Surely you have heard from sellers such an expression as "linear meter". This concept is confusing for many, because you won’t immediately understand how this measure differs from the usual meter, and what exactly is meant. Most often, this term sounds in response to a question like: “What will the cost of the kitchen be if I order it from your company?”. And in response you hear something like: "450 dollars per linear meter." This might puzzle someone who has never bought custom-made furniture for their home before.
Linear meter - how much will it be?

In a nutshell, 1 running meter is the same as a regular meter, only it's about quantity. Yes, it's about quantity, not length. In general, there is simply no such concept in official terminology. A running meter is a common expression.
In theory, the quantity of goods should be measured in conventional kilograms or pieces. But in practice, this is not very convenient. If you ask the seller to sell half a kilo of tablecloths on the table, what will he think of you? It is also impossible to measure a tablecloth in pieces, but to count how many in square meters is alsodoes not fit. Therefore, this measure has become so firmly established.
If the product has a more or less constant profile (ie thickness-width, cross-section) or is supplied in a roll, then it is convenient to sell it by cutting off pieces of a specific length. This length just serves to measure the quantity.
Nuances of using a running meter

A running meter is one meter of a product, regardless of its height or width. If the cost of products is expressed in this unit, then you just need to choose the most appropriate color, texture, product type and appropriate width. After that, it remains to measure the fabric or carpet along the length of the required number of running meters. Payment will be for length only, without any conversion to pieces or square meters.
Furniture is a special topic. Sellers like to indicate the price in linear meters, while specifically taking the cheapest fittings and material for calculations, and sometimes they may not include the cost of fittings in the calculation at all. Therefore, you should not rush to suspiciously profitable offers, because. this technique is often used to simply attract customers.
How to determine the running meter of the kitchen?

Suppose you decided to order a kitchen and you were told a price of $450 per linear meter. What does this mean, and how to estimate the total cost? It is necessary to measure the length of the wall in the room, at which the kitchen will be located, and add the length of the corners if its shape is not linear,and in the form of the letter "G" or "P". The result is multiplied by the price and the base cost is obtained. Be prepared that it can increase by 1.5 times due to the countertop, more expensive fittings, the height of the upper wall cabinets (perhaps you have a high ceiling in the room and you want the height of the cabinets to be maximum), the use of glass, the installation of an apron, etc..d.
Therefore, before placing an order, you need to find out what is included in the quoted price, what material is taken for calculation, be sure to specify whether the countertop is included, will it be matte or glossy, how many sections will there be, etc.