What does sloppy mean? The meaning and origin of the word

What does sloppy mean? The meaning and origin of the word
What does sloppy mean? The meaning and origin of the word

People whose behavior manifests obvious deviations from the norm were previously called sloppy. The definition of this word can be found in any dictionary. It is not so easy to understand the etymology of this concept. The definition of the word "sloppy", synonyms, as well as the version of its origin are presented in the article.

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In explanatory dictionaries

So, who is the sleazy? The meaning given in one of the explanatory dictionaries: "Having quirks, oddities in behavior." However, this adjective has semantic shades that few people know about. Crazy, insane, hysterical - all this, as many believe, are synonyms for the word "sloppy". The meaning of the latter concept is still narrower. Sloppy - not the one who suffers from a mental disorder. This is a person in whose behavior inhibition, slowness is observed. Overly emotional people prone to hysteria were not called sloppy. The meaning given in Efremova's dictionary puts forward one of the versions about the origin of the word. More on this later inarticle.


As you know, there are four types of temperament. We will not remember everyone, we will list the features characteristic of melancholic people. Thoughtfulness, a tendency to deep emotional experiences, nervous instability, slowness - all these are features of representatives of this type of temperament. Perhaps the word "melancholic" came into colloquial speech and was subjected to distortion, as a result of which the concept of "sloppy" arose. The meaning of this adjective, given in dictionaries, and the description of the melancholic type of temperament largely coincide.

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In fiction, the word "sloppy" is quite common. As a rule, it is pronounced by commoner characters. "Sleek" refers to colloquial vocabulary and has a rough connotation.

But the writer does not always use this epithet in order to emphasize the character traits of the hero. In one of the works of art there is such a phrase as "sleep house", that is, a psychiatric hospital.
