In the literature, the word "ulus" is often found, but many of us often have only a general idea of \u200b\u200bthis concept. Let's try to figure out what it means.

The meaning of the word ulus is plural. This is a tribal association among the population of Central and Central Asia, and an administrative-territorial unit in the eastern and northern parts of tsarist Russia, and a village among some peoples of Central Asia and Siberia. The ulus is a lot, part of the empire of Genghis Khan, the most famous of which are the Central Asian Chagatai, the son of Genghis Khan (Chagatai ulus), as well as the Golden Horde. As for modern Russia, these are the villages and villages of Kalmykia and Buryatia, the regions of Yakutia. The most general meaning of the word ulus is a people, a generation. Sometimes you can find the use of this concept in the sense of a class, for example, "hora-ulus" - "mean, black people."
History of uluses

The people who formed the ulus did not establish any boundaries between them, recognizing the steppe as common to all. The Buryats, who moved in the 16th and 17th centuries from Mongolia to Baikal, also settled on the land in large groups of clans and still own it together. The Mongolian and Kalmyk uluses until the end of the 19th century retained the same basic features as in the time of Genghis Khan: each of them formed a nomadic horde, which was ruled by tribal leaders - noyons. They depended on the taishi. The best and largest ulus was owned by the taisha, the less prosperous he gave at the disposal of the hereditary noyons in accordance with their tribal seniority. Their rule was not limited, but was largely regulated by ancient customary law. Its spokesmen and bearers were honorable old men - the best people of the ulus. The internal structure corresponded to the features of tribal life. An ulus is a union that was divided into small tribal groups - khotons, aimaks and edemas. Each of them was under the control of the hereditary oldest ancestor. He was responsible to the noyons or taisha for order and well-being, and maintained the integrity of such a fluid social group as the ulus. Thus, these settlements perfectly organized their defense and were able to attack themselves.
3 Essentials

The tribal nature of the device is reflected in 3 main foundations: 1) tribal solidarity; 2) responsibility; 3) mutual responsibility. Tribal solidarity means the obligatory charity of the poor and mutual assistance. Rich people came to the aid of the poor, sharing with them food, livestock and everything they needed. The gratuitous exchange of services between their members was obligatory. Mutual responsibility was expressed in the fact that, for example, not only the guilty person himself was responsible for the guilt, but also all the clans of the union to which he belonged. In case it is not possibleit was discovered that the fine had to be paid to the whole clan or ulus. There was also a cleansing oath, which sometimes completely released a suspected member of the society.
Several similar neighboring uluses formed a clan, or tribal community. The duties of their members can also be attributed to the offering of gifts to the bride after leaving her relatives, for the poor groom they paid kalym in a clubbing. Mutual responsibility remained for a long time among the Selenga Buryats in the form of payment for stolen things or cattle. If one or more close relatives swore an oath, certifying the honesty and decency of a suspected person, he was released from punishment.
Recent changes

However, over the past century, the device of the Buryats has changed quite seriously. The main reasons for this are the spread of Lamaism and arable farming, as well as the mixing of clans. Government measures also contributed to the decomposition of the ancient tribal organization of the Buryats. The ancient law ceased to operate, giving way to new legal relations, in parallel with this, many foundations fell, giving the ulus strength and unity.
The uluses of Yakutia are located in northeastern Siberia and have a common border with the Magadan Region and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
Today, this territory has 32 uluses (including 3 national ones). Let's take a closer look at some of them.
Namsky ulus
This ulus, located in Central Yakutia, covers an area of 11.9 thousand km. The largest river is Lena,with many tributaries. It is known that within the current borders, this ulus was formed on February 10, 1930. Pyotr Beketov erected a prison and founded the city of Yakutsk. In the Namsky district, they have been raising cattle for a long time. Most of the people settled in the lowland part of the valley, the rest along the alas and near the taiga rivers. Their main occupation already in the 17th century was cattle breeding. Agriculture as such did not exist until 1804. Namsky ulus in ancient times was similar to many other parts of Yakutia. If a person fell ill, they turned to healers and shamans. In the old days, this ulus existed in the absence of medical institutions on a scientific basis.
Khangalassky ulus

This ulus has a huge tourist and recreational potential, in particular, unique natural complexes, flora and fauna, untouched nature. All this is of great interest to tourists. Khangalassky ulus, located in central Yakutia, covers an area of 24.7 thousand square kilometers and is represented by more than 50 nations and nationalities. The administrative center is the city of Pokrovsk.
In conclusion, I would like to supplement the article with etymology. From Fasmer's dictionary, we learn that an ulus is a "nomad camp" and a "row of straight fields." In some sources, these are "state-owned forests provided for use by peasants."