Let's consider the subject and tasks of pedagogical science. Any generation of people who are aware of themselves as a society has to solve certain problems: to master the experience of their ancestors; to comprehend it taking into account changing conditions; multiply and enrich it; save it on different media; pass on to the next generations.
What kind of science is this
Pedagogy studies the basic patterns of transmission and assimilation of the social experience of ancestors from older generations to younger ones. What is included in the tasks of pedagogical science? Pedagogy was separated from the philosophical sciences in the 17th century and began to exist as a separate discipline.
At the end of the 17th century, Jan Amos Kamensky managed to set out its foundations in the work “Great Didactics”.

Basic concepts
Let's consider in more detail the object, subject and tasks of pedagogical science. The object is a system of phenomena that are associated with the formation of a person.
The subject is the establishment of regular connections between activity, the inner world, factors affecting a person - social,natural, and purposeful organization of the educational and educational process.
The local task of pedagogical science at the present stage is to organize the joint productive activity of all participants in the educational process. Only with the right approach can you expect to achieve the desired result.
There are three tasks of pedagogical science:
- analytical, which consists in theoretical study, description, explanation of the essence, contradictions, patterns, cause-and-effect relationships, generalization and evaluation of pedagogical experience;
- project-constructive, which consists in the development of innovative pedagogical technologies, the basics of activity, the use of research results, scientific and methodological support of the process;
- prognostic, providing goal setting, planning, development of education and management of educational activities.
The tasks of pedagogical science resonate with the changes taking place in the country, the world.

Actual problems of pedagogical science
Currently, there is an increase in the role of spiritual and moral education. What has become in the new realities of the local task of pedagogical science and its relevance? In domestic education, there is a trend of transition from reproductive to productive learning, inclusive education.
The local task of pedagogical science is connected with education in the youngergeneration of the ability to learn.
The role of ethnological pedagogy is growing, assuming acquaintance with the roots of folk culture.
A regional component has been introduced in educational schools, within which the younger generation gets acquainted with the historical and cultural heritage of their region.
The main task of pedagogical science at the present stage is the transition from personality-alienated to personality-oriented methodology. It implies equal rights for all representatives of the educational process.

Distinctive characteristics of the new methodology
In the person-centered methodology, the student acts as the subject of the process. In this case, the tasks of pedagogical science include stimulating the cognitive interest of students, creating favorable conditions for self-development, self-improvement of the younger generation.
Characteristics of modern education
Taking into account the changes that are observed in the social and cultural sphere, the subject and tasks of pedagogical science are also undergoing certain adjustments.
The society's demand for the educational structure has changed. For example, the priority is patriotic and environmental education of the younger generation.
The tasks of modern pedagogical science include:
- involving the processes of updating and acquiring knowledge and skills in public and industrial sectors;
- identifying talented, enterprising people inas the most important resource for the social and economic development of modern society;
- periodic changes in technology, transition to socially adapted pedagogical methods.
Information community
The tasks of pedagogical science include the creation of equal conditions for obtaining quality knowledge by all social strata, the exclusion of sharp contrasts. Modern pedagogy pays special attention to the design and implementation of methods and methodology aimed at increasing the efficiency of the educational and educational process.
Pedagogy is closely connected with other sciences, it uses their theoretical positions, scientific ideas, practical conclusions. For example, pedagogical science is based on psychology and sociology, philosophy, economics, political science, medical sciences.

We found out what is the task of pedagogical science and its relevance. Now we will reveal its composition and directions. The structure of pedagogy includes several sections:
- theoretical and applied, which includes school studies, didactics, the theory of education, the basics of didactics;
- age: school, preschool, andogogy;
- correctional: oligophrenopedagogy, speech therapy, deaf pedagogy, tiflopedagogy;
- industry: industrial, sports, military.
The place of education in the educational process
This category is one of the main ones in modern pedagogy. From the interpretation of this conceptdepends on the subsequent analysis, as well as understanding the essence of this process. At present, the term "education" is considered as a way of influencing a person in order to form her system of views and beliefs.
Under its essence is understood the purposeful, social reward of organizational, spiritual, material conditions that allow new generations to fully assimilate the socio-historical experience of their ancestors.
The goal of humanistic education is the harmonious development of the individual. The formation of a person's personality occurs during the influence of various factors, subjective and objective, social, natural, external, internal factors that do not depend on the consciousness and will of people.

Depending on the style and principles of relations between pupils and their mentors, free, authoritarian, communal, democratic education is distinguished.
Pedagogical patterns are a reflection of objective cause-and-effect relationships in the system of full-fledged relations between the outside world and pupils.
The process involves a certain system, which is implemented subject to certain principles:
- cultural conformity;
- dialogical approach;
- cultural conformity;
- natural conformity;
- individual-creative approach.
Currently, special importance is attached to military-patriotic, environmental, moral education.

Different goals of education are determined by the content, character, educational methods.
In Athens and Ancient Greece, education was considered a comprehensive and harmonious process. All aspects of the personality must develop in interconnection; in Sparta, Spartan foundations were used in education.
In the Renaissance in the XVIII-XIX centuries. the ideas of humanism became a priority, they assumed the involvement of students in the educational process through active life. Particular attention was paid to the idea of free education by J.-J. Russo.

After the introduction of second-generation standards into the domestic educational system, the upbringing and educational process has undergone significant changes.
Separate attention began to be paid to self-education, which implies a conscious, purposeful movement of a person to improve his personal qualities.
Self-education is a conscious, purposeful human activity, which is aimed at overcoming negative traits. When thinking through the process of self-education, the teacher plays the role of a tutor.
In modern pedagogy, within the framework of the psychological and social approach, close attention is paid to target pluralism.
Currently, the educational process is not limited to the presentation of theoretical material, it involves building individual educational and developmental technologies for each individual student.
To decide into the full extent of the tasks that modern society sets for educational institutions, it is important to take into account all internal and external factors.