We used to interpret the word "darkness" unambiguously. Darkness is an unlit place, or, for example, one can give the concept a moral interpretation: darkness is the absence of goodness. In any case, in addition to darkness, the object of today's conversation has one more, now forgotten meaning. We will also consider it, synonyms and antonyms will also be presented.
A word with a "double" pedigree

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to keep the intrigue for a long time. We need to show our cards now. What does the word "darkness" mean? Two things at once: firstly, quantity, and secondly, darkness. The first value has already been forgotten. Although it does occasionally occur. Imagine the following situation: a person comes to pay for utilities, but it turns out that there are a lot of people in the savings bank. Seeing pandemonium, he later tells his wife: “I come to pay, and there are darkness people.” This is clearly not about light, right? Let us first analyze the origin of the "quantitative" value.
We owe him to the Turkic languages, in which there is the concept of tuman, that is"ten thousand". In our language, of course, there is no such detail, and we prefer not to analyze such details, so for us darkness is “a lot.”
Next, let's look at the meaning that everyone is used to and which is still heard and in active circulation. The word has intertwined its roots with the Latvian language, where there is the concept of tima, that is, "darkness", and with the ancient Indian, where there is támas, that is, "darkness".
History is always more interesting than what we have now. The modern meaning is probably understood by many from the context, but we will not rely on chance, we need chased wording, and we know who to ask.
Explanatory Dictionary
Creating an explanatory dictionary is a titanic job. But how many people thanks to him came to the light of knowledge from darkness? There is no way to calculate this. In any case, we will use a wonderful book so that enlightenment does not slow down. So, the meaning of the object of study is:
- Lack of light, darkness.
- In Ancient Russia: ten thousand.
- Same as set (in the first sense).
It is necessary to reveal the noun "set", otherwise some of the meanings will slip away from us, but we would not like it. So: “A very large number, the number of someone or something.”
One more detail to be said. Of course, we have reduced the meanings of the word "darkness" into one list and allowed some liberties, because in fact darkness and darkness are homonyms, that is, they are the same in spelling, but different in meaning. But we think the reader will forgive us such a departure fromrules. Homonymy, by the way, explains the "double" origin, there are two meanings, so you should not be surprised.

And then let's divide the lists of synonyms into two groups:
- Those related to the "light" value.
- Those referring to "quantity" value.
This is necessary so that there is no confusion, and the reader can, if anything, get the replacement of the object of study he needs from the desired “basket”. First, of course, let's talk about the absence of light. So:
- darkness;
- darkness;
- night;
- blackness.
Our list of synonyms did not include cognate words, so the list turned out to be more than modest. But the main thing is not quantity, but quality, that is, the clarity that comes in the head of a person who reads replacements for the subject of our conversation.
Now "quantitative" value:
- mountain;
- sea;
- forest;
- millions;
- car;
- Abyss.
Let the reader not be surprised by the imagery of the substitutions. After all, language is generally a rather expressive and metaphor-rich instrument of human communication. But the metaphors are so worn out and worn out that over the years we cease to feel their juiciness. But, strictly speaking, it is not there. And only when the words are taken out of context and given as a list, do we realize their original meaning, and the lost imagery returns to them.
Sentences with synonyms for "darkness"

Let's bringthose sentences that usually use synonyms for the "quantitative" meaning of "darkness":
- Father came home from work and dumped a mountain of sweets on the table.
- I came to the market, and there was a sea of people.
- The teacher asked about those willing to solve the problem and did not see a forest of hands in front of him.
- Millions of people are waiting for a new book by Viktor Pelevin.
- He came to the meeting earlier than scheduled, so he still had a whole carload of time.
- He had a lot of opportunities to change jobs, and therefore life, while he was young.
Yes, a keen reader will say that not everywhere you can painlessly change one for another. Yes, that's right. But synonyms are also words that are not completely similar to the replaced one and to each other, otherwise what is the point in their existence?

We only need to discuss the antonyms of the word "darkness". Let's do the same as with synonyms: we will divide words that are opposite in meaning into two groups - "quantitative" and "light".
The first group of antonyms:
- little;
- a little;
- a bit.
Second group:
- good;
- light;
- warm;
- joy.
We think the reader has understood the general direction. You can think at your leisure and about what other antonyms for "darkness" can be. This is extremely important not only in the sense of the Russian language, but in the sense of moral reliability. Remember the ambiguity of the word that we analyzed today.