Great Russian language! Studies by modern linguists show that it contains about two hundred thousand words. However, the average Russian uses no more than three thousand lexical constructions in everyday life. There are many methods for replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language. You can get acquainted with the most effective techniques for improving the culture of speech in the article.

Tip 1. Reading-learning
The book is an endless source of knowledge. Expanding vocabulary through reading, analyzing and memorizing information is one of the most effective methods of enriching speech. How to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language and what to read for this? It is necessary to study not only fiction, but also popular science, specialized literature of Russian and foreign authors, poetry. It is important to adhere to the following rules:
- slow, thoughtful reading followed by text analysis;
- concentration on new terms, phrases, lexicalstructures;
- the practice of reading aloud, memorizing or retelling a text.

When you come across an unfamiliar word, you need to write it out in a separate notebook / notebook, pick up synonyms, memorize the interpretation and try to apply it in everyday life.
Tip 2. Expressing one's thoughts
A large vocabulary comes with hard work. Masters of eloquence recommend paying attention to the development of oratory skills in oneself. Every erudite person should have the ability to clearly articulate thoughts, describe events richly or retell in detail recently read information. The active use of the studied material (in this case, new words) is a guarantee of the richness of speech: in a conversation, in correspondence or during a speech, one should express thoughts, carefully choosing the best words.

Among the tips on how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language, writing your own text exercises are especially effective. For example, you can take a notebook and a pen or open a text editor on your computer and just start writing. It is important to try to put your own feelings on paper, learn to describe events in detail or tell a story. Alternatively, you can start journaling or start a virtual diary - daily practice as a writer will stir up the brain and make it "dig" intoown lexical baggage.
Tip 3. No parasite words
“Well”, “like”, “as if” and long pauses of “uh-uh” in an instant betray a person with a meager vocabulary. Such constructions pollute a person's speech, deprive it of information content and beauty.
Tip 4. "Not!" borrowed words
One of the negative consequences of the introduction of English into all spheres of life was the active use of borrowed words in Russian speech. "User", "hater", "hype", "team building" - the glut of the Russian language with terms of foreign origin can be compared with the use of parasitic words.
Tip 5. Using dictionaries
Specialized textbooks that study the etymology of words can open up new horizons in the native language. You can use both classic volumes from Dahl or Ozhegov, or use online services to learn new words. It is noteworthy that explanatory dictionaries, in addition to interpretation, also contain examples of the use of the term in context, which allows it to be included in the active lexicon.

An obligatory item in working with a dictionary is the transfer of unknown terms to a separate notebook. It is important to review your notes from time to time. Perfectly copes with the task of replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language with a list of words located in a conspicuous place. Placing stickers with terms in the workplace, refrigerator or mirror involves visual memory in the process of learning new vocabulary. Not worth itneglect didactic cards: on one side the word is written, and on the other - its definition.
For beginner linguists: the tricks of learning your native language
Solving word puzzles. Crossword, scrabble, boggle or cranium - choosing a game to your liking, you can not only have great fun, but also expand your vocabulary, learn to think critically.

- Regular training is the key to success. If the daily “load” is 3 words, then in a month the vocabulary will increase by 90, and in a year - by 1080 words!
- The secret from the series on how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language, which many people neglect, is listening to audiobooks, podcasts, lectures and public speeches by cultural and scientific figures. While cleaning or driving to work, such activities contribute to the enrichment of lexical baggage.
How to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language for a student and a child?
Speech abilities in children are formed by the age of five: upon reaching this age, the baby should be able to use various constructions of complex sentences, master the skills of word formation and inflection, and have sufficient vocabulary. Lack of communication, ignoring reading, violations in pronunciation are factors that lead to the fact that the child has a passive knowledge of speech.

Application of methodsexpanding lexical baggage for adults to children is inefficient. The following rules from teachers, speech therapists and neuropsychologists will come to the rescue: they shared the secrets of how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language in childhood.
- No confusion! If a child calls mittens gloves and plates saucers, it makes sense to help the child see the differences between these items through visual analysis. For example, after drawing things that cause confusion, examine them in detail and highlight the differences.
- Verbal communication. The game of association allows the child to develop abstract thinking. For example, the kid should match the word “guitar” with several nouns, adjectives and verbs (preferably synonymous): “music” and “sound”, “voiced” and “loud”, “plays” and “strums”.
- Hidden meaning. Concrete thinking is inherent in children up to 7 years old, later they begin to catch the "messages" of the author and learn to read "between the lines". Discussion of proverbs and sayings helps to develop the ability to understand figurative meaning.
- Reading and socializing. Important aspects in the question of how to replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language for a baby are communication and reading skills. You should always listen to the child, and also do not forget to instill in him a love of literature.
How to quickly replenish the vocabulary of the Russian language? Use all of the above methods in a complex. It is important to remember that success is achieved only through hard work, and those who are constantly ready towork on yourself.