DSTU: faculties. Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don)

DSTU: faculties. Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don)
DSTU: faculties. Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don)

If you plan to get a technical education in the south of Russia, pay attention to DSTU, whose faculties annually graduate a large number of highly qualified specialists. In the 2015/2016 academic year, the university trains professionals in 88 speci alties, most of which are purely technical.

DSTU faculties
DSTU faculties

History of the university

In 1930, at the height of industry in the USSR, the authorities had a plan to industrialize the state in order to benefit more from agriculture. That is why then the predecessor of DSTU (Rostov-on-Don) was created - the North Caucasus Institute of Agricultural Engineering, designed to relieve the Don Polytechnic Institute, which could not cope with the tasks of training specialists.

During its existence, the university has repeatedly changed its name, and the current one received quite recently - in the late 2000s. The peak of the institution's development was the mid-1980s: it was then that thea range of agricultural machines for grain harvesting and tillage. Automation of agriculture, carried out with the help of equipment developed on the basis of the university, has significantly increased productivity. Despite the crisis of the 1990s, the institution continued to work and graduate highly qualified specialists in the field of agriculture, thanks to which it was possible to avoid staff shortages in the future.

dgtu rostov-on-don
dgtu rostov-on-don

DSTU (Rostov-on-Don) today

At the moment, the university occupies one of the leading places among all institutions specializing in the training of farmers. The largest university in the south of Russia allows you to get training in 200 areas, 70% of which are related to engineering and technical profiles. University graduates are in great demand in the labor market, they often get jobs in machine-building, metallurgical and military-industrial enterprises.

Don State Technical University conducts a number of innovative projects aimed at improving educational activities. One of them is the formation of corporate departments, where large enterprises from the south of Russia took part. The university actively interacts with foreign partners, in addition, it is here that the Bologna Club is opened, which is the only branch of this organization in the country.


If you plan to connect your life with agriculture, feel free to apply to DSTU, its faculties are powerful clusters of knowledge accumulated over decades of work. The university operatesmore than 15 faculties, the most popular of which are: “Machinery and equipment of the agro-industrial complex” and “Oil and gas industry”.

In addition to the areas of the agricultural sector, you can consider other faculties, for example, "Innovative Business and Management", "Management and Entrepreneurship". Education in these speci alties is carried out in such a way that the knowledge gained at the university can be applied both in the agro-industrial field and in any other.

dgtu speci alty
dgtu speci alty

Speci alties

DSTU, whose speci alties are quite numerous, annually trains about 15 thousand students, including foreign guests. Among the directions offered by the university, the following are especially popular: "Service and Tourism" and "Engineering". Every year a large number of applicants strive to get there.

When choosing a speci alty, be sure to pay attention to the fact that some of them are available only at the bachelor's degree, and some - only at the master's degree. Some professions are available only on a paid form of education, since the state does not allocate funding for their existence. Before applying for a particular direction, be sure to check with the selection committee all the necessary information about it.

Don State Technical University
Don State Technical University

What should I do?

If you decide to study at DSTU, admission will require you to provide a standard package of documents, as well as all the information necessary for the universityabout you. We are talking about a school certificate (college diploma), a passport, certificates of passing the exam, photographs, as well as all documents that indicate that you are a student who has the right to priority admission (these are diplomas and certificates, medical certificates that you have a disability, etc.).

Have you never taken the exam before? Don't worry, you can do it right at the university when you apply. Pay attention to the existence of a passing score, which must be scored in order to participate in a further competition. Upon admission, it is imperative to have certificates with you, indicating that you have passed exams in the Russian language, mathematics, the third subject usually varies: it can be physics, history, chemistry or social science.

dgtu admission
dgtu admission

University branches

If you don't feel like going to Rostov-on-Don to enter DSTU at all, university branches are a solution that may suit you. The departments of the institution are located in Pyatigorsk, Volgodonsk, Stavropol, Mines, Taganrog and Azov. In some regions, branches have completely different names, for example, the Stavropol division is called the Technological Institute of Service. From 1959 to 2009, the Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering of the DSTU also existed as a branch of the university.

To enter any branch of the DSTU, whose faculties annually produce up to 15 thousand first-class specialists, you must fulfill all the same conditions as for admission to the "head" branch of the university. ExceptIn addition, education in some departments of the university is much cheaper. To finally decide on the city most suitable for studying, contact the admissions office and get all the necessary information about the branches you are interested in.

Tuition fees

If you failed to enter the budgetary department of the DSTU, whose speci alties are in great demand in the labor market, the university admissions committee will definitely offer you paid education. The cost of education at this university ranges from 50 to 120 thousand rubles, and it will depend on the chosen speci alty. The most expensive full-time training will be for those who choose to specialize in Aircraft Engineering or Cryogenic Engineering.

Correspondence education is offered at more moderate prices: from 18 to 36 thousand rubles, depending on the speci alty. When studying at the branches of the university, its cost will be much less and will amount to up to 60 thousand rubles for full-time department and up to 30 thousand for part-time. That is why many applicants prefer to enter the branches of this university, so they can save money.

dgtu branches
dgtu branches


If you are applying to DSTU (address: Rostov-on-Don, Gagarin Square, 1) and come from another city, you can try to get a place in a hostel. In total, the university has 8 dormitories for students. To become a resident, you will need to write an appropriate application upon admission. You can get the document form by contacting the university admissions office.

The cost of living in hostels ranges from 400 to 800 rubles per month. Everything will depend on which department and form of study you are a student of. Most of all, graduate students and contractors will have to pay. Check-in usually takes place in the last days of August, it is best to check with the admissions office for detailed information.

dgtu address
dgtu address

Pre-university training

DSTU, whose faculties are in great demand among those who want to get a technical speci alty, offers everyone to attend preparatory courses. Even if you don’t succeed, courses are a great way to improve your skills, gain additional knowledge in the right area, and at the same time decide whether the chosen profession is really right for you.

Those who have an incomplete secondary education (grade 9) can enter one of several VET institutions, after which they will be happy to see them at the university. We are talking about the gymnasium of the DSTU, the technical lyceum, the aviation and electrical engineering colleges, as well as the college of economics, management and law. Admission to these educational institutions is carried out according to the standard schemes familiar to institutions of secondary vocational education.


Don State Technical University is actively engaged in establishing international contacts. About 50 universities from different parts of the world have already expressed their desire to cooperate with DSTU. It is planned that students and teachers will continue to actively participate in exchange programs andreceive education in other countries.

Among other things, it was at DSTU that the Real Madrid Football Academy was opened in 2013. The institution is the only one in Russia and is engaged in the education of students and schoolchildren who are at risk in terms of social norms. The Bologna Club, the only one in Russia, is also the pride of the university, it is here that new provisions for the educational system of the Russian Federation are formed.
