The circuit training method provides the development of important and indispensable skills in today's lifestyle. In addition, this system of exercises improves muscle tone, motor skills, endurance, physical activity, strength and agility.
History of emergence and development
Initially circuit training was created in England as an innovation in physical culture. It was developed by R. Morgan and G. Adamson in 1952-1958. The set of exercises involved the use of four main muscle groups. The technique was proposed to be used for training schoolchildren and students, but it has also become popular among athletes.
In the Soviet Union, the circuit training method began to be practiced in 1955 in order to increase motor density during exercise.
The new approach used in the training of professional athletes of various directions has proven to be one of the most effective in increasing the degree of physical fitness. The introduction of such a set of exercises allows you to integrategeneral training to special training.
General concept
Circuit training method is a series of exercises performed a certain number of times in a strict order. The lesson is carried out according to the given movements, and they are performed in the specified period of time.

As a rule, these are technically simple elements that differ in acyclic structure. Due to the ease of execution, they are repeated many times. In turn, the exercises themselves are distributed according to a pre-created scheme, providing a gradual load on all muscle groups and internal organs.
Thanks to this method of alternating work and rest, you can significantly increase the increase in the physical capabilities of the whole organism.
Properties of the complex
There are several features of the circuit training method:
- The shape. This is a specially designed system for performing exercises in a streaming way.
- To the point. This is a combination of training programs aimed at the formation of physical qualities.
- Basically. This is a physical exercise program that includes a set of strictly defined methods for performing tasks.
To perform physical exercises, trainees are divided into groups. Each of them is placed on an individual site, where sports equipment and necessary equipment are prepared in advance. It is desirable that each group consists of an even number of people, then they can complete tasks in pairs.
According to the recommendations of experts, the complex of the circular training method should consist ofof 10-12 exercises. If this is a special focus, 6-8 is enough. The average time to complete each element is 30-40 seconds, and the same amount is the interval for rest. All exercises take about 10-15 minutes.
An important point is the dosing of the load. Already from the first lesson, the trained people are set a goal - to complete the maximum possible number of repetitions in a certain period of time. Load control is determined in breaks by measuring the pulse. Based on the indicators, an individual load is selected for each person.
What exercises (complexes) give
Subsequently, improving their own performance, the number of exercises is increased or the time for their execution is reduced. Completion of groups is carried out in accordance with the physical training of people. The transition to the next stage should not be more intense than the previous one, where maximum efforts were expended. The exercises in each section and the way they are performed together form a complex that makes it possible to solve the problems of developing physical qualities by the method of circular training.

This method combines movements that develop flexibility and endurance:
- Strength elements develop appropriate capabilities, which are manifested in the performance of static or dynamic movements with weights.
- Symbiosis of power with high-speed movements make it possible to quickly perform exercises, overcoming the influence of external forces.
- Stamina-promoting elements teach you to overcome fatigue andfatigue, continuing to perform the task.
- Circuit flexibility training gradually leads to greater range of motion.
To achieve the best result, it is important to develop a set of exercises for the formation of certain physical qualities. Each training process can be assigned to the development of one characteristic.
Traditionally, the circuit training method is used for the complex development of all physical qualities at the same time. There are such varieties:
- Continuous-stream method.
- Thread-interval method.
- Intensive interval method.
Let's take a closer look at them.
Continuous-stream method
It aims to build stamina. What is the circuit training method for this technology? It is performed continuously, without intervals or with minimal rest breaks. Depending on the number of areas being worked out, the elements are performed in a circle several times. The advantage of the method is a gradual increase in personal load by increasing the power of work and the number of exercises in each circle.

This complex can be carried out in one of three options:
- All exercises are performed without pauses between transitions from one area being worked on to another and circles. After determining the elements to be used and testing to determine the maximum possible number of repetitions for a particular person inin accordance with his capabilities, the trainee receives an individual load, double the results obtained. Elements on each section are performed freely, without time limits. A further increase in the load is due to an increase in repetitions by 1-2 in each section or by replacing with more complex movements.
- Exercises are performed without pauses, but for a certain period of time. After passing the given complex on each site, the duration of the training is calculated. The result obtained is multiplied by the number of approaches, the result will be the target time. The complexity of the complex is carried out by moving to a more complex level of elements.
- A set of exercises is carried out without intervals, with a standard number of repetitions and a certain time. In this case, the number of passages of circles can be different. Upon completion of learning the exercises, a circular training is performed with an equal period of time for each movement and a break for rest. The dosage and execution time remain standard, while the number of circles increases. This option is very important for the second part of the lesson, as the execution time is standardized.
This circuit training method is used to work out from 10 to 15 areas, depending on the availability of the necessary sports equipment.
Threaded Interval
Circuit training in this way with a strictly defined rest time is performed with short breaks not only between elements, but also between circles. This method of circuit training is characterized by the fact that the passage of two or threecircles in the first part of the classes contributes to the development of such qualities as endurance, speed, strength. This improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This method has two options:
- The first is based on this principle: 15 seconds per exercise on each section and a break of 30-45 seconds. Training is carried out with a personal dosage, while the rest should correspond to the intensity of the exercises and the physical fitness of the person being trained. The more actively the elements are performed, the more effectively the development of speed, strength and endurance occurs. The use of this variant should take place in accordance with clear rules for performing exercises, at a moderate pace, and it should not be allowed to increase due to poor performance of movements.
- The second option is based on a longer exercise - 30 seconds each. and the same interval for rest. Working in this way, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of physical activity. The set of exercises should include elements that are performed calmly and with maximum accuracy. Increasing the difficulty is done by increasing the repetitions in each section and the number of circles.
Intensive interval method
This method is used when a certain level of physical fitness is reached by trained people. The use of circuit training according to the method of long continuous work can significantly increase the indicators of strength, speed and endurance.
The complex is performed by one of two options:
- For each exercise10-15 seconds are given with an interval for rest of 0.5-1.5 minutes. The increase in load is carried out by reducing the time spent on the execution of the element, the number of repetitions remains the same.
- This option involves performing exercises without time limits, with the number of repetitions of 8-10 times, at a moderate pace. The interval for rest ranges from 0.5 to 3 minutes, the determining factor is physical activity. The complication of circular training is provided by increasing the intensity of the element being performed. At the same time, the rest time remains constant. During the break, you need to do breathing exercises and relax your muscles to quickly recover and prepare the body for the next set.

The peculiarity of the organizational process lies in the arrangement of the trainees so that while one pair of people perform the elements, the others rest.
Rules system
As already mentioned, the use of the circular method in sports training is based on the constant cyclical repetition of a set of physical exercises for a limited period of time. At the same time, it is important to note that these classes are subject to a set of rules, thanks to which the performance is significantly increased:
- Passing the circle can be considered completed only after all the exercises have been completed in a certain sequence.
- The rest period must be observed according to the method used.
- After completing a full cycle of exercises and before startingto a new circle, rest for at least 2-3 minutes. The exact respite time depends on the number of completed elements.
- Repeat each exercise on each section should be done at least 10 times. As the difficulty level of the training process increases, the number of repetitions increases to 30.
- Training should be done with at least three rounds of exercises.
- Application of a certain approach directly depends on the age of the trainee, the goals set and the level of training.
- Classes on this method can be implemented by several single or combined options.
A set of exercises using the circuit training method
You can use the following set of balanced elements to perform:
- Squats with calf raises. Standing, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Inhale, sit down to an angle of 90 degrees, stretch your arms in front of you. Exhale, stand up, rise on your toes.
- Push-ups from the floor. Emphasis on palms and toes. Inhale, bend your elbows, lightly touch the floor with your chest. Exhale, straighten your arms. Keep your body straight.

- Lunge forward with hands. Starting position - standing straight. Inhale, step forward, bending your knees. Exhale, hands with an effort to “push off” from the air, stand in the starting position.
- Reverse push-ups. Sitting on a bench, hands rest against its edge, shift the pelvis forward beyond the seat. Inhale, lower to the floor, emphasis with straight legs on the heels. Exhale, straighten your arms.
- Twisting. Lying onback, hands behind the head, knees bent. As you exhale, lift the body to the knees with twisting to the side. Exhale, get down on the floor.
- "Boat". Lie on your stomach, arms straight above your head, legs together. At the same time, raise the body and straight legs, linger in this position for three to five seconds.
- "Plank". Perform a stand on the elbows and toes. Head, back, legs - on the same line. Hold for 30 seconds, repeat up to five times.

Education of physical qualities by the method of circular training is also effective psychologically, as it teaches you not to stop at the achieved level due to temporary difficulties.
Over time, the effectiveness of exercise decreases due to getting used to the load of its own weight. Next, you need to think about purchasing weights: barbells, dumbbells, removable weights for limbs, horizontal bars, kettlebells.
Circuit training methods in physical education classes and their benefits
The use of this complex for training schoolchildren of different age groups has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Its systematic use gives positive results after several training sessions with a teacher. Pedagogical practice, based on the use of circular training as part of a physical education lesson, highlights a number of the main advantages of the method:
- The lesson takes place in an interesting and active format for the child.
- Proven to work in all age groups.
- The method enables all students to studytogether and at the same time independently with a minimum set of inventory.
- The constant change of exercises allows you to use all muscle groups in one workout.
- The activity is characterized by high motor density.
Physical education teacher should carefully approach the use of circuit training in physical education classes. It is recommended to regularly analyze the current level of preparedness of the class in general and each student individually.

Circuit training adapts students to independent analysis in the formation and development of motor functions, to the development of the sequence of exercises, teaches them to be organized, collected and concentrated when performing sports elements. An important point is the effective use of the time allotted for classes. In the process of learning a new exercise, certain physical skills are involved. For example, when developing strength qualities, developing speed and endurance, a basis is created for further improvement of motor skills.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that the method of circuit training in physical education plays an important role and should be applied in all educational institutions. It can alternate or be combined with other methods of increasing the level of strength and speed capabilities of trainees.