Kozma Indikoplov is a Byzantine merchant, an extraordinary and original personality who left a deep mark on world history and geography. As a trader and traveler, he was very fond of the world around him, was inquisitive and observant, had a penchant for science and philosophical reflection.

What did Kozma Indikoplov do? What is remarkable about his activities and works? What is the true biography of Kozma Indikoplov? Let's find out.
Origin of the author
According to historical data, the birthplace of Kozma Indikoplov is Alexandria, a large city of strategic importance, located in the Nile Delta, on the Mediterranean coast. Very little is known about the date of birth, just like about the details from the personal life of the great traveler and sage. But quite a lot is known about his mindset and way of thinking.
Humble and reasonable writer
In his writings, Kozma Indikoplov mentions very little about himself. And if he says something, it is restrained and moderate. For example, a traveler recommends himself as a simple layman who cannot speak flamboyantly and eloquently, who has not received a specialized secular education. And yet, before the readers of "Topography" Kozma Indikoplov appears as an educated, reflective and competent person in many matters.
Is it really so? What is the true contribution to the geography of Kozma Indikoplova? Before answering this question, let's spend a little more time on the biography of this outstanding man.
Religious views
Being a merchant, the so-called commercial figure, Kozma Indikoplov traveled all over the world and saw a lot of interesting and curious things. According to some reports, he visited India (most likely, it was here that the wandering merchant got his nickname Indikoplest, literally translated as “navigator to India”). The traveler also visited Iran, Ceylon, Ethiopia and many other exotic and dangerous places. He recorded his observations in diaries and notes, after which he was able to create an interesting and entertaining work - “Christian Topography”. Kozma Indikoplov described in bright and colorful language what he saw: animals, plants, new lands and unfamiliar countries.

When was this important and significant work written? According to numerous sources, in the 520s of our era, Kozma Indikoplios became a student and follower of the famous theologian and philosopher Mar-Aba (who took the Greek name Patricius as a pseudonym). It was then that the travelersincerely interested in Antiochian theological teachings. How did they differ from the Alexandrian ones?
Different theological schools
Alexandrian theology was similar to Hellenistic philosophical teachings. Particularly close to this school were the reflections of Plato. The Alexandrian school relied on an allegorical interpretation of the scriptures, insisting that not everything in the Bible should be taken literally.
The Antiochian school (whose adherent was Kozma Indikoplov) had completely different ideas about the understanding of the Old and New Testaments. For example, the followers of this theological doctrine were convinced that the words from the holy book must be taken literally. They rejected science and scientific discoveries, trying to know God in the material world. The teachings of Aristotle were close to this religious direction.
Theories of the Antioch theological school and tried to convey the wandering merchant in his writings.
The end of life's journey
Under the influence of his wise and enlightened teacher, Kozma Indikoplov was baptized. This event occurred several years after his acquaintance with the teachings of Mar-Aba.
Then he continued to travel and sell goods, delivering them on his own ships, meditating on theological questions and delving into the world around him. Approximately twenty years after the baptism, Kozma Indikoplov was tonsured in one of the Orthodox monasteries located on Mount Sinai. The date of death of the former merchant is unknown. The presumed place of his death isAlexandria.

What is remarkable about the work of the Byzantine merchant and thinker? Let's find out.
Description of the work
“Christian topography” by Kozma Indikoplova is unique in its genre and writing style. It is not only a work on natural science, covering such sciences as biology, geography and astronomy, but also characterized by philosophical and theological reasoning, affecting the religious disputes of the early medieval era. There are exciting traveler stories, thoughtful reasoning, and accurate scientific reports.
The work consists of twelve books written around the same time. It is noteworthy that the original manuscript was beautifully illustrated. It is not known whether Kozma Indikoplov himself made the miniatures, or whether they were the work of a professional artist. Be that as it may, the illustrations look bright and high quality, and the information they convey is interesting and entertaining even for modern people.
Among the numerous artistic miniatures there are sketches on biblical scenes. First of all, this is the image of the Apostle Paul going to Damascus; Abraham sacrificing his only son; Jesus Christ, who is near the mother; John the Baptist and other characters from the New Testament.

Instructive illustrations by Kozma Indikoplov regarding the natural world around him. In his work, he depicts an antelope onbackground of two banana palms, and also inserts numerous sketches in the form of maps, images of ancient cities and buildings, inscriptions.

Short summary of the work
As mentioned above, "Christian Topography" consists of twelve books. Here are their main themes:
- Criticism of those who believe in spherical (spherical) heavens. This doctrine can only be adhered to by pagans. It is not worthy to be the worldview of true Christians.
- Bible-based theories and interpretations about the shape of the universe, as well as the cosmic arrangement of its main parts.
- Evidence of consistency between the New and Old Testaments, their reliability and accuracy in various matters. Evidence like this shows that the Bible-based cosmic theory is true.
- Repetition regarding the shape of the universe, related illustrations.
- Description of the location of the tabernacle. The words of the apostles and biblical prophets are cited as confirmation.
- Indicating the size of the Sun.
- Proof of the indestructibility of the firmament.
- Description of the song of the Jewish king Hezekiah, messages about the return of the Sun.
- Detailed description of the trajectory of celestial bodies.
- Bringing passages from the teachings of the Church Fathers.
- Description (in drawings) of the island of Taprobana (modern Sri Lanka), stories about Indian animals and plants, accompanied by illustrations.
- Confirmation by ancient pagan authors of the Bible books written by Mosesand prophets; the assertion that the Greeks learned to read and write later than all other nations because of their skepticism and disbelief.

As you can see, a brief description of the books included in the "Christian topography" clearly and unambiguously convey the views and worldview of their author. Let's briefly get acquainted with the main philosophical and religious ideas of Kozma Indikoplova.
Traveler Geography
The ideas of a medieval merchant and traveler regarding the shape of the Earth are erroneous and incorrect. According to him, the planet, flat in its form, lives inside the ocean, which, in turn, is surrounded by a massive layer of land. Paradise is located on the eastern side of the firmament, from which numerous rivers flow.
Cosmas Indikoples connected this idea of the world with the description of the tabernacle given in the Pentateuch of Moses.

Although such concepts began to cause irony and ridicule after several centuries, other geographical descriptions of the navigator command respect and even reverence. In his work, he cites real facts and sketches acquired from his own experience, which introduced the average layman for that time to the basics of geography, geology, zoology and botany.
Throughout the work, fanatical, erroneous views of the author and his reasonable, sound descriptions of what he saw with his own eyes are opposed.
Cosmography of Kozma Indikoplov
The traveler's ideas about the universe wereintertwined with the literal interpretation of biblical scriptures. When it comes to the shape of the Earth, the author of "Christian Topography" ceases to be an enlightened, civilized businessman and becomes a narrow-minded, fanatical, stubborn, and inflexible monk.
Adhering to the views of the Antiochian school, Cosmas Indikoples rejects the progressive and logical teachings of Ptolemy. He is sure that the Earth has the shape of a flat quadrilateral, like Noah's Ark. An ocean is placed around the land, and above - the sky, on which stars hang.
The sky is represented as a two-tiered rectangle, and the universal space is divided into four parts. The uppermost part is occupied by Christ, then there are angels, people and at the very end the underworld, in which demonic forces live.
The navigator explains various cosmic phenomena and meteorological variations by the actions of angels and similar personalities.
Seeking the Truth
In his books, he is looking for answers to important and interesting questions: what is the size of the Universe and the Earth? Is there a center of the human planet? The author's reflections and calculations on this subject are quite interesting and informative. It is noteworthy that, speaking about the dimensions of the Earth and the latitudes of the earth's surface, as well as about the space surrounding it, Kozma Indikoplov gives quite large and significant figures (exceeding even Ptolemy's calculations).
According to numerous reports, the merchant is the author of at least two more scientific papers on astronomy and geography. However, the manuscript datawere lost and have not reached our time.
Influence on modern judgment
As you can see, Kozma Indikoplov was an extraordinary and original personality. Enlightened and intelligent, a traveler who had seen a lot in his life, he was intellectually developed, inquisitive and convinced of his views. A strong and fearless navigator, a knowledgeable and experienced geographer, a colorful and eloquent writer, a sincerely believing and devout monk.
Although the worldview, ideology and beliefs of Kozma Indikoplov are now considered outdated and erroneous, the contribution he made to the development of geography, astronomy, philosophy and literature cannot be underestimated. Thanks to his competent and accurate presentation of his own ideas and concepts, modern human society has a correct and correct idea of the worldview and outlook of people who lived in the early period of the Middle Ages.