Practice report: example and design rules

Practice report: example and design rules
Practice report: example and design rules

Today we propose to talk about how to write and format a practice report correctly. Examples and excerpts from the work will also be presented to your attention.

practice report example
practice report example

All students, without exception, pass these stages:

  • training practice;
  • production;
  • undergraduate;
  • final qualification work.

Many students try to play it safe and order work from a professional. But, in fact, there is nothing wrong with writing a report and final qualifying work. You can see for yourself by reading this article. We will tell you all the nuances of writing an internship report. You can also see examples taken from real work. We suggest you start immediately.

How to write a report?

Each of the three types of practice has its own characteristics. Let's briefly describe each of them.

undergraduate practice report example
undergraduate practice report example

Educational practice is the first introductory stage. As a rule, students pass this type without any difficulty. It looks something like thisway:

  • students receive assignment;
  • every day for some time the teacher gives lectures;
  • students write a report;
  • pass defense.

During the lectures, the student should try to collect the maximum of the necessary material, as a result - to form a report from it.

The next stage is the production practice. It takes place directly in the working environment. Its goal is to immerse the student in the atmosphere where he will have to work after graduation. Now the student must occupy a specific position, and indicate the results of the internship in the report.

The decisive step is writing an internship report using the example of an LLC… If a student had a supervisor during the internship, now he can only rely on his own strength. Please note that this report should directly relate to the topic of the thesis.

In more detail we will consider all types further. But no matter how different they are, the goals are always the same:

  • summarize learning;
  • reinforce theoretical knowledge;
  • master practical skills;
  • realize activities;
  • to study the work of the enterprise.

The completion of the practice is the defense of the written report. What should the teacher see in it? This document testifies to what the student has learned, what professional qualities he has mastered during the internship.

The Practice Report, examples of which you can see below, is an important work. Based on the fact thatit will be written, the teacher will be able to draw conclusions about the professional training of the student. Therefore, the report must be written correctly and efficiently. For this you need:

  • to study the work of the enterprise as closely as possible;
  • get acquainted with all documents and regulations;
  • describe your activities;
  • introduce your teacher to your achievements;
  • make recommendations for improving the operation of the enterprise.

Besides this, everything must be issued in accordance with GOST. We will pay attention to this later.

Where to start?

field practice report example
field practice report example

All types of practice begin with the receipt of methodological materials at the graduating department of the university. This is an instruction on how to write a report correctly.

The basis for writing is the practice plan. Here you can get acquainted with the tasks (there can be from three to four). To write a competent and structured report, you need:

  • gather information;
  • analyze it;
  • develop a plan to improve performance;
  • write a report based on the guidelines.

Types of reports

As mentioned earlier, a student needs to complete three practices in total:

  1. Educational. The difference between this and other types is that this report does not have a practical part. The main task is immersion in the work environment, it is important to mention this when writing the work.
  2. Production. The report must be completelycomply with GOST. This practice is aimed at the independent work of the student. Important: Your personal recommendations and comments are needed.
  3. Undergraduate. It is the most critical step. In the report on undergraduate practice (you can see an example of the structure below), it is important to mention the topic of your WRC.

Structure of GOST

According to GOST, the report must contain at least thirty-five and no more than forty-five pages. In this volume, you must compactly fit all the material. Please note that the introduction should be no more than three pages long.

Structure according to GOSTs:

  1. Title page.
  2. Practice plan.
  3. Review of the diploma supervisor.
  4. Summary.
  5. Abbreviations and conventions.
  6. Table of contents.
  7. Introduction.
  8. Main part.
  9. Conclusion.
  10. Literary sources.
  11. Applications.

What is included in the main part of the report on practice in the enterprise? You can see an example below.

  1. Brief description of LLC "UniCredit Bank", a branch of the city of Saratov.
  2. Asset analysis of UniCredit Bank LLC, Saratov.

2.1. Structure and composition of assets.

2.2. Grouping by liquidity level.

2.3. Yield analysis.

It's also important to mention about the applications - they turn on when needed.

Design requirements

Design according to GOSTs implies not only the correct structuring, but also the appropriate choice of font, size, proper placementgraphics.

As a rule, now when writing a report they use a computer and a text editor Word. It must be printed on A4 sheets. Work font: Times New Roman. Main text: size 14, single line spacing. Headings and subheadings: size 16, bold.

Sections and subsections

All work should be divided into sections and subsections. Please note that, if necessary, items or lists can be included in the work.

When writing a report, it is very important not to forget that a new section starts with a clean slate. Requirements for the design of sections: numbering in Arabic numerals, center alignment, bold font, shingle 16, capital letters. Requirements for the design of subsections: numbering in Arabic numerals, lowercase letters, left alignment, bold font, shingle 14.


example of an enterprise practice report
example of an enterprise practice report

Graphic elements (pictures, diagrams, tables, formulas, drawings, and so on), according to GOST, can be inserted in three different ways:

  • after the paragraph in which the object is mentioned;
  • on the next page;
  • in the app.

Proper placement of graphic elements is very important in a practice report. You can see an example of design below. The most successful option is the first one. So, the reader will not lose any information, he will immediately get acquainted with it.

Form of presentation

Now you can see an excerpt taken from the practice report. The example meets all the requirements of GOST.

"The purpose of the analysis of the structure of the assets of "UniCredit Bank" of the city of Saratov is to identify the level of diversification of active operations and the optimality of their structure.

Active operations of the bank constitute a significant part of the operations. Thanks to the support of shareholders, the bank has been constantly increasing its assets throughout its history.”

Please note that the use of the report is unacceptable:

  • diameter icon;
  • "-" for temperature;
  • some mathematical symbols.

Explanatory note

example of an accountant practice report
example of an accountant practice report

In addition to all of the above, an explanatory note is required, which is attached to the report on production practice. You can see an example in the figure presented in this section of the article.

In the shortest possible time, an explanatory note is a summary of the written report. There the student needs to reflect:

  • all your actions;
  • generalized information about the internship.


practice report on the example of LLC
practice report on the example of LLC

In this section you can see the characteristic from the accountant's practice report. The example shown in the picture above contains a feedback-characteristic of the teacher from the practice base.

This document is not needed in the study practice report. It usually contains the following information:

  • attendance;
  • participation in organizational processes;
  • student benefits for the enterprise;
  • willingness to cooperate.

Do not forget that the characteristic (review) is a very important document, especially in undergraduate practice, teachers pay special attention to it.


As a rule, the form to fill out is issued by the graduating department. It will be filled in by the student himself.

This document contains notes that the student makes on his own every day throughout the entire period of internship. It is important not to forget to set dates, tasks (for a specific day) and the result of the implementation. Keep in mind that this information must be confirmed by the signature and seal of the head of practice from the enterprise.

Report protection

internship report example
internship report example

When the practice is over and the report is ready, it's time to defend it. It's actually not hard (assuming you wrote it yourself).

You must be well versed in your work and know where to look if you do not have enough information. For convenience, prepare a short presentation that will contain all the necessary information in a compact form.
