List of universities in Armavir: public and private

List of universities in Armavir: public and private
List of universities in Armavir: public and private

There are a large number of private universities in Armavir, as well as many branches of educational institutions from other regions. The largest state university in the city is the Pedagogical University. State institutions provide non-resident students with places in a hostel, and only state universities have budget places.

Armavir city
Armavir city

Armavir state. Pedagogical University

The State University of Armavir has had a maximum efficiency indicator for several years, according to the assessment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The average state exam score of applicants enrolled on the budget exceeds 67. The total number of students is also growing, according to a report for 2017, over 6,000 students studied at the Pedagogical University. Nonresident students of the pedagogical educational institution of Armavir are provided with places in the hostel.

Pedagogical university
Pedagogical university

The number of departments of the Armavir university with budget places includes the following. institutions andfaculties:

  • app. computer science, mathematics and physics;
  • Russian and foreign philology;
  • historical;
  • socio-psychological;
  • preschool and primary education;
  • technology, economics and design.
KVN team of Armavir University
KVN team of Armavir University

The passing score for the educational profile "Journalism" last year was marked at the level of 117. There are no budget places. The cost of training starts from 106,000 rubles per year. The passing score for the bachelor's profile "Life Safety" last year exceeded 112. There are 20 budget places. The cost of education on a contract (paid) basis is over 93,000 rubles a year. The duration of the educational process is 8 semesters or 4 years.

Armavir Humanitarian and Social Institute


Is a private university. In 2017 it was recognized as ineffective. The total number of students is more than 200. The Institute offers the following educational programs: personnel management, economics, law and others. Budget places are not available. The cost of studying at this university is 44,000 rubles. Undergraduate students study for 4 years.

Armavir Linguistic Social Institute

Is a non-state university in Armavir. In 2017, the university's performance indicator increased and reached the value of 5 points out of 7 possible. More than 1000 students study at the university. The divisions include the following faculties:

  • humanitarian-economic;
  • jurisprudence.

Budget places are not available. Tuition starts from 94,000 rubles per year.

Armavir Socio-Psychological Institute

One of the private universities in Armavir. The total number of students barely exceeds 120 people, while more than 70 study at the correspondence department. The Institute offers applicants the following educational programs:

  • tourism;
  • psychology;
  • service;
  • management;
  • economy.
university students
university students

As in any other private university, budget places are not offered. The cost of studying on one of the presented programs is 50,000 rubles per year.

Kuban University (branch)

The number of branches of universities in Armavir includes a branch of the Kuban University. The University was given the maximum score by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education last year. Applicants can enroll in the following educational programs:

  • management;
  • personnel management;
  • jurisprudence and others.

It is worth noting that budget places are not presented. The cost of studying at the Armavir university starts from 80,000 rubles per year. The duration of study in undergraduate programs is a maximum of 4 years, an abbreviated program is possible.

Kuban state. Technological University - branch in Armavir

One of the state universities of Armavir, which are branches. The number of students is 900. The university offers applicants these educationalprograms:

  • Design and technological support of machine-building industries.
  • Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes.
  • Oil and gas business and others.

The cost of training on a contractual (contractual) basis is 106,000 rubles per year. However, budget places are also presented.

North Caucasian Institute of Business, Engineering and Information Technologies

One of the private universities in Armavir. The performance indicator in 2017 was determined at the level of 5 points out of 7 possible. The number of students is 800. Most of them study at the correspondence department. The institute has a full-time faculty, on the basis of which the following educational programs are offered:

  • computer science and engineering;
  • tourism;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence.
