French curse words: meaning, pronunciation, translation and application

French curse words: meaning, pronunciation, translation and application
French curse words: meaning, pronunciation, translation and application

In all the languages that humanity uses, there is a separate part of the language that is little known. These are swear words. Usually abusive vocabulary is not learned by people when learning a new language, but it is an important part of the vocabulary that helps to integrate into the language environment.


History of swearing

Researchers cannot give an exact answer to the question of where swearing came from. Many believe that the names of curse words in various languages can help find the answer to this question. The most common names for curses are godlessness, blasphemy, disrespect. This gives an answer to the question, what were the first curses. Most likely, they were associated with religion.

Another hypothesis is that ancient people believed that swear words have magical properties of a negative nature, and therefore it was forbidden to pronounce them so as not to get into trouble. Unfortunately, none of the hypotheses can say for sure who was the first to use the checkmate and for what. More agree that it is a fruitfolk fantasy. Interestingly, as society evolved, attitudes toward foul language became more and more negative. If in ancient times it was like a spell and they could use it and treat it normally, then by the Middle Ages they could have been executed for using a mat. Blasphemy was the worst.

However, the Catholic Church's war on foul language was lost. As soon as the influence of the church weakened, the use of the mat became a symbol of protest and quite fashionable. Finally, the taboo on matting fell during the Great French Revolution, when the people could not resist not covering the monarchy and religion with swear words. The mat received even greater development in the military environment. Just like in ancient times, professional foul language appeared in the armies, who cursed enemies, and also showed their intimate organs to reduce the morale of the enemy.

Today, foul language continues to be condemned by religion and society, but is no longer persecuted as it was centuries ago. For public foul language, you can now receive a small fine or community service. However, even despite this, swear words have again become quite fashionable. Many singers have swear words in their songs, and swearing is very popular in fiction. I would like to hope that this is another "trend" that will pass quickly enough. It can be noted that all trends, including swearing trends, come in periods, that is, one period the use of obscene language is taboo and condemned by society, and in another period foul language is fashionable andpopular, everyone uses the mat. This periodicity is called trend cyclicity.

French cover
French cover

French curse words with pronunciation

Let's make a list of some of the swear words that make up the active layer of swear words in the French language. This is:

  • le zob-lə zɔb;
  • la pine- la pin;
  • la bitte- la bit;
  • la queue- la kø;
  • la verge-la vɛʁʒ;
  • le con- lə co;
  • enculé- əncul;
  • putainputa;
  • enfoire- anfuar;
  • tringler- tringle;
  • cul-kul';
  • conard-conar;
  • merdeux- mərdə;
  • Lavette- lavət.
  • A book about swearing
    A book about swearing

Quebec mate

Since the French language has many dialects, the swear words are also not the same in them. Quebec French differs the most from literary French. Consequently, Quebec swear words are quite different. A distinctive feature of the Quebec swear word is that, due to the strong influence of religion on everyday life, until the middle of the twentieth century, swear vocabulary came from church use. Therefore, swear words are derived from church ones. Here is a short list of the most commonly used Quebec curse words:

  • mon tabarnac!- mo tabarnac;
  • mange d'la merde!- manʒ d'la mərdə;
  • la tabarnac de pute- la tabarnac də put;
  • le tabarnac de salaud-lə tabarnac də salə.
  • obscene words
    obscene words

Sphere of use of the mat

The French use swear words quite actively, especially when cursing. It will be difficult for an unprepared person to resist such pressure and a stream of obscene language. The scope of its use is quite extensive. First of all, the mat is used by low-educated people, often mixed with normal speech. Also, curses are constant companions of any quarrels, without them nowhere. And, of course, young people are very fond of swear words. Mat is a frequent guest of music that is popular with teenagers, he can always be heard at youth parties.

Vandalism, people write obscenities on cars
Vandalism, people write obscenities on cars

Meaning of swear words

The swear words that were written above in this article can be grouped into several associations. The first group - words denoting the genitals of people. The second group - name-calling words, such as "fool", "idiot" and so on. The dirtiest curses are those used by Quebecers. For the most part, Quebec swear words mean the same thing, only dirtier than the original French ones. It is difficult to explain why it happened that swear words that came from church use are several floors dirtier than words that were originally swear words. Since censorship rules must be observed, it is impossible to give an exact translation of curse words, but as already mentioned above, they are combined into several groups. In this article, we have shown some French swear words, so you can use them in disputes with native speakers of this beautiful language.

Differences between Russian and French swear words

Of course, you could immediately see one detail if you meet curses in French with translation. The Russian language has a much larger stock of swear words than French. But such a picture can be seen in all areas, it only speaks of the huge vocabulary of the great and mighty. There are an order of magnitude more swear words in our language, not because our people like to use "strong words", but because there are a huge number of synonyms for each word. French has a very limited number of swear words that are quite monotonous. It is unlikely that a Frenchman can imagine such a situation when it is possible to compose a sentence entirely from obscene language, but at the same time with meaning and logic. But in Russian, such a situation is possible. It can be concluded that curses in French are poorer than in Russian.

Book with a swear word
Book with a swear word


Swear words play a big role in our lives. It has been used since ancient times. Researchers cannot give an exact answer to the question of who was the first swearer, but this is not so important. Trends in the use of foul language go cyclically. Only when it appeared, the mat was used as a spell, it was actively used by the priests. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, for an accidentally pronounced swear word, one could get into a torture room or become a victim of an executioner. But with the weakening of the church role, swearing has again become the norm for society.

It's pretty popular right now. RemainsHope this trend ends soon. It's pathetic enough to look at people who overdo it with the amount of swearing in their speech. This only shows a rather low level of human education. By the way a person uses a mat, one can determine whether it is worth having any business with him or still not worth relying on him. After all, if a person speaks foul language, it means that he cannot control himself in a public place. And relying on such people is more expensive for yourself.

In this article, we looked at some curse words in French with translation and pronunciation. Can be used for quarrels.
