People have always dreamed of flying. It was possible to realize the plan only after the invention of aircraft technology. However, like any objects created on earth, airplanes and airliners are subject to gravity, which means that they can fall, claiming tens and hundreds of lives. One such accident was the plane crash in Irkutsk in 1997. It happened again in 2001 and 2006. We will talk about these tragic events and consequences in this article.
Chronology of the 1997 Irkutsk plane crash
On December 6, 1997, a tragic accident occurred in Irkutsk, connected with the crash of the An-124 transport aircraft. From a brief history of the fall of air transport, the following is known:
- the plane followed the route Moscow-Irkutsk-Vladivostok-Kam Ranh;
- there were 15 passengers and 8 crew members on board;
- the purpose of the flight was to transport two 40-ton fighters, created at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, to the territory of Vietnam;
- approximately 3 seconds after the aircraft had risen to a five-meter height, engine number 3 surged and then turned off;
- exactly 6 seconds after further riseair transport engine No. 2 stopped at a height of 22 meters;
- exactly 2 seconds after climbing to a 66-meter height, the third engine stopped;
- working on only one engine, the plane began to decline.

Due to the above malfunction, a plane crash occurred (Irkutsk, 1997) - the plane crashed into residential buildings. As a result of the crash, all crew members and 45 people living in damaged houses were killed, more than 70 families lost their homes.
What was the cause of the 1997 Irkutsk disaster?
The tragic event of 1997 caused a huge resonance in the press. It was talked about not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Moreover, most media representatives described several possible versions of the disaster at once, one of which was the surge of two engines, as well as a valve malfunction on the third engine. This reason fully coincides with the official version of the special commission investigating the incident and compiling the final report on the disaster. It also mentions maintenance errors.

Plane crash (Irkutsk, 2001): chronology of events
On July 4, 2001, another airliner crashed in Irkutsk - Tu-154M, following the route Yekaterinburg-Irkutsk-Vladivostok. According to the expert commission, the takeoff from Yekaterinburg and the ascent of the liner to a height of 10,100 meters took place as planned, without any clearviolations.
Problems with the control of the aircraft arose as the passenger Tu-154M began to land in Irkutsk. There was an electronics failure, the plane began to fall, went into a tailspin, and a plane crash occurred (Irkutsk, 2001). The plane fell to the ground, started to burn and completely collapsed.

What are the causes of the Irkutsk tragedy of 2001?
According to preliminary data, the cause of the disaster was the panic on the part of the crew members, who could not recognize and neutralize the "stall into a flat tailspin of the aircraft during landing approach" in time.
According to experts, the crew was very exhausted, as on the day of the accident they flew approximately 20,953 hours and made over 11,387 flights from the take-off and landing cycle. Such an extraordinary fate awaited this powerful Tu-154 liner. Irkutsk (air crash) interrupted the lives of 145 people, including 9 crew members and 136 ordinary passengers.

This terrible disaster in 2006
On July 9, 2006, the third accident occurred in Irkutsk. This time, the accident happened with the participation of the Airbus A310-324 airliner, en route from Moscow to Irkutsk. From the data of the accident investigation commission, it is known that as a result of incorrect and uncoordinated actions of the crew, one of the engines was accidentally switched to takeoff mode.
As a result, upon landing at the Irkutsk airport, the plane skidded off the runway and, without braking in time, collided with a garage complex. Sothere was a new plane crash (Irkutsk, 2006), which claimed the lives of 125 people (among them - 8 crew members and 195 passengers), 63 people were injured and injured of varying severity.
Investigation and planned investigation
The negligence of the crew, which led to the tragedy, caused a lot of negativity and public indignation. In search of the causes and perpetrators of the accident, the relatives of the victims stormed the representative office of Siberia Airlines and repeatedly turned to private detective agencies for help.
The very same investigation into the causes of the disaster lasted exactly two years and five months. The total amount of materials involved in the trial amounted to 55 volumes. During this time, more than 10 different versions of the incident were put forward, 339 judicial, 205 medical and 128 genetic examinations were performed.
According to the results of the investigation, it was announced about the erroneous and uncontrolled actions of the crew members carried out during the landing of the aircraft. The plane crash (Irkutsk) in 2006 led to all this.

Time for exploits: flight attendant Andrey
Despite the tragedy of the 2006 incident, not all crew members were confused and panicked. Some, on the contrary, showed their best heroic qualities. So, the plane crash in Irkutsk turned one of the flight attendants, Andrey Dyakonov, into a real hero.
According to eyewitnesses, it was Andrei who did not lose his head during the explosion and fire on the starboard side of the liner. According to the instructions, hekicked out the jammed front door and let the passengers out one by one. Thus, the flight attendant managed to save the lives of 30 people. However, Andrei himself did not have time to jump out of the burning cabin of the aircraft. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.
The feat of stewardess Victoria Zilberstein
The plane crash in Irkutsk did not allow flight attendant Victoria Zilberstein to get lost. According to eyewitnesses, it is known that this brave 22-year-old girl not only got out from under the rubble herself, but also managed to lead other passengers through the found emergency exit. During the rescue mission, Victoria brought out 20 people.
The stewardess herself survived, although she received some injuries and concussions. The girl came to her senses for a long time in the hospital. Sklifosovsky. After being discharged, she returned to her profession again.
After the plane crash in Irkutsk was fully investigated and the perpetrators were declared, Victoria was awarded the medal "Hurry to do good", received the distinction "For Courage" and was awarded several more titles and awards.