Sequence - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Sequence - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Sequence - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Sequence is not only following one after another, but also a certain character trait. In any case, consider all the meanings of the noun.


the sequence is
the sequence is

You can't go on a journey and not take an explanatory dictionary with you. Our eternal companion insists that the values of the object of study are as follows:

  1. Similar to the adjective "sequential".
  2. In mathematics, an infinite ordered set of numbers.

To understand the full range of meanings, it is necessary to uncover the meaning of the adjective "consecutive". It has two meanings:

  1. Continuously following another. For example: "Consecutive punitive measures."
  2. Logically justified, following from certain grounds.

To illustrate the first and second meanings of the word, think about football or hockey battles. When the referee removes the players from the playing field, then we can talk about the sequence in two senses at once. For example, if he sets the same bar for all athletes, then he is consistent in the second sense, that is, his judgments are logicallyjustified and stand on a single foundation. If, when punishing a fight, he first removes the instigators, then all the participants, then he is consistent in the first sense: he applies punitive measures sequentially, in turn.


word sequence meaning
word sequence meaning

When it comes to such an interesting word, replacements are a must. So the list is:

  • order;
  • turn;
  • set;
  • row;
  • logical;
  • objectivity;
  • justice;
  • open-mindedness;
  • methodical;
  • dispassion.

Only 10 synonyms are enough to understand the essence of the phenomenon. The 4 upper nouns refer to the "mathematical" meaning of the object of study, the rest to the "psychological" one, so to speak. Consistency is an interesting word, but the question remains: is it possible to be consistent and how difficult is it?

Consistency as a trait

Why are judges who are fair so valued? Because such impartial people are rare, even if you do not take sports events, but turn to everyday practice. Are there many bosses who would not single out someone among others, teachers who did not have favorites in the class? Such cases can be counted on the fingers. This is because a person is weak, but there is one more detail: consistency is what requires self-denial. The latter is a little on the shoulder. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to follow your ownprinciples.

I remember Arthur Schopenhauer, who talked about suicide at a beautifully laid dinner table. The main protagonist of his philosophy was an ascetic, who threw all his strength into conquering life, tearing out this evil root from his own being, which makes people suffer. But the German thinker himself did not limit himself in any way, he lived quietly and modestly, did not bathe in luxury, but did not go hungry either. In his defense, he said: sometimes a person spends all his strength just to create a concept, a philosophical system, and there is no strength left to follow it. Someone will say that this is very convenient, but maybe it's true. Not all philosophers can boast that they follow their own principles, which is why the people value them so low. But you can also look at it the other way: consistency is extremely difficult.

Can one become consistent?

lexical meaning of the word sequence
lexical meaning of the word sequence

Much depends on the character, and it is formed in early childhood, then only details and individual features are corrected. But historical experience says that a person can do everything if he wants. Do you think that only Martin Eden can boast of an iron will? No, among real writers there were also role models, but not in everything, of course.

For example, Yukio Mishima, who overcame the initial frailty of the body and brought up a samurai. The last remark is not an exaggeration, but a historical fact, those who know how he died will not argue. So it is possible to educate yourself. Otherthe matter is at what price the sequence is given (we have already considered the lexical meaning of the word). After all, you need to act like a judge on the field, evaluate everyone, including yourself, by a single measure. Do not make discounts to anyone, do not allow double standards. Such a life is a very difficult task for an ordinary person who is used to indulgences. For example, he is reluctant to go to the gym, and he says to himself: “Come on, I’ll catch up next time.” And at the next training session, the man barely fulfills the norm. "Athlete" should think about the fact that Yukio Mishima would not do himself any favors. In this case, they usually say: “Well, they are great, where are we before them?”. But this is the wrong approach. Landmarks are needed just in order to move in their direction, otherwise they turn into distant pillars, set up for no one knows why.

Talking about the meaning of the word "sequence", we only wanted to show that this concept is not as simple as it seems at first glance.
