Everything connected with the life of Grigory Rasputin is surrounded by mystery. This was facilitated by his friendship with the royal family, the circumstances of his death, the political situation and the efforts of the elder himself, who apparently sought to surround his image with a mystical halo.

Grigory Rasputin became one of the symbols with the help of which the forces hostile to the Russian Empire, seeking to weaken it, proved the failure and "rottenness" of the Romanov monarchy. In difficult years for the country, both the German General Staff, and the Social Democrats, and practically all political parties of a revolutionary persuasion, unsuccessfully tried to introduce into the mass consciousness the idea that an illiterate old man practically leads the country, cuckolds the king, and at the same time organizes orgies, creating whip sect.

How far this corresponded to reality, it is impossible to reliably determine due to the prescription of years, and the contemporaries of those events had very conflicting opinions on this matter, therefore, when assessing the personality of an old man, one should, apparently, rely only on dry facts, ignoring artisticworks, mostly biased.
Who was Grigory Rasputin? His biography begins in 1869, but there is no complete clarity on this issue either, it is possible that the age was added to better match the image, or, as they say now, the image of an old man. Being 21 years old, he married, became the father of two daughters and a son. The religious worldview was formed by Gregory in his youth, therefore, to assume some kind of sophisticated hypocrisy attributed to him in many books and films. It is difficult, but Rasputin cannot be denied intelligence and purposefulness. A native of a remote village from the Tobolsk province, he, apparently, set himself the goal of getting to know the imperial family, and achieved his goal.

The fact that Grigory Rasputin could stop the blood of Tsarevich Alexei, who was ill with a serious illness - hemophilia, can be considered objective and confirmed by many testimonies. Some of his predictions are also indisputable, and there were about a hundred of them in all, they concerned political events and the circumstances of deaths, including his own. These prophecies came true.
There is no doubt that the influence that Grigory Rasputin enjoyed at court caused concern and concern to many political figures both in the Russian Empire and beyond, although, in fact, it may not have been as widespread as it appeared from the outside. So, many of his illiterate notes, drawn at random, were not taken into account by dignitaries. However, the Emperor andThe empress consulted with the elder when they wanted to know the opinion of a particular person.

Apparently, it was the desire to demonstrate one's own importance and significance that caused the death of this undoubtedly outstanding person. There is a fairly plausible version of the involvement in the murder of British intelligence, concerned about the possibility of peace between Germany and Russia. Grigory Rasputin repeatedly spoke out in favor of such a decision, feeling that the war was draining the country's economy. Numerous contradictions in the testimony of Prince Yusupov and Purishkevich with the data obtained during the autopsy speak in favor of such a hypothesis.