records the election to the post of patriarch by lot, secret ballot and open non- alternative choice.

The patriarch takes office after the solemn ceremony - enthronement. In most cases, such a ceremony is held after the election of a candidate within 2-3 days.