The world does not stand still. Society is developing not only in a technical direction, but also in relation to international norms of behavior. It is peacekeeping organizations that protect the peace of our planet. Imagine if there were no UN, NATO, UNESCO (and this is not the whole list). The world would be in chaos! Since everyone has their own truth, and only the interests of their state are defended. This is especially true for political issues. Thanks to these organizations, the military intervention of one state in the life of another is strictly regulated. What role does the Hague Conference play in appeasing countries? How many members does it have?

The Hague conferences
Russia played a significant role in their organization. The first Hague Conference took place in 1899. It was organized by the famous Russian lawyer and diplomat F. F. Martens. The main purpose of the congress was to develop uniform norms and laws for the conduct of war for all participating states. Following the first, in 1907, the second Hague Conference was convened, again at the initiative of Russia. The whole world appreciated the zeal of this country for the peaceful existence of the planet. This congress has become much more fruitfulfirst. The universal rules and laws of warfare, the norms for the peaceful resolution of international conflicts and disputes at sea, land and in the air were not only developed, but also adopted.

Russian diplomats made a proposal to convene a third conference.
Rules of War
Until the time when the Hague Convention of 1907 came into force, the conduct of war was decided independently by those states that were drawn into the conflict. The aggressor state and the victim had equal rights, and no one could force the former to refrain from attacking the latter. The unwillingness to negotiate and conclude peace treaties entailed a huge number of casu alties among the population. Even in the event of a dishonest or mercenary attack on the country, no one could influence the withdrawal of enemy troops, since this violated the laws of warfare of that time.
The Hague conventions, which are still in force, have established uniform norms for the conduct of hostilities. The right to enter into a conflict was limited, which led to fewer disputes. A scheme for the peaceful resolution of conflicts was developed, which was created taking into account previous practice. Other countries could intervene in resolving troubles within the state, but only guided by the scheme of the Hague Convention. According to its articles, only peacekeeping troops were allowed to enter.

The same goes for international conflicts. Residents of a country that has become a victim of war are alloweddefended with all means at hand. Unexplained aggression was not welcome.
The fact that the world is interested in a unified system of warfare is evidenced by the fact that the first Hague Conference was held with the participation of 26 states, among which the following were the leading ones: Russia, the USA, Japan, and the countries of Western Europe. But the second already had 44 participating countries. All the previous ones were present, as well as 17 new ones, most of them from Central and South America. Despite the initiative shown by Russia, the whole world was alarmed by the recent Decembrist revolution.