The Visigoths are part of the Gothic tribal union, which broke up by the third century. They were known in Europe from the second to the eighth century. The Visigoth tribes were able to create their own strong state, compete for military power with the Franks and Byzantines. The end of their history as a separate kingdom is associated with the arrival of the Arabs. The remaining Visigoths, who did not submit to the Muslim world, can be considered the progenitors of the aristocracy of the future Spain.
Who are the Goths?

From the second century, ancient Germanic tribes appeared in Europe, which were called Goths. Presumably they were of Scandinavian origin. They spoke in Gothic. Based on it, Bishop Vulfil developed writing.
The tribal union consisted of three main branches:
- Ostrogoths are a group that is considered the distant ancestors of the Italians;
- Crimean Goths - a group that migrated to the Northern Black Sea region;
- Visigoths - a group that is considered the distant ancestors of the Spaniards with the Portuguese.
Origin of the name
To better understand who the Visigoths are, you should learn more about the name of the tribe. The exact origin of the name was never known.installed. But there are several versions. According to one of them, the word "west" comes from the Gothic language "wise", while "ost" - "brilliant". According to another version, the word "west" means "noble", and "ost" - "eastern".
In early times, the Visigoths were called the Tervings, that is, "people of the forests", and the Ostrogoths were called Grechtungs, which meant "inhabitants of the steppes."
So the Goths were called until the fifth century. Later they were called "Western" and "Eastern" Goths. This happened due to the fact that Jordan somewhat rethought the book of Cassiodorus. At that time, the Visigoths controlled the western lands of Europe, and the Ostrogoths controlled the eastern territories.
Union with Rome
The Visigoths began their independent history in the third century, when they crossed the Danube and invaded the lands of the Roman Empire. By this time they had separated from the Ostrogoths. This allowed them to make independent decisions regarding the place of their settlement and other nuances. The Visigoths were finally able to settle in the Balkan Peninsula after the Romans left it in 270.
Fifty years later, the Visigoths made an alliance with Constantine the Great. The emperor granted them the status of federates, that is, allies. This behavior of Rome was common in relation to the barbarian tribes. Under the treaty, the Visigoths undertook to guard the borders of the Roman Empire and supply their people for military service. For this, the tribes received an annual payment.
In 376, the Germanic tribes suffered greatly from the Huns. They turned to the ruler Valens to allow them to settle in Thrace, on the south side of the Danube. The emperor gave his approval for this. But this led to other troubles.
Due to serious confrontations with the Romans, who began to cash in on the Visigoths, the latter began an open uprising. It developed into a war that lasted from 377 to 382. The Visigoths inflicted a heavy defeat on the Romans at the Battle of Adrianople. The emperor and his generals were killed. Thus began the fall of the Roman Empire, which no longer controlled the northern borders.
The truce took place in 382. The Visigoths received lands, an annual payment for the supply of soldiers for the imperial army. Gradually, the kingdom of the Visigoths began to form.
Reign of Alaric the First

By the end of the fourth century, the first king of the Visigoths was elected. He gained dominion over the entire tribe. At the same time, under an agreement with the empire, the Visigoths supported Theodosius the Great, who fought with Eugene. They suffered serious losses in the battles. This caused a rebellion led by King Alaric I.
First, the Visigoths and their king decided to capture Constantinople. But the city was well defended. The rebels changed plans and headed for Greece. They devastated Attica, plundered Corinth, Argos, Sparta. Many inhabitants of these policies were driven into slavery by the Visigoths. To avoid plunder, Athens had to pay off the barbarians.
In 397, the Roman army surrounded the army of Alaric, but he managed to escape. The Visigoths then invaded Epirus. Military operations were able to suspend the Emperor Arcadius. He paid off the tribe and awarded Alaric with the titleMaster of the Army of Illyricum.
Conquest of Rome
At the beginning of the fifth century, Alaric decided to go to Italy. He was able to stop Stilicho with his army. After the conclusion of the treaty, Alaric returned to Illyricum.

A few years later, Stilicho died. This meant the termination of the treaty, and the Visigoths invaded Rome. In the city, which was besieged by the barbarians, there was not enough food. Soon the Eternal City surrendered. He had to pay indemnities in valuables and slaves. Alaric received thousands of pounds of gold, silver, skins, silk dresses, as well as many slaves who were taken into the army of the Visigoths.
In addition to valuables, Alaric asked Emperor Honorius for land for his tribe. After being refused, he recaptured Rome. It happened in 410. It is noteworthy that the Germanic tribe did not cause significant damage to the city. This suggests the conclusion that the Visigoths are not representatives of ordinary barbarians. They plundered and wanted to get the land to create their own kingdom, but did not seek to destroy everything in their path.
Conquest of Aquitaine

After the sack of Rome, Alaric decided to conquer the coast of Africa. This was prevented by the destruction of the fleet due to a strong storm. Soon the king of the Visigoths also died. His plans were never fulfilled.
The following kings did not reign for long. Researchers attribute this to the fact that they advocated an alliance with Rome. Many noble families were against the treaty with the empire. However, the union was nevertheless concluded, hehas borne fruit. In 418, Emperor Honorius granted the tribes land in Aquitaine that they could use for settlement. Since that time, the kingdom of the Visigoths began to form.
The city of Toulouse became the center of the kingdom. And the illegitimate son of Alaric Theodoric was elected king. He ruled the Visigoths in Aquitaine for thirty-two years. The ruler pushed the boundaries of his kingdom. His death was associated with the legendary battle against Attila. The Goths and Romans defeated the Huns, but at too great a cost.
Further, the kings of the Visigoths succeeded one another. Civil strife began, which ended after Eurychus came to power. The period of his reign is considered the heyday of the Visigothic kingdom. Its territory extended to the South and Central Galia, Spain. The kingdom was the largest of all the barbarian powers that formed from the ruins of the former empire.
The Visigoths are a tribe that could not only create their own state, but also draw up their own laws. They are constantly being adjusted and updated with new laws. In 654, they formed the basis of the Visigothic truth.
Loss of former power

At the end of the fifth century, the Goths had new enemies - the Franks. The Visigoths realized this in 486, when Clovis the First defeated the last influential Roman general named Syagrius.
Alaric the Second became the ruler of the Visigoths by this time. He maintained good relations with the Ostrogoths, so he participated in the campaign against the Franks in 490. But at the beginning6th century Franks and Visigoths signed peace.
He lasted five years until Clovis broke it in 507. The battle of Vouille resulted in the death of the king of the western Goths, and his people lost a significant part of their lands in Aquitaine.
The situation worsened after Gezaleh came to power. The king did not want to fight, and the Burgundians and the Franks continued to seize the Visigothic kingdom. The situation was corrected by the Ostrogoth ruler. Theodoric the Great was able to stop the advance of the Franks. He began to rule both nations.
The following rulers continued to fight the Franks. But they did not achieve great success. In addition, Byzantium acted as a more powerful enemy. During this period, the capital of the Visigoths moved first to Narbonne, and later to Barcelona.
Power to the Visigothic kingdom was briefly restored by King Leovigild. He moved the capital to Toledo, began to mint his own coins, took up the law.
Kingdom of Toledo
Leovigild was the co-ruler of his brother Liuva. He later became the sole ruler. Leovigild became king in a moment of political anarchy. The magnates did not want to reckon with the central government. Each of them turned their lands into a small state.
Leovigild resolutely took up the defense of the royal throne. He began to fight with internal and external opponents. He did not restrain himself in this fight. Many noble Visigoths paid with their lives for their we alth. The king replenished the state treasury by robbing citizens and robbing enemies. There were no revolts from outsidemagnates and peasants. They were all crushed and the rebels executed.
In his power, the king relied on the lower strata of the population. This limited the power of the magnates, who were dangerous enemies of roy alty.
Foreign Policy:
- In 570 the war with Byzantium began. The Visigoths were able to oust the Byzantines. The latter did not receive help from Constantinople and began to negotiate peace.
- In 579 the king married his eldest son to a Frankish princess. Marriage not only did not lead to the conclusion of peace between the peoples, but caused discord in the royal house. This led to a rebellion against the king, which was suppressed only in 584. Leovigild had to execute his eldest son.
- In 585, the king subjugated the Suebi, their kingdom ceased to exist.
Leovigild wanted to build a state that would resemble Byzantium. He sought to create an empire not only on a territorial basis, but also in appearance. For this, a magnificent palace ceremony was established, the king began to wear a crown, rich robes.

The ruler died a natural death in 586. Before that, he destroyed the noble families, whose representatives could claim the throne. Leovigild's son Reccared became king. In foreign policy, he continued the activities of his father.
Gradually, the Frankish state began to push back the Visigoths on land. Due to the lack of a serious fleet, the Kingdom of Toledo could not defend its interests at sea.
Some rulers of the Visigothickingdoms:
- Gundemar - fought with the Byzantines and Basques.
- Sisebut - subjugated the Ruccons and Asturians, began the creation of a fleet, pursued the Jews.
- Svintila - finally expelled the Byzantines from the Kingdom of Toledo.
- Sisenand - during the reign, the fourth Council of Toledo took place, which decided that the Visigothic kings would henceforth be elected at meetings of the nobility and clergy.
- Hindasvint - fought against the rebellious nobility, is considered the last strong king of the Visigoths.
- Wamba - strengthened secular power, but not for long, as he was overthrown.
- Erwig - reconciled with the clergy, limited the rights of the Jews, repelled the attacks of the Franks.
- Egik - brutally persecuted Jews who were deprived of all rights, sold into slavery, and children from the age of seven were taken away from their relatives and given for re-education in Christian families.
The ruler of Wamba was overthrown in a rather cunning way. He was given a drink to drink that rendered him unconscious. The courtiers decided that the ruler was dead and dressed him in monastic robes. It was the custom to do so. As a result, the king moved to a spiritual rank, having lost his power. After Wamba woke up, he had to sign a renunciation and go to a monastery.
The final fall of the state
At the end of the seventh century, Egik made his son co-ruler. Later, Vitz began to rule on his own. Wititz's successor was Roderich. At this time, the Visigoths faced a strong enemy - the Arabs.
Tariq was the leader of the Arabs. At the beginning of the eighth century, heThe army crossed Gibr altar and was able to defeat the Goths in the battle of Guadaleta. The king of the Visigoths died in this battle.
Quite quickly, the Arabs managed to conquer the peninsula, on which they created the Emirate of Cordoba.
The success of the Arab conquest is associated with many factors:
- weakness of the royal power of the Visigothic kingdom;
- the constant struggle of the Gothic nobility for the throne;
- the conquerors skillfully manipulated their opponents, they offered the Visigoths acceptable terms of surrender.
Many noble Goth families accepted the new government. They retained their lands, the ability to manage their affairs. They were also allowed to keep the faith.
The Visigoths still existed in the northeastern lands. They were able to resist the Arabs and did not let them into their territory. Agila II became king there. The surviving lands became a springboard for the Reconquista. Medieval Spain also subsequently emerged from the kingdom.

The Goths were originally pagans. In the first half of the fourth century, they became adherents of the Arian direction of the Christian faith. In this they were helped by a priest named Vulfil. First, he himself converted to Christianity in Constantinople, and after that he compiled an alphabet for the Gothic language. He also translated the Bible into Gothic, calling it the Silver Codex.
The Visigoths were Arians until the end of the sixth century, until in 589 the king proclaimed Western Christianity the main religion. In other words, the Visigoths became Catholics. By the endexistence of the kingdom, the clergy enjoyed significant privileges and had many rights. They could influence the election of the next king.
To understand who the Visigoths are, you should learn more about their cultural heritage. It is known that in architecture they used horseshoe-shaped arches, made masonry from hewn stone, and decorated buildings with floral or animal ornaments. The architecture of the Goths, as well as the sculpture, was significantly influenced by the art of Byzantium.
Famous Germanic Tribal Churches:
- San Juan de Banos - was founded under King Rekkesvinton in Palencia.
- Santa Comba - created in the eighth century in Ourense.
- San Pedro - created in Zaragoza.
Thanks to the discovery of treasures in Gvarrazar, researchers were able to learn a lot about the applied art of the Visigoths. They were buried near Toledo. It is assumed that the treasures were gifts from kings for the church.
All items were made of gold. They were decorated with precious stones, among which were agate, sapphires, rock crystal, pearls.
The find in Guarrazar was not the only one. In the course of other archaeological excavations, items made of metal, glass, and amber were found. These were beads, buckles, brooches, brooches.

Based on the findings, the researchers concluded that in the early period of the Visigoths' existence, they made bronze jewelry. They were decorated with colored inserts made of glass, enamel, semi-precious stones of red shades. Products of the late period were created underByzantine influence. They made an ornament inside the plate, the motifs were plant, animal or religious themes.
The most famous find is the crown of Rekkesvinta. It is made in the form of a wide gold hoop, on which are placed twenty-two pendants made of gold letters and precious stones. From the letters you can read the phrase, which translates as "The Gift of King Rekkesvinta." The precious crown is suspended by four golden chains, which are fastened at the top with a lock resembling a flower. A chain descends from the center of the castle, at the end of which there is a massive cross. It is made of gold and decorated with sapphires and pearls.