The concept of "Arab spring" appeared relatively recently. This expression is understood as a set of political changes of a radical nature that took place in a number of countries in North Africa (Maghreb) and the Middle East in the spring of 2011. However, the time frame of events is much wider. In a number of Arab countries, these actions date back to January of this year, and in Tunisia they took place as early as December 2010.

What started the Arab Spring? The reasons for it lie not only in the internal problems of these countries. In fact, the phenomenon is associated with international events that unfolded in a region that has significant oil and gas reserves. These hydrocarbons are non-renewable resources, the consumption of which is constantly growing. The battle for them in the Middle East and the Maghreb has become an important part of this modern struggle.
There are two groups of geopolitical space and resources control: panel and pinpoint. The first allows you to exercise dominance in everythingthe volume of this space, the second - at its key points. Geographically, panel-type control is carried out exclusively through forceful capture - war. But an open form of conquest today, within the framework of following the concept of human rights, is unacceptable. Therefore, three ways were found to get around this situation.

In the case called the "Arab Spring", the analysis leads to the conclusion that all three methods are used. These are (1) the use of limitrophe states in the interests of the aggressor, (2) "humanitarian intervention" under the pretext of protecting human rights, (3) preemptive war using the technology of "color revolutions". Preemption is a forceful proactive action, the essence of which is the use of violent measures in order to prevent the potential threat of terrorism.
This triple impact can only be called war, not any other more neutral term. The Arab Spring has become a way to seize resources with the complete suppression of the resistance of their owner and the use of the seized in the interests of the interventionists.
You need to understand that no social transformation in the country is possible without objective prerequisites. Often they are corruption of the authorities, poverty of the population, and other manifestations of social injustice.

The Arab Spring was characterized by the "accuracy" of the chain of "revolutions", which makes us assume a significant role of external influence on the political processes in these countries, based onthe existing social discontent of the people. As a result of the "Arab revolutions", moderate Islamists came to power. And this is an important argument for the permanent presence of the military forces of the "developed democracies" in these countries and in the region as a whole.
Thus, the Arab Spring is not a revolution, it's a coup d'état. Political scientists believe that these events are an "arrow" flying to China, India and Japan, which have oil reserves. The first country in which the events of the "spring" took place was Tunisia. Then the "arrow" flew to Egypt, Libya, Syria, the states of the Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia.
The Arab Spring has become an important technology in the struggle of the United States and the countries of the "golden billion" against Japan, China, India, as well as the EU as the main centers of power in the modern world.