Towards the end of the second decade of the last century, the question of the development of the country arose, which assumed that electrification would raise the level of the state's economy to a whole new height.
This was the first plan, designed for the next 15 years, and providing not only the construction of large enterprises, but also the development of the national economy. Lenin understood that the world does not stand still, and electricity is a new round in the modernization of life.
In history books, the decoding of GOELRO sounds like - the State Commission for Electrification of Russia. Within 15 years, it was planned to build about thirty large power plants throughout the country, which were supposed to generate electricity up to eight billion kilowatts / h. If we compare the pre-revolutionary period, then the generation of kilowatts was only about two billion.
The ideological inspirer and actual creator of this program was the leader of the proletariat V. Lenin himself. When the GOELRO decoding was taken as the official name of the electrification plan, Lenin sometimes heard phrases that capitalism is a steam era, and socialism is not just a new level of development of society, but also an era of distributionelectricity. Vladimir Ilyich assumed that if Russia was covered by a powerful network of power plants and the latest technological equipment, then the country's level would rise to the leading European lines.

In deciphering the abbreviation GOELRO, one can see the initial work of Russian scientists of the tsarist empire, the best among the whole country. Even during the First World War, projects were created that the imperial government officials rejected, as their implementation was too expensive and laborious.
Knowing this fact, the government of the USSR threw all its financial and engineering forces in order to bring the plan to life. In 1918, at the All-Russian Conference dedicated to the workers of the electrical industry, it was decided to create a body to manage the construction of power plants - Elektrostroy. Also, all professional Russian power engineers were gathered under the "roof" of the Central Electrotechnical Council.

At the same time, a special bureau was created, whose employees developed a global plan for the electrification of all territories of the Soviet Union.
But in 1921 it was decided to abandon the GOELRO (decoding - the State Commission for Electrification) and create the State General Planning Commission (or Gosplan). From that time on, it was the State Planning Committee that controlled all economic activity.
The essence of GOELRO decoding. USSR at a new stage of development
Even thoughthe focus of two hundred scientists was the direct introduction of electricity, the plan affected all areas of the economy. The details of the project were very well calculated, all the processes of building power plants and the energy distribution system were being optimized. The territory of the RSFSR was divided into thirty districts. In each of these areas it was supposed to build a power plant. Territories were divided according to the presence of one or another source of raw materials or railway lines. Much attention was paid to the development of the country's transport interchange.
In total, twenty thermal power plants (CHP) and ten hydroelectric power plants (HPP) were laid in these areas.
Reflections on the original idea of GOELRO
The version that electrification in the country before 1917 was absolutely not needed went around during the reign of Stalin. But skeptics are very wary of the option that there is no energy base in the Russian Empire, and that the first steps towards the creation of GOELRO (stands for the State Commission for Electrification) were made by the Bolsheviks led by Lenin. In the 1990s, this skepticism took on even greater proportions. The researchers were of the opinion that GOELRO planning was copied from the projects of foreign scientists, and that is why foreign specialists were invited to the country, since the Soviet Union simply did not have scientific and technical personnel.

The next version of the energy project was put forward with more patriotic ideas. Its meaning wasthat the Bolshevik government brazenly stole and appropriated the foundation of industrial development and intellectual resources from the tsarist empire. And it is the latter option that has more supporters these days.
Steps to implement the plan
Based on the explanation of the existing projects under Tsarist Russia, at the beginning of the 20th century, careful development of the concept for large-scale electrification of the country began. However, the process slowed down during the First World War and the October Revolution. But enthusiasts of their business still continued research and development.

After Krzhizhanovsky's report at a meeting of the energy commission, he met with Lenin in 1917. He spoke about his plans and ready-made projects for electrification, his competent emphasis on the importance of launching an electric power process for the speedy development of industrial ideas and blanks impressed the leader. Therefore, after the civil war ended, the leadership of the new country began to work closely on the implementation of GOELRO. The Eighth Congress of Soviets approved the detailed plan.
The country set about restoring its energy economy, and in just six years the figures began to rise, and in 1931 the plan was overfulfilled. By 1935, the USSR became the third country after the States and Germany in terms of energy development. At that time, prisoners began to be used to continue the construction of power stations. It was slave labor, but it was thanks to him that the SovietThe Union was able to rise from its knees after prolonged wars and internal turmoil.
Electrification and other industries
Intentions to reconstruct all sectoral bases of the national economy were reflected in the development of the growth of heavy industry and its rational distribution across the regions of the state. This plan was created for eight main economic regions: Northern, Caucasian, Central industrial, Volga, Turkestan, Southern, Ural, West Siberian. All natural, raw materials and energy resources, as well as national conditions, were taken into account.

Electrification of the transport industry
Since the country was undergoing a comprehensive reconstruction of transport, the plan provided for both the electrification of the most important railway lines and the start of construction of new railway lines throughout the country. The mechanization of agriculture, the agrochemical industry, farming systems and so on, all this was put on the stream of improvement in pair work with GOELRO. Electrification and mechanization of production were the main ideas for increasing productivity.
Global construction
In addition to the construction of power plants, a global construction site has been set up to create enterprises that will supply power plant construction with everything necessary. For example, a tractor plant was founded in Stalingrad, the country began to develop the Kuznetsk coal basin with the creation of a new industrial region.

Alsothe Soviet government supported the initiative groups of individuals in the implementation of the GOELRO plan. They were issued state loans and were en titled to tax benefits. At the moment, we can note such grandiose constructions within the framework of GOELRO as Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Volga hydroelectric power plants, as well as Konakovskaya, Zmievskaya CHP.