What is reality? Meaning of the word

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What is reality? Meaning of the word
What is reality? Meaning of the word

In our life it is very important to distinguish between what is reality and what is a fictional world. Most life goals begin to turn into tangible things only thanks to the imagination of a person. But often some people can lose the connection between material objects and fictitious ones. This phenomenon is called distorted or subjective reality.

Dictionary definitions

The semantic meaning of what reality is has generally accepted criteria. But each individual has his own ideas about the world, they distort the events taking place. The word realis comes from the Latin language and means "real, material, tangible".

What is reality
What is reality

What is in the dictionaries:

  • Existing things in reality, something that can be felt, touched.
  • There are material objects in the description of reality.
  • Reality can be the result of one's consciousness.
  • Everything that exists around is reality.
  • Real things and events do not require proof that they exist.

The description of the word is given in dictionaries compiled by experts inquestion by people. However, reality is a comprehensive concept, so that a false idea of the facts of being does not appear, it will take a lot of time to study the works of philosophers. It is impossible to contain the huge meaning of the word in one definition. Scientists have created entire volumes of literature in this area.

Difficulties in perceiving the world around us

To feel what reality is, you need to look at things from a distance. Existing objects are modified by how we perceive them. The time and place of what is happening matters. If you use your own views on things, then errors of perception or involuntary formation of illusions are possible.

essence of reality
essence of reality

The essence of reality is contained in the objects themselves, things, events. The definition is based on unproven facts of the existence of being, of everything that exists in the surrounding world. However, heated debate continues to this day about the meaning of the word and its origins. Scholars have continued to debate reality since the 13th century, comparing it to other things, events.

A huge number of sources describing the word "reality" can give the most complete picture of the existing world. However, even after studying all kinds of literature, researchers cannot give a concise and capacious definition of the term. With the change of centuries, views and ways of approaching the study of existing works change, and, accordingly, there is a multiple distortion of the final information.

Distortion of representations

Philosophers around the world describe in their own way what reality is. For personalviews are influenced by the surrounding world of a person and his own worldview. Consciousness creates invisible facets that make it difficult to think abstractly. But by examining all available views, one can get closer to understanding reality.

facets of reality
facets of reality

Only an infant can accept reality without any change in it. The mature brain has already been saturated with its own ideas about the world in the process of becoming a person. The older a person is, the more he moves away from the essence of things. According to most philosophers, only a person who knows the true faith in God is able to see the true nature of things.

All ardent supporters of the material origin of things before death changed their views, giving preference to the spiritual knowledge of the world. Imagination is the culprit and at the same time it is a barrier to accepting objects as they really are. Most people live within the boundaries of their own established ideas about the universe.

Definitions in the writings of philosophers

The meaning of the word "reality" for famous thinkers:

  • Leibniz defines it with the word "monad", which is an eternal substance. It is indivisible and intangible.
  • Spinoza singled out many degrees of reality, among which the main one is substance.
  • Locke considered reality as the quality of things, divided into primary and secondary.
  • Berkeley defined reality in descending steps beginning with God, andending in material things.
  • Spencer viewed definition as the result of the creation of consciousness.
  • Kant divided reality into empirical and categorical.
  • Fichte became a supporter of the point of view of the origin of reality from the active work of the imagination.
  • Hegel associated the term simultaneously with ontology (the doctrine of everything that exists) and the logical definition of surrounding objects.
  • Brentano establishes reality as the result of relationships or events.
  • Schiller defines the term as the result of the creativity of the individual's mental activity.
  • Bergson considers defining the source of reality from the impulse of life.
dreams and reality
dreams and reality

Each work of a philosopher is his own point of view on the foundations of being. Reality is often compared to humanity's source code. True secrets are mentally impossible to know. The knowledge of the term is taken from the instinctive approach to the study of material objects.

Multiple synonyms for the word

The word "reality" has a huge number of definitions, each of which can be applied to describe it:

  • substance, reality, monad;
  • material world, tangible things, tangible events;
  • logically determined events, the result of the work of consciousness;
  • naturalness of things, liveliness and simplicity;
  • tangible initialstructure of matter, the world around us, everyday life;
  • objective world, the physical and biological reality of man;
  • intuitive things that are hard to even dispute.

Thought game

We set the limits of reality for ourselves from birth. Everything that is inaccessible to our understanding is relegated to the realm of the unreal. Often God is ranked among non-existent objects, since it is impossible to physically feel him. But to dispute its existence is rather problematic. Most researchers agree on one conclusion: reality is an indisputable truth. Everything that exists comes from real things. An undeniable and unproven substance, perceived at the subconscious level.

The meaning of the word reality
The meaning of the word reality

The complexity of the perception of the term depends on the upbringing of the younger generation. The first immutable phrase even before school is the expression that a person is the creator of the future, he is able to change reality. This is an erroneous description of the surrounding world, which is nevertheless based on the immutability of the universe. The origins of delusions are cast by the elders. The brain of a wild person is more disposed to the knowledge of reality than people living in a technocratic age.


Thoughts are material - a frequent phrase in modern society. Dreams and reality are inseparable. This is the essence of changing one's own consciousness. The world is perceived the way we want to see it. However, philosophy considers a different approach to understanding things: the mind is a mirror and reflects the world aroundselectively.

myth or reality
myth or reality

The following description of the term can be given: dreams are the result of a person's active thinking, and since consciousness is real, then its fruits contain some degree of reality. In other words, the fruit of the imagination is able to cross the boundaries of the fictional world and become a materially tangible object. This shows that everything in the universe is relative.


Myth or reality often act as equivalent things. But people often mythologize events to make things easier to understand. The fictional image is superimposed on the really existing foundations of being. After all, it is not easy to describe divine phenomena in simple language.

Even modern scientists still cannot give a correct interpretation of the purpose of the spiritual life of mankind. The myth acts as a link for the correct movement of consciousness to the true and immutable facts of being.