In our time, scientists do not forget to mention at least once a month that oil is running out, gas is running out, atomic energy is dangerous, and in general, in two hundred years, humanity will switch to stone axes, as the world economy and production will stand without fuel. In contrast, there are many articles in the media about the development of technologies for using the energy of air, water, animal and human waste, and various other options. Some of them look like science fiction, others have real technical developments and are already being used with might and main, such as solar energy.
Solar energy
We are used to the fact that our favorite luminary gives us warmth and light, helps to grow crops, heats water in lakes, rivers and seas. But, in addition to this, the energy of the sun's rays can be used in other ways. A few decades ago, solar-powered calculators appeared on the market. Now this will surprise no one. There are ready-made projects: the first houses have already been built on them, which are heated by solar energy and are operated in Russia in winter conditions. The project provides for backup heating, as in our area the sun can cover with clouds for a long time.
Every inhabitant can buy solar panels, but the price bites a lot. In addition, it is cheaper to get energy and heat in the usual way. However, in the absence of conventional energy sources, for example, in distant expeditions or in space, solar panels are the main ones. In Europe, private sector residents place them on the roofs of their own houses and sell surplus electricity to their own state. But Germany is not the sunniest country. The advantage of solar energy is that it is renewable. Although scientists say that the Sun will not always shine, but, compared to human life, our luminary is eternal.

Solar powered aircraft
In our time, such an aircraft was built. It may not be very fast and maneuverable, but its fuel costs nothing, there are no harmful emissions. Solar panels are located on all surfaces of the wings and the hull itself. On a test flight, the aircraft covered 1,541 km from Phoenix to Dallas. The maximum altitude was 8200 meters and the average speed was 84 km/h.

The solar-powered plane was piloted by one of its creators - Andre Borscherg. This flight is one of his next records, he previously made a journey of 26 hours on the same plane called Solar Impulse. Now the tester is actively making plans to cross the whole of America, and then make a round-the-world flight.
The entire team that created the ship and prepared it for operation,tries to do everything possible so that her work is covered as much as possible in the media. After all, the main task of such events is to show the whole world that the energy of sunlight has great prospects and can be used to the maximum by a person.

History of Creation
Solar Impulse is a glider with a wingspan of 63.4 meters, its mass is 1.5 tons, it has four electric motors with a total power of 7 kilowatts. It is envisaged that the illumination of solar panels may be uneven. More than four hundred kg is accounted for by lithium batteries, which are charged in the parking lot. Any previous solar-powered aircraft flew only by recharging from the sun, the batteries, if any, were small.
Now created Solar Impulse 2, it is much larger than its predecessor, has more solar cells - as much as 17 thousand. Wingspan - more than 70 meters. It was made from carbon fiber to reduce weight. However, it weighs 2.3 tons. Thanks to powerful batteries, it can fly for several days and nights at speeds from 50 to 100 km/h.

Prospects for solar fuels
There are a huge number of examples of the use of solar energy. The simplest one was shown in the Soviet film "3 + 2", where the doctor of physical sciences laid out mirrors in an umbrella and heated food in a pot with reflected light. Now science is developing a technology for the use of thermal insulation, which hassurface receiving solar energy.
Using the same technology, installations for drying agricultural crops and heating houses are already being produced and are operating. In order not to make them too large in area, grooves are made in the surface of the heaters, which increase the area of the material that receives solar energy.
In regions of our planet where winters are harsh, most of the energy is spent on heating. To save energy, passive solar systems are being developed, which have a large area facing the sun, collect energy and warm the house. The idea is good, but difficult to execute. The house must be well insulated, ventilation must be regulated, when using only solar energy, the optimum temperature in the house is not reached until the middle of the day, and in summer it is too hot.

The solar-powered aircraft is a perfect example of untapped possibilities. A certain prototype of a passive system is installed on it. But there are also active ones. They heat water or air. Only then they, as coolants, enter the house. They are easier to control, can be installed on already built houses, but their effectiveness is insufficient for the harsh winters of Russia. However, in hybrid systems, when combined with conventional energy sources, active solar systems can save up to 60 percent of energy.
A solar-powered aircraft is not the only modern transport powered by this type of energy. There is a sun car, and not evenone. Every year in Switzerland there is a competition between such machines, it is called the Tour de Sol. The race lasts six days. Every day, participants have to overcome from 80 to 150 km on the roads of Switzerland and Austria.

Several years ago, such a solar car passed through Russia. It turned out that his wheels could not pass on our country roads, and the movement was on highways. Russia is big, and there is not enough sun everywhere. But, despite all the difficulties, the solar car completed its route. The maximum speed of such transport is 170 km/h. The use of solar energy in the form of a solar car received another positive confirmation. In Europe, some models have already entered the series.
Solar batteries. Price. Production
Solar panels are essentially solar cells that convert solar energy. In the film "The Martian" they are clearly shown when the protagonist cleans them of dust after a disaster. In Russia, they are not popular and are not produced. The usual minimum private order is formed in the amount of 9 thousand rubles. The solar panels themselves, the price of which varies depending on the size of the product, cost from one and a half thousand rubles to 15 thousand.
Use in Russia
In our country the sun shines regularly, but not very strongly. The examples of the use of solar energy, outlined above, can be applied in the vastness of our country. Unfortunately, battery life will only pay off in the long run. But considering not onlyamount of money, but also saving natural resources, we can confidently say that this technology needs to be developed and actively used as much as possible.