Statements of public people, if they are relevant, become famous and interesting aphorisms. These aphorisms can "survive" their creator, being passed down from generation to generation. So the famous statements of Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, became catchphrases. I can’t even believe that some of them could be expressed by a formidable ruler, who was feared and respected by the whole world.
Engineers of Human Souls
Stalin's famous statements do not always belong to his personal invention. For example, this catchphrase, with which he designated all writers, does not belong to him. This is how the famous Olesha Yuriy, also a writer, spoke about the writers. Stalin liked this comparison and quoted it at Gorky's house on October 26, 1932. In the house of Maxim Gorky that evening, a general meeting of writers was held, at which the leader decided to attend.
Thus, the phrase spoken by the leader of Yuri Olesha became one of the most famous sayings of Joseph Vissarionovich.

Life has become better, life has become more fun
November 17In 1935, the First All-Union Conference was held, which was attended by workers and workers - Stakhanovites. Completely, of course, Stalin's speech was much longer, but the main idea remained in history. The statement of Joseph Stalin that life is good, and therefore the work is going well, and if life was bad, then the Stakhanovite movement would not exist, sounded on the eve of the well-known mass repressions, which the leader, of course, knew about.
Historians attribute to Stalin a clear evil irony, "false optimism".
Cadres decide everything
Stalin's famous statements are mainly directed towards the workers. This is how this expression appeared, which many bosses like to repeat, shifting the blame for business failures to their staff.
This phrase was born on May 4, 1935, when the graduation of the red commanders took place. So extensively and qualitatively the leader formulated the purpose and principle of political and party leadership.

Winners can and should be judged
There are Stalin's statements aimed at changing the essence. That is what this statement is. So Stalin turned the saying that the winners cannot be judged. The leader uttered this phrase on February 9, 1946, at the elections of voters in the Stalin district in Moscow. Stalin argued this expression by the fact that judging and criticizing the winners is also useful for the winners themselves. The usefulness lies in the fact that once won, the winner does not become conceited, but continues to work hard, be modest. With this itexpression cannot be denied. Indeed, there is such a quality in a person - ambition. It manifests itself at the moment when a person realizes that he is the winner, that he is the best. Such people should not forget that there are mistakes in their work, there can be a person stronger and smarter. Therefore, it is worth not only praising him for his successes, but also criticizing him for what could have been done even better.

Chatterers have no place in operational work
This quote has come down to this day from the Seventh Party Congress, which met to discuss the work of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Belarus. Stalin started talking about types of people there. He divided them into two - grandees, whom he called arrogant, but unable to work, and talkers who are faithful to the work and Soviet power, but cannot and do not know how to lead. The leader said that all talkers should be removed from leadership positions before they flooded the work in constant and endless streams of empty speeches. The hall exploded with applause, everyone agreed with this opinion. Still disagree, because for a dispute with the leader, one could leave their native lands for a long time to become one of the fellers of the forest in Siberia.

Every bug has a first and last name
There is a widespread opinion that the ancestor of the phrase was Lazar Kaganovich - People's Commissar of Railways. Only instead of the word "error" sounded "accident". And he uttered the phrase in the form in which it is known now, Beria. After him, the phrase flew out of the leader's lips into1941. Since Stalin said it out loud, that's why it was attributed only to him.
This says that in every slip and error there is a guilty person. Only one who must answer to the fullest extent, as he set everyone up, violated the plans with his actions.
It doesn't matter how you vote, it matters how you count
Many of Stalin's statements are relevant today. The leader uttered this phrase at the seventh congress for the election of the general secretary, at which Stalin won. The meaning of what was said is an irony about dishonest elections, the essence of which Stalin did not try to hide.
In our time, such a statement has the most direct meaning, indeed, how voted is unimportant. It is more important to "correctly" count the votes.

You have to be a very brave person to become a coward in the Red Army
Some of Stalin's statements belong only to him, they are not attributed to anyone else. This is one of the few that the leader himself invented and said. This aphorism was even printed in the newspapers of those times as an anecdote. Of course, there is nothing funny in this statement, because everyone knows what awaited a soldier who got cold feet on the battlefield, hid or even deserted. There was a humane punishment - execution. Such soldiers were equated with traitors to the Motherland, became enemies not only of the army, but also of Stalin personally. An interesting fact is that Stalin himself did not take part in hostilities, commanding from the office, he did not know all the sorrows thatcarried by the soldiers. Stalin himself was so afraid of his enemies that for every sideways glance in his direction he brought a person to the wall. This explains the appearance of the phrase "There is a person - there is a problem, no person - there is no problem." But Stalin himself never said this phrase! The expression was coined by the writer Rybakov and attributed to Stalin.
Stalin's statements about children
Iosif Vissarionovich spoke of children as full-fledged citizens who should be able to be responsible for their actions. Stalin's statements that mention children did not become aphorisms. It is only known that the leader called for raising children in labor, so that they would understand from an early age how hard everything is given.