A mixed economy is a special type of economic system based on the simultaneous coexistence of several types of economic management: capitalist, industrial, subsistence and agricultural. This type of way of life was characteristic of post-reform Russia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. This was due to the accelerated pace of its development after the abolition of serfdom, which, on the one hand, brought it into the top five industrial powers, and on the other hand, preserved the old semi-serf system for the bulk of the population, which was still involved in the agricultural sector.
Industrial Development
Diversified economy for several decades determined the development of our country at the turn of these centuries. Literally in a quarter of a century, in terms of industrial production, Russia entered the top five leading capitalist powers. Monopoly associations, cartels and syndicates appeared in the empire, which were active in foreign trade, that is, they were part of the world market. At the same time, small craft workshops, crafts, and small private enterprises remained the main form of association of commodity producers.

Diversified economy, despite these features, however, did not interfere with the development of capitalism in the empire. The fact is that the final transition to a new type of economic relations took time. We must also not forget the fact that the bulk of the population remained peasants, and the villagers, as you know, have long been accustomed to living in traditional crafts, which earned them additional income.
A mixed economy is a type of economic system in which agricultural production remains the dominant industry during the rapid and rapid development of capitalism. Russia at the turn of the century occupied a leading position in terms of agricultural production.

However, despite maintaining a leading position in this sector, our country lagged behind the leading countries of the world in terms of technical equipment, as serf and semi-serf remnants in the countryside remained. The mixed economy at the beginning of the 20th century also determined the features of rural development in post-reform Russia. Modernization, unfortunately, had little effect on the peasant economy, which led to the depletion of land and the lack of this important resource for the main part of the population of the state.
Commodity production
The mixed economy of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century was the result of uneven development of industries, as well as disproportions in production. The introduction of capitalism after the abolition of serfdom took place not onlyin a natural way, as it was, for example, in the countries of Western Europe, how much with the active support of the state. As a result, only a small stratum of the big bourgeoisie adapted itself to the new mode of production and took industrial and banking capital into its own hands. The peasants continued to conduct a traditional economy, producing goods for the market almost by hand.

Of course, they were not familiar with modern scientific technology, and their commodity production was primitive and simple. The preservation of old vestiges contrasted sharply with the active introduction of new technology into production, which was actively pursued by the state and the bourgeoisie.
The multi-structural nature of the economy at the turn of the century has long been controversial in Russian historiography. In Soviet times, the opinion, expressed by Lenin, was firmly established in science, that in Russia capitalism had reached its highest stage of development and had grown into imperialism.

Thus, he justified the need for a revolution to move to the next stage - socialism. However, already in the second half of the 20th century, some scientists questioned this thesis, drawing attention to the preservation of serfdom remnants in the countryside, handicrafts, and the dominance of the agricultural sector over the industrial one. This point of view was developed by modern scientists, and in our time it is recognized and proven that at the time in question, the Russian economy wasmultilayer.