Agrarian University has been functioning in Ufa for about 88 years. This figure, which characterizes the duration of the existence of an educational institution, is already quite large and significant. During this period, the university won victories and faced difficulties. The educational institution has always coped with the problems thanks to the hard work of teachers and the efforts of students. Today, the Bashkir Agrarian University in Ufa is a large university with about 8,000 students.
What the university is famous for
The Bashkir Agrarian University, which exists in Ufa today, can be safely called a major scientific and educational center. And this is not a lie and advertising. At the disposal of the university there are 7 educational buildings, in which all classrooms are equipped, laboratories are equipped. To conduct high-quality activities, the university has created experimental fields, a training apiary, greenhouses, a collection yard for farm animals and birds, a modern machine and tractor park, etc.
Annually, the university graduatesqualified specialists who can easily find a job in their speci alty. The demand for graduates is due not only to the fact that during all the years of study, classes were conducted using a good material and technical base. A huge merit belongs to the teaching staff, which includes academicians, scientists, honored professors, young, but purposeful teachers.

What majors are offered
Bashkir Agrarian University in Ufa offers applicants a wide range of educational programs for bachelor's and specialist's degrees. All of them can be combined into several groups:
- veterinary medicine and biotechnology;
- agritech and forestry;
- mechanical and energy speci alties;
- construction and nature management;
- food technology;
- economic majors.
You can find out about all speci alties at the Admissions Committee of the Agrarian University of Ufa or at open days. These events for applicants are held on certain days in February and March. At open days, applicants are provided with all the information about the chosen faculties, answers to questions about admission, competitions are held.

How to get into university
To enter the Ufa Agricultural University, schoolchildren need to successfully pass the entrance examinations in the form of the Unified State Examination. The university takes into account the results in 3 subjects, but not in any, but in certain ones. For example, for admission to "agronomy" it is required to pass biology, mathematics (professional level) and Russian language, for admission to "thermal power engineering and heat engineering" - mathematics (professional level), physics and Russian language.
Schools register quite early for the exam, so after moving to grade 11, students should immediately think about choosing their future profession. You can find out about the list of subjects that must be passed in the form of the Unified State Examination at any time in the most convenient way:
- call the Admissions Committee of the Agrarian University of Ufa at the phone number;
- go to the official website of the educational institution;
- come to the university in person at the address: Ufa, street of the 50th anniversary of October, 34.

How to prepare for admission
Preparation for admission is a very important period in the life of every applicant. The Admissions Committee of the Agrarian University of Ufa offers assistance. It carries out registration for preparatory courses of various forms of training and of different duration. There are, for example, full-time three-month courses. First classes start in March.
There are also part-time courses at the university. They are most suitable for students in rural schools. Days are set aside for meetings with teachers during the holidays. The rest of the time, students study the educational material on their own. They perform tests in two subjects. Further work is checked by teachers. Experts comment on all errors, give additionalexplanations. Further, these control with all corrections and notes are returned to students.

The Admissions Committee of the Agricultural University in Ufa works year-round, so on any weekday you can visit the university and learn more about it. Employees are always happy to welcome guests and try to convey to them all the advantages of the educational institution.