The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" makes even the most sophisticated reader think. Thanks to her, the work does not lose its relevance and interest for connoisseurs from a wide variety of audiences.
In our article you can see a brief analysis of this topic, several points of view on the analysis and interpretation, as well as an essay.

About the novel
At one time, the work became a real breakthrough in verbal art in general and poetry in particular. And the theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a subject for both admiration and discussion.
The ambiguity of presentation, a special form of "novel in verse" was also a novelty even to the sophisticated reader. The title of "encyclopedia of Russian life" was rightfully received by him - so accurately, clearly the atmosphere of the nineteenth century nobility was depicted. The description of everyday life and balls, clothes and appearance of the heroes surprises with the accuracy and subtlety of details. One gets the impression of being transferred to that era, which helps to better understand the author.

On the theme of love in Pushkin's works
Love permeates the lyrics of Pushkin and his "Tales of Belkin", and the story "The Snowstorm", which is part of them, can be called a real manifesto of that mystical, strong love that works wonders.
The theme of love in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" contains many problematic issues: non-reciprocal love, marital fidelity, responsibility and fear of being responsible. From the perspective of these subtopics, the love theme is overgrown with special details, it is no longer developing in terms of personal relationships, but much wider. Problematic questions against the backdrop of the title theme make you think, and despite the fact that the author does not give clear answers to them directly, we perfectly understand what exactly he wants to say.

"Eugene Onegin". The theme of love in the novel. Analysis
Love in the novel is shown in two versions: the first, sincere Tatyana. The second, perhaps the last, passionate one is Evgenia. The feelings of the girl's open, natural love at the beginning of the work are in complete contrast with Yevgeny, tired of love games in St. Petersburg, the cold heart of Eugene. He is so disappointed in everything that he wants to retire and take a break from experiences, the ostentatious suffering of ladies and his longing for an "extra person". He is so tired and experienced in matters of the heart that he does not expect anything good from them. He is unaware that Tatyana does not play, her letter is not a tribute to fashion and romantic books, but a sincere expression of real feelings. He will understand this later, when he meets the girl for the second time. In this andthe mystery of the work "Eugene Onegin". The theme of love in the novel briefly but capaciously raises important and necessary related topics, about what love is and whether it exists. On the example of Eugene, we are convinced that it exists, and it is impossible to run away from it. Love and destiny in this context in Pushkin intersect, perhaps even become identical to each other. From this, the work acquires a special atmosphere of mysticism, rock, and riddles. All together makes the novel insanely interesting, intellectual and philosophical.

Features of the disclosure of the theme of love in Pushkin
Distinctive features of the theme are due to both the genre and the structure of the work.
Two plans, two inner worlds of the main characters have much in common, but many differences, which is the reason for understanding the strongest of feelings.
The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" unfolds on the example of the main characters of the work.
Tatyana is the daughter of a village landowner, she grew up in a cozy quiet estate. The arrival of Eugene stirred up and raised from the hidden depths a storm of feelings that the girl could not cope with. She opens her heart to her lover. The girl is pretty (at least) to Eugene, but he is so afraid of the responsibility and lack of freedom of marriage that he pushes her away almost instantly. His coldness and endurance hurt Tatyana even more than the refusal itself. The instructive notes of the parting conversation become the final blow that killed all her aspirations and forbidden feelings in the girl.
Three years later the heroes will meet again. And then the feelings will take over Eugene. He will no longer see a village naive girl, but a secular lady, cold, holding herself in her hands so naturally and naturally.
The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin" takes on completely different features when the characters change places. Now it is Evgeny's turn to write letters without an answer and hope in vain for reciprocity. It is all the more difficult for him to understand that this lady, beautiful in her restraint, has become so thanks to him. With his own hand, he destroyed the girl's feelings and now wants to return them, but it's too late.

Composition plan
Before we move on to writing, we suggest that you make a short plan. The novel interprets the theme of love very ambiguously, everyone is able to define and understand it in their own way. We will choose a simple scheme with which it will be easier to express our conclusions. So, the composition plan:
- Introduction.
- Heroes at the beginning of the story.
- The changes that happened to them.
- Conclusion.
After working on the plan, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the result.

The theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Composition
In many stories by A. S. Pushkin, the so-called "eternal themes" are revealed simultaneously through the prism of perception of several characters. These include the theme of love in the novel "Eugene Onegin". The problem of understanding feelings is interpreted from the point of view of the critic himself. In writing, we will tryto tell about this feeling as it was perceived by the characters themselves.
The characters at the beginning of the novel are completely different people. Eugene is an urban heartthrob who does not know how to entertain himself in order to escape from boredom. Tatyana is a sincere, dreamy, pure soul. Her first feeling for her is by no means entertainment. She lives, breathes it, therefore it is not surprising at all how such a modest girl, "like a doe is shy", suddenly takes such a bold step as a letter to her beloved. Eugene also has feelings for the girl, but he does not want to lose his freedom, which, however, does not bring him joy at all.
During the development of the plot, many dramatic events take place between the characters. This is Yevgeny's cold response, and the tragic death of Lensky, and Tatiana's relocation and marriage.
After three years, the heroes meet again. They have changed a lot. Instead of a shy, closed dreamy girl, now there is a reasonable, secular lady who knows her own worth. And Eugene, as it turned out, now knows how to love, write letters without an answer and dream of a single look, a touch of the one that once handed her heart into his hands. Time has changed them. It did not kill love in Tatyana, but taught her to keep her feelings under lock and key. And as for Eugene, he may have realized for the first time what love is.
In closing
The finale of the work is not in vain open. The author tells us that he has already shown the main thing. Love for a moment connected the heroes, it made them close in their feelings and suffering. It is she who is the main thing in the novel. No matter what thorny paths went to herheroes, the main thing is that they understood its essence.