What is a chronicle, what happens and why is it interesting?

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What is a chronicle, what happens and why is it interesting?
What is a chronicle, what happens and why is it interesting?

Contemporaries are literally swimming in data, enjoying city news, messages from friends and family on social networks, and information on international topics. In the past, news came very slowly, and only a person who knew what a “chronicle” was could retell the events of past years. The closest synonym for this term is the word "chronicle".

How did the story develop?

The description of the life of ordinary people, statesmen and entire nations is a milestone. It allows you to fix political changes, convey them to posterity and teach how to act and what to avoid. What is a chronicle? This is any sequential record of events according to the timeline. What makes it different?

In the text of the annals, the events are connected more logically and are described in more detail than in the annals. Although they are inferior in quality to the so-called stories, where the degree of the author's analysis and systematization of the material was much better.

chronicle it
chronicle it

What do the writers have to do with it?

Second transcriptthe term indicates creativity. It includes fiction:

  • narrative;
  • dramatic.

This meaning of the word "chronicles" implies a colorful, accessible, interesting, but truthful presentation of family or social events. And equally - a screenplay for a theatrical production. In a figurative sense, people used the definition in relation to any story about current events, even gossip. The main criterion is only the observance of the historical sequence, albeit a fictitious one.

And journalists are involved?

With the development of print, television, electronic media, the genre has become more popular, interactive. The correspondent knows: who, where and what. Such a “chronicle” is documentary, with which entire departments work. They create reports and record films on the topic of significant events. It can also be a special column on a newspaper spread or a section of the site. In a narrow sense, each individual work - a movie, a book, an article, a message on a social network - is also called a designated term.

chronicle meaning
chronicle meaning

Why do you need it today?

Teachers always recommend remembering the roots so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past. But dry statistics and a set of facts cannot interest the younger generation. If young people notice turns in the text that are pleasing to the eye, a personal approach and a beautiful style, everything will change. We can safely say that such a chronicle will be deposited in their memory, will help not only to learn, but alsofeel the full significance of any event.