A proud person is a scourge for others?

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A proud person is a scourge for others?
A proud person is a scourge for others?

Pride and pride are two different concepts with the same root. Pride is an emotion, pride is a side effect of that emotion. If pride can still be brought down from heaven to earth, then in the case of pride it is not possible.

A proud person is an arrogant and narcissistic narcissist, as practice shows. Let's not denounce anyone, but let's talk about such people in more detail.

What is pride and pride?

Perhaps we should start by figuring out how these concepts differ.

Pride is an emotion related to the subject. Pride is a pathology. For pride, the reason can be in reality, for example, you can be proud of your homeland, your loved ones, if they deserve it, your own achievements. And be proud at the same time, without ascending above anyone.

Pride teaches otherwise. As noted above, this is a pathological state of false superiority. Often completely without foundation. Unfortunately, these days more and more people are overwhelmed with pride.

False state of pride
False state of pride

Is it a sin?

From the point of view of Christianity, pride is one of the strongest mortal sins. All the worst things that a person is capable of come from a sense of pride. The proud man is extremely proud, but it is worth hurting his pride, i.e. pride, and away we go. If we fall into pride from time to time, safely then leaving this state, then one has only to fall into pride. You will stay there like a fly in a web.

Reasons for pride

An overly proud person is a scourge for the people around him. You can’t even approach this once again, because it’s impossible to predict what the reaction will be. What are the reasons for pride?

  1. Excessive self-esteem. Loving yourself is okay. But when a person loves himself too much, for no apparent reason, this is already a pathological condition.
  2. Lack of trust in others. We all face certain challenges throughout life. Complicated, painful, after which it takes a long time to recover. But this is not a reason to become an embittered person, for whom only he is interested. The proud are often simply not able to pass such tests, while maintaining the openness of the soul. They become embittered, withdraw into themselves and begin to look down on this world and people.
  3. Selfishness. Who is the proud man? First of all, an inveterate egoist. We are talking about pride as a pathological feeling, and not about he althy self-love. The egoist does not know empathy, sympathy. He laughs at the deeds of mercy,helping others and compassion. He is his own light in the window.

  4. Narocism. Not to be confused with self-esteem. An ordinary proud person can give the impression of being touchy. It is difficult to approach such a person, he does not need anyone. But such a proud person does not impose his worldview on anyone. In the case of pride, its bearer seeks to subjugate others to his own view of the world around him. He imposes his point of view on people.
I am queen
I am queen

Three components for a cocktail

A proud person is what kind of person? Which consists of a cocktail called pride. This cocktail is based on three strong components:

  1. False prestige. Pride makes a person put their own interests much higher than anyone else's. People always put concern for their own destiny higher than for another. But a proud person, with this he althy emotion, respects not only himself. He is able to understand and help others. With pride, a person is sure that she is the navel of the earth. Everyone owes her. Someone should give her their personal time, someone - ideas, and someone - to subordinate life. A person overwhelmed with pride does not think about harming people with his behavior. She just doesn't care.

  2. Feeling inferior. Something, but the concept of pride and inferiority somehow do not converge, right? However, the origins of pride lie in this feeling. A person who is keenly aware of his inferiority begins to delve into the shortcomings of others in order to convince himselfthemselves that there are much worse inhabitants of the planet Earth. And gradually, succeeding in this search, the proud man rises above the others, sincerely believing in his superiority. It's stupid, at least. Wise and strong people begin to change themselves, rather than trying to look for negative sides in others.
  3. Self-doubt. It forces people to play other people's roles, to try on other masks. And this mask merges with the real face to such an extent that a person begins to believe in the image he is wearing. He thinks that no one is more important than him. And it's not.
A plume of pride
A plume of pride

Essence of Pride

Who is a proud person? We have considered the meaning of this concept. What is the difference between pride and pride? The main difference between pride and pride is disrespect for another person. If an ordinary proud person respects another person and her choice, then one subject to the passion of pride does not consider others. There is me and no one else.

Is it easier to be proud?
Is it easier to be proud?


A proud person is not one who has become rigid in this emotion. He is capable of compassion and respect for another person. Unlike the one in whom pride rages. This should be known and remembered. Pride reminds of itself from time to time, pride lives in a person.