Bible traditions should not be evaluated only from a religious and literary point of view. Sudden scientific discoveries confirm events that our ancestors considered only poetic myths. The same story happened with the description of 10 Egyptian plagues. As is often the case, scientists unexpectedly gave completely scientific interpretations to mythical events. So what real events could explain the 10 Egyptian plagues?

The description of the ten Egyptian plagues is contained in the canonical biblical text - in the book of Exodus. This chapter of the Bible describes the ancient Jews being held captive by the Egyptians. According to ancient chronicles, the leader of the Jews, Moses, called on the pharaoh to release the ancient people, to free the Jews from their age-old captivity. Pharaoh refused to do this, and incalculable disasters fell upon the state. They went down in history as the 10 plagues of Egypt.
All the misfortunes of the Egyptian people can be collected into a single list of epidemics and strange natural disasters:
- flood of blood;
- frog invasion;
- executionblood-sucking insects;
- dog flies;
- pet zoodemic;
- epidemic of skin diseases;
- natural disasters;
- Locust invasion of Egyptian fields;
- absolute darkness descending on the Egyptian country;
- general deaths of Egyptian firstborns.

What can explain the 10 plagues of Egypt? The scientific explanation of these phenomena must be based on all currently known scientific facts. Let's try to understand the ancient texts, taking into account modern observations and scientific discoveries.
Blood and frogs
The first of 10 Egyptian plagues is the punishment of blood. According to biblical tradition, all the rivers of Egypt were painted in a bloody color. Scientists have proven that this natural phenomenon can still occur today. For example, in 2003 in China, the Yangtze River turned red for several kilometers. The reasons for this can be different - from volcanic activity, raising a lot of dust uphill and coloring the water with it, to the influence of close-flying comets

The invasion of various amphibians could provoke the approach of a comet or a meteorite. As scientists have found out, all amphibians are very sensitive to changes in the magnetic pole of the earth - in the body of frogs there is a kind of compass that helps these animals navigate in space. The sharp shift of the magnetic pole, provoked by the comet, disoriented the animals, forced them to suddenlychange your lifestyle.
Insect invasion
The third, fourth and eighth of the 10 Egyptian plagues indirectly confirm the change in the Earth's rotation period. Abnormally long daylight hours led to a surge in the spread of blood-sucking insects. Possible radiation has altered populations of known insects, and these creatures have become larger and more dangerous. Another reason for the appearance of such an invasion in Egypt may be the disappearance of the previous misfortune - frogs. In the absence of natural enemies, dog flies, mosquitoes, midges, locusts and other insects can breed indefinitely.
Death of pets. Epidemic of ulcers and boils
Climate change can significantly reduce the resistance of living organisms to various infections. Given the level of medicine in those days, it is not surprising that high temperatures provoked the development of infectious diseases - both people and animals are equally dependent on changing climatic conditions. The sharp warming caused the development of skin pathologies and pestilence in livestock.

Natural disasters. Absolute darkness
As we have already found out, the explanation of the 10 plagues of Egypt lies in the study of the movement of the Earth and in climate change. Thunder, lightning and hail may be due to climate change, and fire on the ground may be due to shifting tectonic plates. The total darkness can be explained by volcanic activity. As you know, during volcanic eruptions and large earthquakes, a huge amount of dust rises into the air andashes. There can be so many of these tiny particles that a curtain of them can block the passage of sunlight. Most likely, such a picture was observed in Egypt.
Deaths of Egyptian firstborns
Real events (10 Egyptian plagues) are explained with the help of scientific hypotheses. But how to explain the death of the Egyptian firstborn? Why did the mysterious plague not affect the children of the Jews and other slaves? There may be several reasons. The most plausible hypothesis is all the same infections. We must not forget that rats and mice have always been carriers of diseases. But we althy firstborns were especially vulnerable. As a rule, it was the first sons who became the main heirs, and in their bedchambers there were always sweets, delicious food and drink. Not only did the firstborns like this state of affairs, but also the rats and mice who ate the leftover food. They infiltrated the homes of rich Egyptian heirs, leaving behind a trail of sickness and childhood deaths.

But rats rarely ran into the Jews - the ancient people of Israel were in Egypt in the position of slaves, so they didn’t have much food. Food in the houses did not linger, but was eaten immediately. Therefore, the poor were partially protected from infections. But for we althy Egyptians, the chances of survival were significantly reduced.
Perhaps this explanation of the 10 plagues of Egypt will be erroneous. But it has the right to exist along with other hypotheses. What is true and what is not will be proved by scientists, such as geologists, historians,epidemiologists, physicians.