In 1993, new levels of higher education were introduced in Russia. This reform was necessary in order to solve the problem of entering the world system.
Earlier, in our country, universities were engaged in the release of only graduates who studied for five to six years. Currently, the following levels of education have appeared:

- the first two years - incomplete higher education;
- after four or five years of study in a certain direction, a "bachelor" degree is awarded;
- then you can enroll in a master's program, which will take another two years.
But, as reality shows, there is no common understanding of what the stages of education include. Since in different countries a bachelor can be a university graduate or the holder of an academic degree. The same confusion arises when it is necessary to clearly define who the "master" is.

Besides this, the stages of education in Russia include the fourth stage: the training of specialists. But at present, this is only allowed for a number of speci alties.
Let's consider in more detail the mainlevels of education in Russia.
A specialist studies for five years and receives a diploma of practice ("doctor", "engineer", etc.), which allows him to carry out professional activities in the chosen industry.
Bachelor receives a diploma of higher education after four (full-time) or five (correspondence) years. Then it will be possible to enter the magistracy by competition and engage in scientific activities. But, as reality shows, only 20% of bachelors make such a decision. Master's programs are not open in every Russian university, so if you want to study in it, you will need to carefully select an educational institution.

The first two years for bachelors and specialists are the same, since at this time basic knowledge and skills are given. If you want to complete your studies, you can get a diploma of incomplete (professional) education. From the third year, the standards and plans of bachelors and specialists differ significantly.
Any innovations always require some time to take root and "grind". It should be noted that so far there are a lot of problems with the division into stages of education in Russian universities.
The most basic of them is the presence of tension in the recognition of a bachelor's degree. The fact is that employers, as a rule, are not inclined to take such workers on the staff. It is believed that a bachelor's degree is, firstly, "incomplete education", and secondly, non-core and general professional. ATunlike a specialist and a master, who are trained for a particular industry.
Moreover, the employer is not convinced even by the law, which states that a bachelor can take a position for which, in accordance with the qualification requirements, higher education is provided. Reality shows the opposite. Despite the fact that the bachelor has such a right, employers prefer to hire masters and specialists.
But sooner or later, the existing problems will be gradually resolved.