Self-learning Spanish grammar from scratch

Self-learning Spanish grammar from scratch
Self-learning Spanish grammar from scratch

Learning a foreign language causes fear for many, because it seems to them that it is almost impossible to master someone else's speech. In the case of Spanish, the situation is slightly different. The fact is that this language is not only beautiful, melodious and spread all over the world (it is spoken by about 500 million people, and this number is constantly growing), but it is also one of the easiest languages to learn, thanks to the relatively simple grammar of the Spanish language. and his "clean" pronunciation.

How to learn a language on your own?

Many beginners wonder where to start learning Spanish on their own, and whether it is even possible to learn it and to what level. Compared to Chinese and even Russian, the native speech of Miguel Cervantes, the author of the famous Don Quixote de la Mancha, is very easy to learn, so after the first few independent lessons, you can confidently pronounce and hear the words in this language.

Independent language learning
Independent language learning

The following rules will help a beginner to approach the issue of learning Spanish in the right way:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a good tutorial, and preferably several textbooks on Spanish grammar.
  2. Should be regularlypractice, ideally every day for at least one hour.
  3. It is necessary to constantly maintain interest in learning. To do this, it is recommended to set intermediate goals and achieve them gradually. For example, if you like a performer, then you need to listen to him more often, despite the fact that it is completely incomprehensible what he sings about. Now you can find a translation of any favorite song on the Internet and independently match Spanish phrases to this translation.
  4. Knowledge of its vocabulary is of great importance in understanding a foreign language, so it is recommended to learn 5-10 new words every day.

Spanish grammar and pronunciation

A nice feature of this Romance language is its easy pronunciation, which is very easy for a Russian person to understand, since the sounds of both languages are almost identical. In addition, they have the same spelling and pronunciation, which is an advantage in learning Spanish compared to many other foreign languages, including English.

Emblem of the Miguel Cervantes Institute
Emblem of the Miguel Cervantes Institute

Spanish grammar is similar to English, there are also about 10 tenses, but in speech and literature, in some cases, half of them are used. Unlike English, tenses in Spanish are formed by conjugation of verbs, which also brings it closer to Russian.

The best tutorials

Choosing a good tutorial is the first step to success in learning a foreign language. In the case of Spanish, we can recommend the followingtutorials:

  • Georgy Nuzhdin Español en vivo - the best Spanish tutorial for beginners.
  • Oscar Perlin "Spanish Textbook" is an old book that is also suitable for self-study from scratch.
  • Oleg Dyakonov "Non Boring Spanish Grammar" is an excellent book for understanding tenses on your own.
Spanish live
Spanish live

It is recommended to study not only from tutorials, but also listen to a lot of Spanish speech, try to talk to yourself in Spanish or compose phrases for yourself in a foreign language that are analogues in Russian.
