In the 40s of the XX century, Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna was an idol for the inhabitants of the Soviet Union. Every guy dreamed of such a wife, and the girls tried to become like this actress. The material will tell about the difficult fate of a unique woman.
Fate to play on stage
A future actress appeared in a difficult family. The woman's date of birth was September 8, 1919. Her parents successfully proved themselves in the creative field. My father was a conductor, and my mother worked in the opera. At first they lived in Astrakhan. But because of the climate of this region, the girl was often sick. Doctors recommended to change the place of residence. Therefore, the family moved to the capital.

Of course, all my friends immediately realized that with the success of mom and dad, the baby just needs to work in the music field. It is worth noting that in the films Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna herself performed her songs. The biography of the artist really connected with the scene. However, Lucy did not want to devote herself only to music. The girl was very interested in acting.
When Lucy was 16 years old, her mother took her daughter to an audition at the Vakhtangov Theater. Directorliked the young lady, and he advised her to continue to study this profession.
Student Life
In 1937, at the Shchukin school, which the girl decided to enter, there was an extraordinary competition: about 70 people for one place. And it was Lucy who was chosen from among the army of those who wished. The examination committee was struck by her spontaneity and sincerity. At the performance, she sang and recited poetry. In the end, the beauty admitted that she had rehearsed the task with her mother. The judges began to laugh, and the student ran out of the hall in tears. I thought I had failed the competition with a bang. But Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna was one of the first to be enrolled in the course. Moreover, she was immediately allowed to play in the theater and act in films.
The entire Union followed the beauty's personal life and vivid novels. In 1938, a student falls in love with her peer. Her husband was Yuri Alekseev-Meskhiev. At that time, the woman was gaining popularity. Apparently, the man could not stand the constant admirers of his beloved, and the marriage fell apart in less than a year.
In addition to the theater, the girl is invited to the cinema. The first screen work was the picture "Young Captains".

New movies and love
The beauty did not stay free for long. From the army of her fans, she chose the one who loved her the most, her friends noted. The writer became the new husband. Boris Voitekhov is a famous playwright and screenwriter.
After the first film, Luda was noticed by other filmmakers. The young lady is offered to play the main role in the project "Anton Ivanovich is angry."The girl plays Simochka Voronova. Then the actress is waiting for the work "Hearts of Four". Here the hypocrite plays the role of Sashenka Murashova. This picture tells about different characters, whose characters are opposite to each other. The image that Luda embodies is very cheerful and light. The character of this picture calls Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna her favorite. Recognition for the young artist came after this film. She was recognized on the streets and bombarded with letters with ardent declarations of love.
Next, she is invited to the film "Air Cab". The young lady transforms into Natasha Kulikova, a talented artist and singer. On the set, the woman met Mikhail Zharov. Because of this meeting, the family of the actress fell apart again. Lucy fell madly in love with a 20-year-old older man. He answered the girl in return. Then both were married. But the actors left their families. Mikhail left his wife, who humiliated and mocked him, and Lucy left her husband. For some time, Voitekhov tried to return Lucy. Boris intimidated, scandalized, persuaded to change his mind. But Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna was firm in her intentions. The family fell apart in 1941.

The biggest love
During the war years, the actress went to the soldiers several times with films. She was the epitome of the era. Kind, cheerful and sweet, this woman conquered millions. Pictures with the participation of Luda inspired the soldiers. One day, the military, meeting her on the street to show their love, carried the girl in their arms for several blocks.
Together with Zharov actressspent five years. And although from the outside they looked like a happy couple, in fact, all friends and relatives knew that the marriage would end in divorce. Lucy really wanted children, and Mikhail was not ready for such a responsibility. Subsequently, Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna recalled that it was Zharov who loved her more than all men. But her heart belonged to someone else.
She met the architect Karo Halabyan. The woman did not want to have affairs on the side, so she divorced Zharov and entered into a fourth marriage with a new chosen one.

Family idyll
There was a significant age difference between the lovers - 22 years. But the husband and wife lived very well. Already in 1949, the first-born Alexander was born to the couple. Many acquaintances said that Lucy was a very caring and loving mother.
The family has gone through many problems. Alabyan fell out of favor with the party elite. Therefore, he lost his apartment and job. For some time, the couple with their son lived with friends and relatives. But, thanks to stubbornness and connections, the actress managed to return everything to its place.
Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna experienced many hardships. Son Sasha suffered from polio. The woman saved the blood from paralysis with massages and sports. Luda made the boy run and jump. Therefore, the disease receded.
In 1959, a woman experienced the greatest drama. The man she called the love of her life has died. Caro was diagnosed with lung cancer.

Creative path
Partymanagement did not see in this actress any particular reason for pride. Her heroines are deprived of the ideological propaganda that was necessary for the Soviet Union. For example, the film "Ivan the Terrible", where she played, was marked by management. All of his actors have received awards. Only Lyudmila was deprived of attention. It is said that Stalin himself struck her name off the list of contenders for the award.
But Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna was not very worried because of such problems. The bibliography of this woman shows that the awards for her were in second place. First of all, she valued the opinion of the audience. And the audience adored this cute beauty.
The pictures "Twins", "Jumper", "Forest", "Restless economy", "We met somewhere" with her in the title role immediately became hits. But throughout her life, the actress dreamed of a deep dramatic image, which she never managed to play. The only tragic character is the nurse Zina from the painting "The Tale of a Real Man". But this role was small, albeit touching.
In total, the actress starred in 23 films. Because of the comical characters that were offered to Luce, she preferred the theater. Therefore, in the last years of her life, she starred a little.

Last Craze
She didn't go to the registry office again. However, she lived in a civil marriage with her longtime friend Yuri Lyubimov. The lovers studied together, and then played in the theater.
When her success was noted even at foreign festivals, Tselikovskaya Lyudmila received official recognition in her homelandVasilevna. The awards were crowned with the title of People's Artist. It happened in 1963.
Luda was very talented. She independently studied English and translated plays. In addition, she loved to knit, dance, play tennis. Also in it lived the director's gene. She herself staged performances and actively participated in the birth of the Taganka Theater.
In 1975, the couple broke up. Later, Lucy admitted that it was not easy for her to live with such a talented person.
In the late 80s, a woman was diagnosed with cancer. The great actress died at the age of 72. Her life ended on July 4, 1992
Even a terrible disease, about which the doctors did not report for a long time, did not break the woman. She remained cheerful, kind and welcoming to everyone. And not because she didn’t want to upset her relatives, but because she didn’t know how to give up and be sad.
Especially she opened up to the audience on the theater stage. Here she played both the main character of Shakespeare, the incomparable Juliet, and one of Pushkin's most striking characters from the play "The Stone Guest" - the beautiful Laura. In the performance, which has a television version, the woman owned the image of Beatrice from the comedy "Much Ado About Nothing".

Personal qualities
Besides, the actress took part in such productions as "Mademoiselle Nitush" (the role of Denise), "The Idiot" (the image of Aglia Yepanchina), "The Straw Hat (performed by Eliza).
The last film with her participation was released in 1987. She played Ksenia Lvovna in the film "Tutor".
Today her sonAlexander declares that he is very similar to his mother, but his lightness and sublimity are not inherent in him. She often sang, so a festive atmosphere always reigned in their apartment. There were many guests at the table. Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna loved to cook. Her varied dishes were very tasty. The woman was happy as a child when her friends praised her food with pleasure.
But on tour and during the filming of films in the field, the actress did not act up when she was served tea in an iron mug and unleavened Hercules porridge.
The woman was very simple in everyday life. She, like her heroines, is good-natured and childishly naive. She always dressed modestly. She was completely devoid of aristocratic pride because of her popularity. The artist loved to walk in the forest, pick mushrooms and berries.
It was a special actress Tselikovskaya Lyudmila Vasilievna. The filmography of this woman will inspire and please even modern viewers.