MSIMO Postgraduate School is a recognized forge of Russian scientific personnel. Postgraduate students are recruited in 26 programs, which are implemented within 9 areas of training. It is worth noting that the MGIMO postgraduate program is one of the most prestigious not only in Russia, but also in the world. MGIMO graduates are highly valued in the labor market.

Fields of postgraduate training
The Graduate School of the University of International Relations offers 26 programs that are implemented in the following areas of study:
- jurisprudence;
- culturology;
- education and pedagogical sciences;
- historical sciences and archeology;
- sociological sciences and others.
Deadlines for applications
In order to be able to enroll in MGIMO postgraduate programs, an applicant must submit the entire list of documents on August 27 and inclusive until September 6. The required list of documents includes:
- application for admission to one of the study programs offered;
- application form, it must befilled out strictly according to the form approved by the MGIMO Admissions Committee;
- motivation letter, the length of which is set within 5000 characters;
- document with which you can identify the identity of the applicant;
- Master's degree from MGIMO or another university.
In addition, 2 photographs of the appropriate size must be attached to the list of documents, as well as documents that confirm the individual success of the applicant.
Number of seats
The target numbers for admission to all areas of MGIMO postgraduate study are published annually on the official website of the university in the section for applicants. In 2018, 6 state-funded places were allocated in the “economy” direction, as well as 7 places with tuition fees. In the direction of "sociological sciences" there are only 2 state-funded places and also 2 places with tuition fees. The same figures are in the direction of "culturology", "historical sciences and archeology", "philosophy, ethics and religious studies".

The number of budget places in the direction of "jurisprudence" 7, as well as 7 places with tuition fees. 2 state-funded places and 1 place with tuition fees were allocated for the direction "Linguistics and Literary Studies".
Entrance tests
For admission to the university's postgraduate programs, the applicant must successfully pass the entrance test. The programs of entrance examinations are posted on the official website of the university in the section for applicants. Entrance tests in a foreign language for admission to graduate school in 2018will take place on 10 September. Entrance examinations in philosophy - September 12. Entrance examinations in the subject, according to the speci alty, will be held on September 14. Each area of MGIMO postgraduate training has its own subject in the speci alty.

For example, applicants must successfully pass an exam in the theory and history of culture in order to enter the "cultural studies" program. The exam preparation program is available on the official website of the university.
All works are evaluated on a 100-point scale. Each score interval has its own score. For example, if an applicant scores from 0 to 59 points, he receives an "unsatisfactory" grade. According to the ECTS system, this grade corresponds to grade F. An applicant who scores from 67 to 74 points for the exam receives a grade of "satisfactory" or D, which indicates poor knowledge of the subject.

An applicant who scored from 75 to 81 points receives a C grade, which characterizes generally good knowledge of the subject, but also indicates that there were noticeable errors in the work. An applicant who scores from 82 to 89 gets a B grade, which shows their good knowledge of the subject.
If the applicant scores more than 90 points, the work is graded with an A, which indicates excellent mastery of the material.
Tuition fees
The cost of postgraduate study at MGIMO varies depending on the direction. The cost of education in the direction of "culturology" for Russian citizens in 2018 will be410,000 rubles a year. For foreign citizens the cost is identical. The cost for all other areas of training at the MGIMO postgraduate course for Russian citizens will be 320,000 rubles a year. The cost of education for foreign citizens per year will be 340,000 rubles. The cost of the competition is 160,000 rubles per year for Russian citizens, 180,000 for graduate students from other countries. Every year, the cost of postgraduate study at the university is growing.
For students entering MGIMO from other cities, it is possible to provide university dormitories. Detailed information can also be obtained from the Postgraduate Department of MGIMO. During the period of admission, applicants also have the opportunity to move into one of the hostels of the university.

The cost of accommodation in a hostel located in the Novye Cheryomushki microdistrict will cost the applicant 200 rubles per day. The cost of accommodation in a hostel located in the Tsaritsyno microdistrict will cost a student 250 rubles per day.

In total, there are 4 dormitories for nonresident students in the MGIMO structure, which are located in the following microdistricts:
- Cheryomushki.
- Teply Stan.
- Tsaritsyno.
- Vernadsky.
The accommodation of students on a budgetary basis of education takes place on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability in university dormitories. The check-in of students enrolled on preferential terms in the MGIMO master's program, undergraduate or postgraduate studies, takes place out of turn.
For completeFor information about admission to postgraduate programs, please go to the official website of the university in the section of applicants for postgraduate studies. Applicants can also get all the necessary information at the MGIMO Admissions Committee.