What is the meaning of the word "separatism"

What is the meaning of the word "separatism"
What is the meaning of the word "separatism"

Explaining the meaning of the word "separatism" is often difficult. This is due to the fact that, firstly, it is of foreign origin, and, secondly, it refers to political terminology. Nevertheless, it is often used in the media, and anyone who wants to understand the current political situation both in our country and around the world should get to know the meaning of the word “separatism” better.

Let's look at the dictionary

Separatism in Catalonia
Separatism in Catalonia

The dictionary says the following about what the word "separatism" means. This term is marked "political" and is characterized as the desire of a certain group of people to separate, to stand apart from the majority.

And also this concept refers to political processes and practical actions that are aimed at ensuring that part of the territory of the state is separated from it. At the same time, the goal is to create a new independent state or to obtainwide autonomy.

An example of the use of the word: “Faced with a real manifestation of separatism, Russia in 2000 by force regained control over the territory that was the subject of claims by the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Whereas control over Tatarstan, which did not sign the federal treaty and proclaimed international subjectivity and sovereignty, was established with the help of a treaty-unification process.”

Synonyms and etymology

To properly understand what the word "separatism" means, let's look at its synonyms and origin.

Because it's a very specific term, it has few synonyms. These include the following:

  • tribalism;
  • the desire to isolate;
  • desire to separate;
  • claim for independence.

The word under study comes from the French noun séparatisme, which was formed from the Latin adjective separatus, meaning "separate, special." It, in turn, comes from the Latin verb separare, which translates as "separate, separate." This verb was obtained by adding se-, expressing separation, elimination to parāre, meaning "to prepare, prepare, organize, arrange", originating from Proto-Indo-European perə.

Next, consider the meaning of the word "separatism" in more detail.

Two opposites

European separatism
European separatism

The desire for separateness can be viewed from two perspectives. On the one hand, it has a basis inas one of the international principles expressing the right of every people to self-determination. Often separatism manifests itself in the form of a national liberation movement, as well as decolonization.

But there is another side of the coin. The desire for secession leads to a contradiction with another international principle that proclaims sovereignty, unity and integrity, and the inviolability of state borders. This often leads to conflicts both within and between states.

When the cause of separatism is a gross violation of the rights of the people and the individual, religious and racial groups, it can also play a positive role. This took place in the struggle against colonialism, for the creation of new nation-states.

In conclusion of the consideration of the meaning of the word "separatism", it is worth mentioning some of its varieties.

Types of separatism

Religious separatism
Religious separatism

It is divided into species according to several criteria. So, for example, according to the goals pursued by certain groups:

  • Separatism stands out, aiming to secede and form an independent state. This includes Kurdish separatism in Turkey and Uighur separatism in China.
  • Another goal is to secede and join another state. (Movement for the annexation of Chinese Inner Mongolia to the state of Mongolia).
  • The third type of goal is to keep the region within the country, but with the acquisition of greater autonomy. (The struggle of the autonomy of Corsica for the expansion of rights within France).

The types of separatism are also distinguished according towith put forward requirements, of which there are three:

  1. Demanding political freedoms and economic benefits that are infringed.
  2. Demanding independence.
  3. Struggle for indigenous rights and land.

Ethnic and religious separatism can also be, depending on which minority is in favor of secession.
