Cemetery is a mournful place. Everyone, passing through its gates, will involuntarily think about a temporary stay on the earth's surface and about the eternal rest that is coming to each of the living people.

Before God, everyone is equal, but people establish order in our imperfect world. Therefore, the dead are buried in different ways. And it is good if the organizers of the mourning event are guided by the merits to society that the deceased acquired during his lifetime. It happens differently when the issue is resolved solely for money.
Today they don't bury here anymore. There is a columbarium, you can put an urn with ashes in it.
Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow is not considered the most prestigious burial place, it is ahead of Novodevichy, Vagankovskoye and, possibly, some others in the seemingly absurd rating. However, you can't call him the last. A lot of famous people are buried here. Idle onlookers rarely come here, only devoted fans visit the final resting place of their idol.

The Kuntsevo cemetery is located in the west of the capital. Once upon a timethis place was not Moscow, here stood the village of Spasskoye with its churchyard. In the 17th century, the first dead lay in this land. They were buried in the Church of the Savior on Setun, hence the first name (Setunskoye), which lasted until the twenties of the last century. The name arose as a derivative of Kuntsev, a city that later became a Moscow district.
During the existence of the Russian Empire, the Kuntsevo cemetery received many wonderful sons and daughters of our country, both famous and ordinary, who were not famous for anything special. Historically formed two parts - the old and the new. Today, its area exceeds 16 hectares.

The old Kuntsevo cemetery sheltered the author of Dunno N. N. Nosov and known to those who remember the seventies, journalist Tatyana Tess. Reporter Dmitry Kholodov, who tragically died in the nineties, is also buried here.
The inflexible Bolsheviks, including G. M. Next to the graves of the soldiers who gave their lives in the fight against fascism, there are scouts - a member of the "Oxford Five" Kim Philby and Ramon Mercader (Lopez), whose ice ax did not flinch, piercing the skull of Leon Trotsky. The memorial to the defenders of the Motherland crowns the military station.
It is difficult to list all the famous cultural figures for whom the Kuntsevo cemetery became the last abode. There are also celebrity graves in the new part of it.
Here everyone can visit those who made the color of Soviet art. Actors Yevgeny Morgunov,Gleb Strizhenov, Alexander Kaidanovsky, Zinovy Gerdt, Valentin Filatov, Vladislav Dvorzhetsky side by side with musicians and bards Yuri Vizbor, Valery Obodzinsky, Evgeny Martynov, Zhenya Belousov, songwriter M. L. Matusovsky. The film directors Protazanov, Gaidai and Basov also rested here. The great hockey player Kharlamov keeps them company.
Thus, through the centuries, the rural Setunsky, and later Kuntsevo cemetery became a real necropolis, which collected the remains of many famous people in their land.