Hearing the word "mothered", one involuntarily thinks about some dangerous and hardened person who has seen everything and experienced even more. And to face something like this, all desire disappears. But in vain! Read this article and you will find out what a hardened person means. And, most likely, your opinion will change. After all, with a probability of one hundred percent, it may turn out that you are also “mature” in something.
Meaning of the word
Let's consider what a hardened one means. Linguists often argue about the origins of this word, but most often a variant of the Latin language, one of the most ancient, is considered.
Maturus from Latin translates as ripe, mature. This also includes the last term of pregnancy, being in the prime, at the zenith. Dahl's dictionary says that motherhood is hugeness, largeness, fatness. The word refers to a person or animal who has come to the peak of his development, the prime of life.
Now contemporaries divide meaning into three main concepts:
- In a biological concept, this is maturity, for example, a seasoned wolf.
- In the colloquial concept of quality - experienced, knowledgeable,in charge, for example, a seasoned person.
- In the colloquial concept of behavior - a notorious, experienced, for example, hardened criminal.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows what a seasoned person is in the broadest sense of the word, but if they are remembered, it is more often a negative connotation, associated either with gangsters, or with domestic "gopniks", or just with a petty hooligan Pashka. It's nice to know that you can not only not be offended by the word "hardened", but also freely use it in speech.
Where did "motherhood" come from

And yet, a specific "manufacturer" of this concept has not yet been found. Since language groups borrowed a lot from each other, new languages, concepts, peoples and customs were created in the process of migration, the word “mother” is just a modified concept that could come from anywhere.
Some experts believe that the root is the word "mother" and the origin of the word can be justified by Russian roots. Because only a mature woman who is ready for this can become a mother. And seasoned means that a person is an independent, mature person from the guardianship of his mother.
However, many do not agree with this opinion. In other European languages there are words very similar in meaning and sound: Spanish (madura) - ripe, mature; Italian (maturo) - mature, bold; Romanian (matur) - mature; English (mature) - ripe, mature.
How to use the word. And is it necessary?
Definitely, you can and should use this word inhis speech.
Firstly, there will be a reason to expand your vocabulary and surprise others, and at the same time explain what a seasoned person means.
Secondly, if there are children in the family, it will be better if they learn about the meaning at home than its meaning is distorted by “knowledgeable” peers. Many children have a false synonym for the words "mat" and "mother". It is also useful to dispel this myth in the child's head. Of course, of a conscious age and in the form of an unobtrusive game. This way you can explain any difficult word to your child.
If we consider motherhood as a quality of a person, then this is the ability to be experienced, a professional in his field, to be incorrigible and notorious, hardened in some occupation.
In the modern lexicon

Unfortunately, there is a natural transformation of the Russian language into a new, modern manner, so the meaning of many words is forgotten or completely eradicated.
More often in the media and vernacular, the variant of the description of an inveterate person who has known life from different angles is used. More often used by older generations, young people use the synonyms "rabid", "reckless", "dangerous", which more reflect the fearless character.
Now you have learned in more detail what the word mother means, and you have seen from examples how it can display several semantic situations at once. We advise you to read literature more often and write out unfamiliar words so that there is a reason to look into the dictionary. This not only broadens the mind, but also trains the memory.